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Everything posted by Chadatious

  1. r u coming on the ride out stan? yes stan
  2. ah thats what the holes in bottom of forks are for? right its new to em once ive done soemthing im fine.
  3. ony problem i had is my new medication means ive put on some needed weight. but my leathers wouldnt fit they were rather tight
  4. you say damper is that my adjustable suspension at the top? i have some thing i put on that means you can wind them out with your hands
  5. got jordans money ill pop bank in the morning mark and then send you both of out monies
  6. thanks for the advice guys ill have to do them soon. may as well learn now!
  7. same was bit nippy, but clutch was in and it was mild. its like a new bike pulls away a lot quicker too now oh and hey hayden!
  8. Lol that would explain the 'cow car' it wasn't a spray job, it was patches of discoloured dirt :p lmao what cow car? my cars grey and blue! You mean it is now it's had a wash not at all. that car will always be the cow car anyway. i even have a little cow mascot my boss got me in there
  9. Their not USD. And ah okay I'll make a frame to hang the bike on again
  10. What's the deal? I always kill them at some point so time to learn I think. I've done same problem Mark had as a mate fitted cheap seels for me. But just wondering how tricky it is what it involves etc?
  11. That's a bummer mate but they have good medications and ways to control it now
  12. last service before i did it says semi on the receipt so should be find! only did 500 miles and is motul! might be riding the bike tomorrow been 3 months
  13. quick question thought the oil i took out is in clean container and looks fine, and isnt even brown much its done less than 500 miles. if the bike was run on full and i pout semi synthetic in would it show? or not? just curious? just pain i spent £30 on oil to not have even run it in?
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