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Everything posted by Chadatious

  1. i remember that bloke who died and on tv they turned him into a mummy. they pickled his body and everything. was big gruesome
  2. yeah honda will be better made, has more power. but is heavier etc. the ktm superdude a goon bike and im young. ones in local might see if i can get a test ride just for fact i wont regret not trying one then
  3. i bet kev a pint he cant pass his test by end of march, obviously mine will be lemonade. but this could be interesting
  4. right had my full licence 3 and half years, with 4 years protected no claims i did some quotes. firstly i thought a cb1000r at £342 was really good. just did a quote on a ktm superduke 990. £244 couldnt believe how low that is! both fully comp quotes
  5. im not the biggest s1000rr fan but this video does make them look rather crazy
  6. stuff like this i find quite weird not my cuppa. there was this one what was a while ago http://blog.motorcycle.com/2010/04/28/manufacturers/honda/not-even-death-can-stop-him-from-riding/
  7. so are you comparing your bike to a tank?
  8. lazy sod I was up at 6.30 and was still drunk drink is for wimps
  9. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2014/01/28/how-to-test-the-brakes-on-a-tank_n_4678752.html?icid=maing-grid7%7Cuk%7Cdl9%7Csec1_lnk3%26pLid%3D239572&utm_hp_ref=fb&src=sp&comm_ref=false
  10. my alarm goes off, i think right i better move then fall straight back to sleep. then its rushing to work. ooops
  11. make that 120. in one hand out the other and never know some people might nearer the time mark just hope they get a bed
  12. Nice one. I will be there. Got 80 quid put away already towards it
  13. yeah my cars 6k miles in the book. and i dont do the mileage on a bike to be honest ive done 3k on the ninja just about in 18 months and had 2 services one when i got it and one not so long ago. i dotn ride much in winter
  14. good idea but couple things come to mind someone could dump all your oil out when parked? and also if its low it could knock the lever or rip it off? maybe something mroe flush, with a special key to do it would be better?
  15. what is ? dick travelling south? can you breath the air dick or is it not that far down?
  16. Here is their website Garry http://www.saddlecraft.com/ They make their own Gel inserts and are twice as thick as normal, hope that means twice as comfortable! We will just see your arms and legs sticking out of the seat where you have sunk into the gel
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