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Everything posted by Chadatious

  1. She won't scratch it. But her new friend might
  2. ooops meant to quote of leather trousers. i have used some under trouser armour though in motocross and was good for that, saved myy knees many times.
  3. well few nic naks sorted, tandard horn back on, and a good clean soon be time to sell it. going to miss this bike. minus the few problems which were just wear and tear (clutch, radiator) and me dropping it and having to respray it. it as been a good bike and hasnt be run for 5-6 weeks today it was on the button! also had my little helper! or not helping you could say!
  4. Chadatious

    Air horn

    Any good to anyone. very loud, box said 136db. you would need to run a relay from the battery to put more amps to it, i used a 35w relay and it was fine. only took it off as i broke the relay ages ago and instead of redoing it all im putting the stock horn on to sell the bike. i just tested it off the battery and all works fine. cost me £28 a few months back but if anyone wants it call it £10 posted?
  5. Dave they never tend to be comfy at first I find. Mine took a while to stretch and soften up. Might just be me
  6. Chunk off roofs come off at work :/
  7. your going on the july meet aren't you?
  8. fancy coming south? couple of my lot said they would be up for southern camping trip. and matt (fr499y) said possibly
  9. cool I am not brave enough to try something else but if you find something you like and trust why not dave! im still experimenting, but the road 3's are my next try
  10. it was bad enough getting blown about in the car today let alone the bike. been very wet too today.
  11. yes went to essex last week, its like a different world
  12. My blond girlfriend just said to me... Did you know butterflies only live for two days....? I said honey that’s a myth. No she says it’s definitely a butterfly
  13. Chadatious


    My wife said. I’m sick and tired of you being so lazy, pack your bags and leave. I said... You pack em
  14. todays been fine! yesterday was awful though! south west it getting hit worst i think?
  15. been blooming windy today! hope everyone okay, anyone had much damage?? we have at work, the roof is now leaking bad, and the office roof as leaked soaking loads of bits some electrical! and my neighbour keeps chasing about 10 fence panels down the road!
  16. no go dave sorry mate, realised thursday ive got to come off my medication for more tests next week last time i was without it i was starting to black out and stuff messes me up bit time. shame it wasnt weekend after. maybe next time
  17. terrible! locally it was bad christmas time, local farmers sheep downed. but its nothing like those poor people are going though!
  18. dont have that problem being a fair weathered biker
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