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Everything posted by Chadatious

  1. http://www.motorcyclenews.com/mcn/news/newsresults/general-news/2013/december/dec1813-hein-gericke-back-in-administration/_/R-EPI-142589 wondered why the Maidstone branch was shut yesterday afternoon as i drove past, so it seems to be that they are in administration again.
  2. Been going round a while this. Think he just needed his hands cut off thriving scum
  3. i couldnt trust those segway things!
  4. Blimey. Foxes oftern wake me up here screaming. Sounds like someone being murdered
  5. youll be suddenly pulling over taking your boots off!!! just make sure their waterproof or your feet will be tingerling to say the least!
  6. Know what everyone's just asked for, now for crimbo.
  7. I was always told 4 years of the date. I'm proper picky on tyres though as I tend to push them quite hard at times :/ But Deffo good info.
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