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Everything posted by Chadatious

  1. very cool! need to get up the ace again soon!!
  2. Thought id just jump this out there. on the win a forum badge, one person so far has realised the aim of the game easys mistake thou. has everyone not realised its worded to allow you to comment and the number post that you are on is your chosen number, not that you choose numbers?
  3. Ill be honest I don't know who he is. Bit before my bikeing time. But very sad R.I.P
  4. nice one dave! bet that was a bit nippy, was freezing at work this morning im at that stage where im missing the bike but, being in bits for the clutch and forks its kind of out of sight out of mind so it makes it that bit easier
  5. well i bet his undies needed a wash! http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=5b1_1385786192
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