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Everything posted by Chadatious

  1. I do, but im always out! so can still keep up to date on here, facebook, ebay, bank, etc!
  2. honestly cant live without and android phone!
  3. just looked on o2, still owe the finance thing they do for o2 recycle £330 skint, boss paid me £50 short this week. looks like off to tesco to buy a £10 phone for a week or so till i can sort it!
  4. im in a bit of a pickle! anyone fix or know where i could get my phone fixed. i dropped it in a pot of paint thinners, bottom half of touch screen doesnt work and the speaker rattled a bit. case has cracks where paint ate into it, but thats not my concern. sods law still have 21 months left on the contract
  5. thats like our roads now isnt it? Just be careful here, I work for a road surfacing contractor Only in the North so you southern softies get what you lot decide to put down ride to Sussex it's fine. See the welcome to Kent sign and it's all holes and cracking roads
  6. 25 notes for the socket Heavy duty dick. Even banditmike an swing off it and it wont break Sounds like a challenge that
  7. blimey, proper old school. shame they cant remake it
  8. Anyone heard of Brooklands race track? my boss went there today and said it was the first track, and birthplace of motorsport. am I missing something? ive never heard of this place?
  9. I found a pair of angel eyes still with the xenon on the, and they were £280 the pair, I think its the way to go!Thats a good price. yeah. wings looking about £150, bumper about the same, and the bonnet will repair. so hopefully she will have got herself a cheap car! just need to get it recovered to the workshop now
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