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Everything posted by Chadatious

  1. ooooh!! dick has a little surprise coming now! and Ross has a cheeky something on his envelope
  2. tell me about it! now im lost without it!
  3. its a htc one mini mate! looking at price of parts i think its a no go!
  4. Im sure they will look spot on chad. they smell fresh mark! the mind boggles, sounds like a bit of a fetish going on there Chad! can't wait to smell mine!! may well be! just smell like freshley printed calendars! ill be packaging them tomorrow guys, cant find my large envelopes so ill get some tomorrow and then post them friday morning before work!
  5. Im sure they will look spot on chad. they smell fresh mark!
  6. good news! they are here!! bad news i cant show you guys a sneaky pic due to having no phone! so you will just have to wait!!!
  7. dont! I thought of insuring it and leaving it to claim, but the texts are unread etc they will soon know, put insurance down for my phone and laptop now, but im just going to have to find £300 for a new one
  8. Happy birthday Dave!!!! have a great day
  9. probably because most are ally now. send them to me ill put some pink and glitter on them for you
  10. if i was a millionaire i would buy a set see what they say.
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