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Everything posted by Chadatious

  1. Who was that on the number 1 bike?
  2. really enjoyed it. didnt quite realise how what riders and what bikes some of them are on have changed!!
  3. worse one my mum had was she sent a phone off on insurance and left the sim card in the phone. the clocked up a £500 phone bill buying stuff over the phone etc. but they caught the woman who worked for the insurance company calling her other half who was in Germany at the time with the army. Justice feels good! hope you resolve the problem though lee!
  4. how did it feel? I hate haircuts, I sit there all fidgety.......
  5. hers has Norton security I believe. he is lethal her work laptop has the schools high security and he got a virus on that, he doesn't go near my computer! way we knew was it kept acting slow, and then the security picked it up a week or so later. Other way is someone at a place that you have paid via card have took the details down. remember on watchdog where people even in Tesco cloned customers cards etc?
  6. only if ya want it no change there then! dreading meeting more of you next year
  7. Thanks guys, I take it this means I get more abuse
  8. Check your computer mate? dad some how got a spy virus on mums laptop once and it gave them access to so many details they tried it on. they all find ways, thieving scum bags!
  9. never seen a tre? sounds interesting..................
  10. how do you " shrug your Should " ?? how did that even happen im on my laptop
  11. mentioned to my boss about having the friday off and he shrugged his should and said yeah! thats is officially my way of booking days off
  12. yeah seen that one, i like the porno mag one, just causally reading it while rididng, mayfair i think its called?
  13. not saying your dodgy chad,just thought ya mate was having it but good to hear ya going to replace it all know you want mate, just saying im not, by not bodging it lol. i sold my bandit to a mat, bit me in the backside anyway, i sold it with a fresh ticket, he took it out and killed the electrics then told everyone i sold him a bike that never run, yet he rode it with no licence. but all in the past fun fun
  14. ross! you sod i keep watching apple von crumble videos now!! kills the time that mum has strictly not dancing on thou
  15. my mates not having it now, but i will be selling it so i will replace the clutch and battery im not a dodgy dealer. going to be anouther £100 for those two but itll be all good for next owner!
  16. U wont find any crap up north chad its all down south oh yeah forgot you all live on farms and dont have shops! We don't need shops chad we live off the land you wouldn't last up here i can think of many things farms dont have
  17. its still 2013 :P if i can go money wise im sure my boss will let me have it off, hes good like that!
  18. U wont find any crap up north chad its all down south oh yeah forgot you all live on farms and dont have shops!
  19. oxford, meta alarms, ventura, bag foudn the meta alarms sticker with all the kwaks paperwork lol!
  20. ok it could be plates the friction plate the solid metal bit is 2mm, there must be 1mm of friction plate either side making it 2.2mm, service limit is 2.2mm if i take it right? so im guessing they are too worn down?? bike has done 39k now, and i do ride it hard at times!
  21. look dick the oxford sticker from the chargers on it, wonder if people think i have visited oxford!
  22. i wont upload the pictures, but sent dave one. where i stabbed anouther finger! was very graphic!!!! but it on woooo!!! just need more crap to put on it, if i come up north next year ill see if i can find owt decided to see what i can collect along my travels
  23. Just stabbed my finger so there's the blood. And mums got tears of laughter. Bitch!
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