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Everything posted by Chadatious

  1. sounds like a nob. gives people who have passion for modifying cars a bad name!
  2. 55 plate x5 mate and yes push in key with fob built in
  3. thanks mate. all we need just before crimbo! hope we can find the old one, one thing that is a worry is who has it. hopefully no one but cars stuck there and if someones found they key i hope their not dodgy. but hopefully will get sorted just need to eye up the options on what to do about replacing it
  4. Any idea on costs?no idea mate but it wont be cheap its a bmw Noo. It's my boss paying. Just need to sort it. Worry is where's they key. Hoping to find it but it's been two days already
  5. As posted above mate. Way it's happened is a nightmare.
  6. Keys been lost. Can a new one to match the car be done off the plate or is it new ecu time?
  7. as in the title! a key has been lost, need some information. thanks
  8. Handy for the boss. He's got too many cars on work
  9. im keeping all my old tax disc ill be rich when im the age of most of the members on here was bound to happen, and the idea of direct debit sounds good, but one cock up and it doesn't get paid your suddenly not legal to drive, may be more hassle than it is worth.
  10. My house is bang in flood zone I'm like less than a mile from a very flat beach oooh
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