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Everything posted by Tromo3

  1. My game gotten slower.And the old loading screen is more beautiful than the new one. The new one is too modern looking.
  2. My last butterfly was red. And I have 2 Blue, 2 Green, 3 Pink, 10 Red and 1 Yellow Butterfly.
  3. I started playing Planet Domo and Hotshot, but stopped playing Restaruant City, Happy Pets and cooking Mama
  4. ...have any PS item in real life what item will it be?And why? I will choose Japan Snowglobe.Why? I love snowglobes, and the country I want to visit most is Japan.
  5. I adore them. They are so adorable.I'll try to have them all. I hope that in the next week there is belllatrix plushie and Voldemort plushie.
  6. Spoilers are up, Week is A-mazing! Too bad of CC Bundles.
  7. I am entering PS. Waiting to see what is the new free gift. EDIT: No free gift, bisvuit and envelpoe are no more new.
  8. I thikn they will be late cause of the loading issues or something.
  9. I am going on the balcony to read the "Old man and the sea"
  10. Tromo3

    Planet Domo

    Do you like the game?
  11. Tromo3

    Planet Domo

    No wonder it is familiar. Probably saw it somewhere looking or animes. I think this game shares 1st place with Pet Socety and My shops.
  12. Tromo3

    Planet Domo

    Is Domo a fictinal character from a cartoon, show or anime? Or game maybe?
  13. Pet Name: Woofette Level: 45 Item I want: The Dog Statue in room 3
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