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Everything posted by Tromo3

  1. I remember when we had a hotel in the square where there are cafees, loud music. And when the fisherman's night was a lot of talking singing competitions (which means talking on microphone). Best are houses away from the square.
  2. Tromo3

    Rigorous diet..

    Tip: The best substitue for Ice cream is Watermelon.
  3. I can't play it anymore. I will just visit for the lottery, and LE. I can't even decorate my room without irritation and I was so looking for a Japanese room. It is just UGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!
  4. PF is really stupid or mean. Every active member on TOf is begging them to remove it and they don't do anything.
  5. eI went to play Geo Challenge and discovered that you can play Europe and USA tour for free.
  6. Sent you Groom and the valentine bear.
  7. Hope everything gets fine.
  8. @smorkle Thanks!My mum's friend from high school is the owner so she let us stay in the apartment for free and we can invite someone.Good luck finding a perfect house. But in an apartment you can always imagine you are on sea. Sitting on a balcony on a sunny day always cures my missing sea bad mood. @Nancy Beautiful place. In the first picture, is the house in the background the place you are staying?
  9. Well, yes, PF ruined the game with CC. I know they have to live from something, but making something people collect to real money is just speechless. TOday I visitied some friends that played last year and never after. I miss the old ME.
  10. I agree with all of you. Even if Dr. Pepper isn't in shops here, but disabling something for other countries or applying for only some countries is just snobbish.
  11. Here are some pictures: Tučepi from a mountain nearby
  12. I am watching some old photos on my computer. EDIT: I look funny on pictures. I can't believe that I remember some photos like yesterday happened.Miss playing house
  13. False You are addicted to animes?
  14. This happened cause the potion expired while I was playing.
  15. There is no smiley that will show me ( Lucky l live on the last floor, cause than neighbors that live above me would lost their ceiling). So Happy!!!! Can't wait for Wednesday. P.S: WHat is Pre-Premiere? I never heard of it.
  16. Tromo3

    Two choices

    Justin Bieber Selena Gomez or Miley Cyrus
  17. Tickle other people Use it as a decoration Make a Dream catchers 3 thing you can do with the sea?
  18. true You are addicted to Ice cream?
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