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Desiree (Starpop)

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Everything posted by Desiree (Starpop)

  1. lol! I went to fill out paper work today and I got the job!!! So I am pretty happy about that! Posted on the testimony portion!! smooches desiree
  2. Thanks to all the saints who touched and agreed with me concerning this new job! God is soo good! I begin work on Thursday! I give God ALL the glory because this will keep me preoccupied until time to go into school!!! God has even worked out the situation concerning school!! PRAISE GOD IN THE HIGHEST! ALL BLESSING FLOW THROUGH GOD!! I AM JUST SO ELATED ABOUT WHAT GOD IS DOING! I AM CRYING BECAUSE I AM OVERWHELMED BY HIS GOODNESS AND FAVOR :PTL: smooches and God bless you all tremendously! I love you with all that's in me! IF GOD DID IT FOR ME HE CAN SURELY DO IT FOR YOU! desiree
  3. he IS able girlie!! There was a testimony that Mia posted about this woman who couldn't have children; within 4 months of Mia having a dream about someone getting pregnant, the woman's pregnancy test was positive! tell me that's not God! Both Sarah, hannah, and Rachel conceived when it was medically impossible for them too. God can do anything! God is the god of the impossible and he wants to "give you the desires of your heart". Children are a gift from God and God will give you that gift. i touch and agree with you that God will work the miracle. When you pray and believe in your heart without doubt, you shall have what you've asked for (matthew 21:22). God is a man of his word and HE will fulfill his word/promises made to you! I encourage you to keep on persevering and standing on God's word. Watch your miracle happen! This is your year seeker! smooches desiree
  4. I don't understand the question :huh: (blonde moment) Please explain
  5. I actually had a dream similar to this one--where the car I was in (riding in the backseat) ended up flying into the air like an airplane. I too saw the town from down below. I wonder if God is elevating both you and your husband above some issues that you two had problems with in the past? Even though you are scared about this "new level" and experience, God will show you some (everything) quickly and it will begin to bring "relief"--"cloud nine" type of feeling? please pray on what I've said desiree
  6. Thanks to you both--you guys are true blessings!! Be ready for my praise report!!!!
  7. Its been said that "just like it takes a long time to develop a habit, it will take the same amount of time/effort to break it." The subject that we're talking about here is a habit and you have to take necessary steps to "get out of the habit". You have to Retrain your mind/way of thinking. It may not be easy but making the effort and perservering will lead to success. Try "killing" this habit within the next 30 days (which has also been said is the amount of time needed to "break/develop" a habit). Come back with your progress report and before you know it--you will be free from this!! Peace and Blessings desiree p.s. read your personal message-thanks!
  8. Hey precious Saints! I am asking that you all touch and agree with me that I will have this brand new Job very soon that I've been seeking for a while! The manager makes a decision Monday to see if she wants me! God is my source and I know within my heart that this is it--atleast something to settle me before I return back to school! Thank you in advance for all the prayers! Love you all VERY VERY much! (words cannot express) smooches desiree
  9. Will do!! It is done in Jesus name!! We pray that HE will lead and direct you to make the best decision!! smooches desiree
  10. It's hard for me to cast down imaginations the way some of these ministers tell us to do it by speaking to it and casting it down so when my mind wants to go there from time to time, I turn on praise and worship music or turn on a CD of a message that I purchased from my Pastor or my favorite minister from tv or somerthing. You have to learn how to replace the thoughts because our actions begin in our thoughts. ...good point jadams. You have to do what works for you until you overcome that issue! Actions DO follow thoughts. "As a man thinketh, so is he". I love it!!!
  11. Thanks Sunshine! I can say the same for you (you brought up some good points!) Vile, true intimacy comes from God. Once you know how to "be intimate with him" he will do the rest! I encourage you to spend more time alone with God and read 1 Corinthians 13 as much as you can (because that's what Love/intimacy stems from). Serving others and helping in their needs in the best way to get out of selfishness (ie: thinkng about self in this case). Be blessed desiree
  12. That's normal. You just have to "cast down those thoughts" that you know are thoughts of "lust". You may need to fast some (this will help you have more self-control). I wouldn't beat myself up about it because no matter "how saved" a man/woman is--he/she will still fall short at some point or another. Just be patient and make every thought "obediant to Christ". Don't watch movies or listen to music that could cause you to lust and in turn do self-pleasure. Temptation is not the sin, but its giving into it that is. Just keep focused and know that if you fall you can ask for forgiveness but continue to do better each time. Stand on God's word. Whenever a thought comes into your mind to "you know what"--get up and do something productive (walk, pray to God, read a good book, etc--just anything to get off that certain focus). This faith walk is a process so don't expect to see a drastic improvement overnight--but day by day, little by little you will overcome this thing (if that's what you really want of course)! God is able to deliver you. He wants you to have that great intimacy with your husband, just do your part by giving it to him and "staying pure and holy" before him. Many people think this topic is taboo but many (even in the church) deal with this problem--so dont feel embarrassed or alone! smooches and I hope that I've helped desiree
  13. RnestseekR Just keep seeking God and REST in Him (as someone mentioned). This isn't a good time right now but God can still provide for his people inspite of and make ways out of no ways (I encourage you to read my post under bible study and teachings: "how much do you love me") Sometimes things are just that: "a test". I know that God can provide for you and don't lose hope because he'll come through when you least expect it!! Be blessed desiree
  14. Thanks girlie!! To God be the glory I learned from the best! *wink
  15. Seeker, you are so sweet!! I am so glad that you were blessed beyond measure! It was a word for me too--God is Good!!! smooches and thank you! desi
  16. Amen and Amen! There are alot of couples having a hard time right now and I don't think that that is by coincidence! We do need to pray for married couples everywhere! There is a movie out that shows how "God can restore and heal marriages" and did JUST that for one couple who assumed theirs was over; it recieved good reviews (email me for the title) This is the season for restoration/healing and God IS doing it! Fight for our marriages because their unions established by God!!! I believe that alot of people just need to be taught on what a male and woman's role is in marriage. I wish there were more churches that had "marital counseling" in them. thanks for mentioning that point dear; my prayers are with those individuals. Marriage takes work (or so I've heard!!! ) smooches desiree
  17. One time I recieved that "Same burning" when I was watching a conference on television--it was a tape (now you KNOW the power of God is awesome if you can receive the presence through a tape!!!) I am just amazed at God's goodness! PRAISE HIM!
  18. Yall gonna have someone shout in here!! (not to mention speak in tongues!!! God IS Awesome Saints!
  19. Yes! Great idea! hey Mia, did you get to look at the dreams yet? Desi
  20. Thank you! I just felt personally that that is how God interacts with his children--it makes me cry! smooches galore desiree
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