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Desiree (Starpop)

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Everything posted by Desiree (Starpop)

  1. Jon, please read your inbox.
  2. Bracelets that deflect bullets-so cool and sooo feminine!!!lol... I love when women rule!!!lol ...I still love you GUYS out there though-what would we women do without you?!! thanks for your response smooches desiree
  3. I am so glad I have a place to come to express my concerns, fears, worries, and thoughts on God (with scriptures included!lol)...Ironically you guys, I prayed that I would have peace before Mia even mentioned it. Thanks so much you guys, God has truly given me more peace this week...I'm feeling better and better each day!!! smooches, I love you greatly! desiree :yes:
  4. Wonder woman is a good one!! I liked Linda Carter in the Wonder woman t.v. show! thanks for posting! desiree
  5. Awesome halfstep! I like Elijah list too as a matter of fact!! GOD IS GOOD (he leaves us speechless) desiree
  6. We thank you God that you're doing the work right now in this precious sister's life. We bind up every tactic of the enemy..."no weapon formed against her shall prosper". She will be successful and the blessings will overflow in her life! She will have more than enough! Thank you right now for it Lord! In jesus name desiree Come back with a testimony!! smooches
  7. The transformer's movie was pretty good-I felt like a kid again!!Lol (I have to say, I do LOVE batman-he's dark and mysterious, but nothin weak!!) thanks for your response desiree
  8. Praise OUR God for you Connie! you are so amazing and thanks for letting God use you. Yes, God will give me what I desire; its funny because I was praying on the matter and said, "in due season" (ie: God's timing). Your words are so pure. Again, thank you desiree "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God."-Matthew 5:8
  9. thanks connie! I receive it now!!! smooches desiree
  10. ANd cotton and polyester is NOT a good combination on the skin!!lol interesting words Mia desiree
  11. Devastating. Father God, we ask that you bring total peace to the situation. Healing and restoration. We bind up the enemies tactics to destroy! Give Leora's friend comfort. In jesus name Keep us updated on how your friend is coping okay? smooches desiree
  12. "shoodda-bought-a-honda"...."tie-my-tie-tie-your-tie"...eee-call-0h-mah-hy-ah"....duh-duh-duh-dee-dee..."suh-casa-mee-casa"....I was just tryin to speak with other tongues as well!!! Yall never heard those kinda tongues before have you?...I came with a NEW tongue!!Lol desiree
  13. Hey my babies!! This is Desiree As you all know, I've been having incessant dreams about my ex since the beginning of last year. God has been doing so much through me and for me since the break up. Without getting into details, I pray that you all will keep me in prayer because I realize that I need closure for this situation. I know that he has moved on physically, but he may not have necessarily emotionally yet. I desire to have this case closed. God has been revealing so much to me about my ex lately that it has been amazing! As I've told you all, my ex used to keep in touch with my family (until I told him not to, out of respect and so that I could move on) but he doesn't keep in touch with me personally (he does keep in touch on the other hand with others from his past and I KNOW that he is still concerned about my whereabouts and future-which perplexes me somewhat!)...I pray that you all will touch and agree with me that God would "soften" my ex's heart to open up to me. I know that this sounds crazy, but in the past I've tried to make amends (pursue peace) but my efforts have been unsuccessful. I DO NOT speak to him anymore and I haven't seen him in over 2 years. I want peace in my life and I feel like there's some loose ends that still need to be tied up inorder for me to completely move on and be prosperous. God is revealing things through my dreams, but I just need confirmation. I appreciate all that you guys have done for me since I've become a member. God is protectin me because I have integrity--so I have nothing to fear. He knows my heart and he knows that I just want total closure. pray for my closure in this situation so that God can get the glory!!! smooches God bless desiree :PTL:
  14. Connie, I think I wrote you a personal message on here-check your inbox. be blessed desiree
  15. I know one thing: I tried to speak in tongues before I was filled and couldn't!!!!lol....seriously, tongues HAS to be from God because there's so much transforming and renewing power that comes from it! Yall know the scripture..."and you shall receive POWER once the holy ghost has come upon you."-Acts 1:8 -I will have to go back and read the article because this may be mentioned, but I have a question: do you guys think that some people(like those who aren't saved) can disguise tongues? In other words, I wonder if there are people who can actually fake tongues (since this is the last days and God tells us to be careful to not be deceived) Just a thought. smooches desiree
  16. I like the hand clapping Mia! so cute!lol
  17. God will protect those who have integrity. you have the right motives. We know that God is going to do a miraculous work. Go in faith. "consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you."-Joshua 3:5 smooches desiree
  18. Definitely a testimony! so encouraging and so cool!! PRAISE HIM!!!! Hey Una, did you ever get my personal message to you? (check your inbox on this site) smooches Starpop
  19. Hey you all! Being the "entertainment guru" that I am*wink, I saw a news report this morning on something that I thought was unique and such a blessing: A baby girl was born on 8/8/08 at 8:08 am and weighed 6 pounds and 2 ounces-which equals 8! Is this baby tremendously blessed or what?!! God definitely has a plan for her and her family--new beginnings on their way!!! Just wanted to share and show of God's goodness in even the most insignificant things! smooches desiree
  20. Come on you guys...I need some more superhero stories!!!Lol desiree :joker:
  21. thank! I FINALLY GOT IT!! MUCH SMOOCHES BOO! desiree
  22. UNA I saw it in my spam to read it later, but when I returned it was gone!!! AHHHH! I AM SO AGGRAVATED....please, please, send it one more time (is there a way it can go to the inbocx?) Again, I apologize for the inconvenience thanks
  23. UNA...its 8/9. Send the email again please (I think I accidentally erased it...do you still have it?!) smooches desiree
  24. Hey UNA! yeah...you got it?! That is what it is. I desire to be a pop star until age 34! you're sooo smart!!Lol I will check my mail right now...I will let you know if I have it or not. smooches desiree
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