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Desiree (Starpop)

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Everything posted by Desiree (Starpop)

  1. God will open up the door! He is doing it all ready (piece by piece). Just continue to be that true Christian example to her--planting the seeds and let God do the rest! GOD IS GOOD! PRAISE HIM FOR YOUR SISTERS SALVATION BECAUSE ITS ALREADY DONE! smooches desiree
  2. We stand in agreemeent with you that God would open up doors that no man can shut and give you a house that is perfect for you!
  3. Am standing in prayer with you! Remember what your "personal quote says". God loves you and he is faithful to forgive you and wash you completely!
  4. thank you so much lovetoworshipJesus! I feel like crying!!Lol
  5. But remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your forefathers, as it is today. I know this scripture Mbstudent! Deuteronomy 8:18--one of my faves! I agree with you HisLightBeam, God is testing what's in my heart to see if I can believe in his word without waiver! Thank you all so very much for the encouragement, scriptures, and prayers! I pray that God bless you in abundance for your love and helpfulness towards me! IF GOD SAID IT, HE WILL DO IT! thank you thank you POWERFUL PEOPLE OF GOD! :PTL: smooches and goodnite desiree
  6. DEFINITELY...will do it! So sad! The mom's name is Desiree, even more easy to remember in prayer! thanks for posting
  7. Hey sister/brothers in Christ! Please touch and agree with me that God would provide me with the finances I need to continue my educational career and to take care of some personal things! I am REALLY in need of some money! thanks in advance desiree (aka Desi)
  8. What a wonderful testimony brother!! God is soo good! I am so happy that God has been Jehovah Jireh for you! GOD BLESS DESIREE
  9. THANKS ALL! (tears of joy of course!!) I love you all greatly--praise God for you and all that you've done! I pray that God continue to bless you all as well! THANKS FOR HELPING TO HAVE A SPECIAL DAY! desi
  10. LET ME CHIME IN AS WELL!! FELIZ CUMPLEANOS A TI! (Happy bday to you) smooches, and have a blessed day! desiree
  11. So Glad that you're back on DAPH! I felt the prayers!!lol I am definitely going to keep praying for Mia for her soon return! smooches desiree
  12. Will do! smooches and God bless desiree
  13. I agree--just beautiful!! Stay in peace sister--go on with your life and do God's business and when the time is right, God will surprise you with more than you expected (ephesians 3:20) We have some powerful preachers on here!! smooches and praying desiree
  14. Claire If you want what God wants and want to be in his will--then you have to be obedient to what you know God is telling you to do. Though it may be hard or something that you don't necessarily want to do at the time, you have to do it anyway because you know that following God is what's best. In the end he will bless you for being obediant. The bible says that each man has to "work out there own soul salvation"--noone can live saved for me, I have to want to do it. Continue to love your boyfriend by being supportive and showing him "godly character" but don't allow him to drag you down to a place where you compromise your relationship with the father. Trust in God to do the work. As you said, "let go and let God". I believe you know what to do--and right now may be the perfect time to do it. Smooches and God bless desiree
  15. I will definitely keep you in prayer--I know how you feel!! God will make a way--just stand on his word! smooches desiree
  16. Look at GOD!! You KNOW that had to be him!! Don't you love it when God confirms his word entirely!!! PRAISE BE TO GOD!! HE IS THE ONE TRUE LIVING GOD!! :cute:
  17. Lord, I praise you. He said, "Raise your hands, woman of God. When I came in and said to look at your neighbor and say the good news is that the bad news is wrong, that message was for you. God says it's over. The assignment the enemy had to break you has been cancelled. You have suffered long! It's over!" Girl, don't you love it when just when you think God does not hear you or seem like he's not there, he sends a powerful woman or man of God to encourage you otherwise? HALELULIA! I love it when God shows us that he's "always there" and that he "wont fail us" or "forsake us"--nomatter the circumstance. HE truly loves you Virtuous and as you continue to hold on to God's hand he will reward you in due season!!! PRAISE GOD FOR THAT POWERFUL TESTIMONY! The plans of the wicked shall fail!!! I hear you girlie!! :PTL: look, I got on my shouting shoes now!!! Here's a word for you: "Don't let your past dictate your present expectation" "Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Don't be afraid or discouraged for the Lord God, my God, is with you. He will NOT fail you or forsake you until ALL the work for the service...of the Lord is finished."-1 Chronicles 28:20 Receive that today! God is good! I needed to hear that!
  18. Could this just be "sounds from heaven"? I wonder if God is strengthening your spiritual ears to be able to hear him more clearly when he speaks, etc?
  19. I know this is lengthy but I feel that it may encourage some one. When you are down to nothing don't give up look up because baby God is up to something. Yes the economy looks bad, but I'm not looking to man I'm looking up. You know it is when all looks bad when God does something miraculous, that way it is evident that it must of be the hand of God. WOW! WOW! WOOOOOOW! Glory to God! Motheroffour, that's the best news I've heard in a LOOOONG time!!! God is soo good. What the Devil meant for evil, God turned it around for your good (romans 8:28)! God is so awesome! just like he did for Job, he's giving you a DOUBLE PORTION!!! Amen, God restored and gave you back more than what you started with!!! I cant stop praising God right now!! He is looking out for all of us that trust in him! He won't leave you put to shame but your enemies will be!!! Girl, let me stop because I'll keep talking all night!! HALELULIA! what an awesome praise report!! keep posting and keep believing in God to make continuous breakthroughs!!! :PTL: :thankyou: for posting! I needed to hear this--what an on time word!!! smooches desiree
  20. AMEN AND AMEN LovetoworshipJesus! God can and will bring HEALING FOR YOUR SOUL! He is the balm in Gilead!! :PTL: HALELULIA TO THE MOST HIGH GOD! There is no other! thanks for posting
  21. "I have told you these things, so that when it happens, you will know it is I who told you, and so that your joy may be full." One of my favorite scriptures!!! PRAISE GOD FOR THE GIFTS! PRAISE HIM THAT HE GIVES US THINGS IN THE SEASON THAT WE NEED THEM!
  22. We all go through THISISSPARTA and it doesn't matter where you come from--"PAIN DOESNT CARE WHERE YOU LIVE OR WHO YOU ARE" as a song says. I am glad that your sister is realizing the extent of her choices and hopefully this will turn her to Christ's love because HE DOES Love her inspite of what she does/doesn't do. I will keep her in my prayers desiree
  23. DIVINE APPOINTMENTS are the ones that bring so much blessing! You went to another store, only to find a woman there who happened to be "on the same team" that you were! She blessed you as you did her--possibly leading her to Christ! HALELULIA! You never know why God does what he does, but there's ALWAYS a reason!! THANKS FOR POSTING desiree
  24. Excuse me, but I don't feel like anybody is "shunning" a particular person or group here. Not all posts are answered because God more than likely hasn't given an interpretation yet. We are a group that focuses on love and uplifting one another. We bring glory to God--for it is he that gives us understanding of our dreams and visions--not ourselves. So, if you have an unanswered post--wait on God to answer you. Don't give up hope--and while you wait, seek God out for yourself. If you are sincere, the Lord will bring clarity and understanding (he did it for me). I ask though that you refrain from typing "negative commenting" in your posts. Please don't bash anyone or point blame. If you have a concern you can email a moderator(s) personally. If you personally felt like someone was ignoring you intentionally or otherwise beforehand, why didn't you email one or all of the moderators to express this point? I am sure that we wouldn't have minded at all and your concern would have been answered accordingly. Thanks in advance for your cooperation. Please, lets remain respectful and lovely towards one another to continue to make not only Mia proud, but our father as well! smooches desiree (starpop)
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