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Everything posted by Sirianta

  1. Amen sister!! Jesus was and will always be the one without any flaws! Thank God for His amazing grace!
  2. I couldn't agree more James!
  3. Thanks so much Linda!! It saddens me that some people bad mouths the bible if they don't understand the background of certain verses and wants to claim that this certain verse is God's words! They just read this one verse and think "oh! And you say God is a God of love" when they don't bother to get deeper into the word or the meaning. Thanks again!
  4. Hey guys, can anyone give me more insight and background on Psalm 137:9? "Blessed shall he be who takes your little ones and dashes them against the rock" There is someone I know who misunderstands this verse and I just want to help them in a caring way. I just want to be prepared, 'cause I myself don't understand it completely. Love in Christ Sirianta
  5. Hey DS, thanks so much for your reply, really appreciate it To be honest, I am a softy. I don't get mad very often and when I do, I try to put myself in the other person's shoes first before thinking of myself. I HATE conflict a lot. I know what you mean by thinking more with my head than with my heart, but the reason I'm still in this marriage is because of dreams I received from God concerning my husband. Also because of prophetic word I received once that my hubby is a true apostle. I just have hope and don't want to make the wrong decision. I often thought to myself "what if I leave him, but God has plans for him?" It is VERY confusing because some people say DO THIS and others say NO, DO THIS Yes, my emotions is like a roller coaster and are confused a lot by all of this. But why would God give me these prophetic dreams of my husband if it's okay to leave him? That is the reason I'm still with him. I must say he has calmed down sooo much (the emotional abuse) but yes he still has his faults in other areas. THANKS A LOT for your reply. I will surely go and read and study Proverbs!! Sirianta
  6. Thanks Connie!! I can't wait for the day my husband will join me in our walk with Christ!! It's going to be a great testimony To God all the Glory - AMEN
  7. I watched "Letters to God" last night!! GREAT MOVIE!! Has anyone watched "Fly Wheel" or "Faith like Potatoes" both is a must see!!
  8. Absolutely Cholette!! I'm keeping that in mind all the time. I want to ask you, seeing that you are a Moderator: can I pray the blood of Jesus over my husband even if he doesn't have a personal relationship with the Lord? I think he still believes, but his daily life doesn't reflect this.
  9. John, today I want to take the time to really thank God for you being part of this ministry. Every time you reply on one of my posts you are an inspiration to me and really lift up my spirit! Thank you so much, may God bless you tremendously Joel is one of my favourites!! I really love his teachings and his sermons is always full of the love of Christ. You blesse my so much with the idea of speaking life!! It's so true. I'm going to start and focus on my husband's good qualities and compliment him on it! There is times when it really gets tough and a few times I really considered divorce but then I remember the dreams God gave me about my hubby and they are all prophetic dreams. A pastor once also gave us prophetic word saying that God is going to bless us so much that we won't believe it is possible. He told me that I'm prophetic and my husband is a true apostle!!!!!!!!!! Can you believe it? My hubby an apostle? It is stuff like this that makes me hold on and I try my best to praise God through this storm. It's been over 7 years, but I'll keep on praying and trusting God for which is impossible in our eyes but which is possible in God's eyes!! Thanks John!! GOD BLESS YOU
  10. Wow, again this brought tears to my eys. Such beatifull words! Thanks John
  11. I've been very busy on this forum today. Today is Sunday and my husband usually works every Sunday, but today he was off and decided to go play golf with his boss and some work people. Now my husband does drink a lot and today was one of those days. I just want to know how my sttitude should be towards him if he comes home wasted like this? He expects me to be loving and if I'm not then he has a problem with it, as if I'm the one who is in the wrong. I don't think there is scripture anywhere concerning this,that is why I come to you guys again. My children were so glad when he got home because he doesn't spend much time with them although he loves them. My heart broke 'cause my little 5 year old son wanted him so badly to play tv games with him, but he is to intoxicated to even stand. He just passed out on the couch. I don't want my hildren to see him like this. It really isn't a good example. How should I handle my husband? I'm sure God doesn't expect me to be all loving towards him when he is like this. And I always just keep my mouth shut, not complaining. I just don't know what to do 'cause it feels like things are heading downhill again. Sirianta
  12. Hey Cholette, like you said the situation is a tough one. I just thought because the lady phoned me this morning it was confirmation from God because I wanted to phone her myself. It's just so tough and frustrating 'cause it feels like I'm in a prison where it is not allowed to serve God openly. Everything concerning God I have to do in private 'cause otherwise my hubby will think I'm being weired again. He has calmed down thanks to all the prayers I received and my prayers as well but like you say something like this could trigger the old behaviour again. I just soooo much wish I could serve the Lord the way other people can. It feels like because I'm stuck and can't go to church I can't move forward. I so want to learn more, I've got such a desire and I want to go to church especially of the praise and worship with fellow christians. I miss it so much. I am crying right now as I'm typing this cause I so much miss all of this and my children are also missing out. I want them to experience what I've experienced in the past. I do tell them about Jesus and they are so curious always about God. There is so much they could experience in a church. I'll pray about this and thank you for your reply. You've always got wise words Love in Christ S
  13. Me again! Lol!! I need prayer concerning the following: me and my husband have our differences concerning churches. He doesn't even go to church but doen't want me and our two children to go to the church of my choice. He was brought up in a church which doen't preach the gifts of the Holy Spirit. I don't know how to explain this. His church isn't vvery lifely. Don't get me wrong, we all serve the same God but I was also brought up in the same kind of church as he was and it was a burden for me to go to church while I went to such churches. I never felt the presence of the Holy Spirit in those churches. Then After we were married I went with some friends on a church camp and there I met Jesus!! After that I was drawn to more charasmatic churches who had praise & worship and there I discovered my gift. Now this kind of churches is very weired to my husband and he doesn't want me to go to these kind of churches. So at this moment me and the kids doesn't go to church because of my husbands preverences. I so much miss going to church and the fellowship and long for praise & worship!! So much that I want to cry. I went to this great church in town twice in the past and my husband told me that he won't let me bring up our children in such a church! In the past we nearly got divorced because of this. I gave in and stopped going to church. He works every weekend (sundays as well) so he doesn't go to church. So why should I go to a church which he want me to go to if he won't even go with. A while back I thought to myself maybe I should ask a lady whom I know (she is the mommy of one of my childrens school friends) if I can't go with her to church. She and her family is in the church I want to go to. Then this morning she phoned me concerning other stuff and she asked me if I don't want to go to church with them. I immediately said yes, cause it feels like she was sent from God. I'm just scared of my husbands reaction when I tell him this. Please pray with me that God will soften his heart. I'm still praying for him. I've been praying for him for over 7 years now to get saved. We've really been through a rough time lately as well. He is very stubborn when it comes to stuff like this. Love in Christ S
  14. Oh just another thing!! After I posted my self pity topic (lol!) I received this on my Facebook wall: "the enemy has a plan to reduce and humiliate you. Repeated rejection and dissapointments have a way of wearing down your confidence and initiative untill you lack both the will to change and the faith to believe that you are Amazing!! You are a child of the King! So put on your Big boy pants and suck it up Cupcake" This was amazing! It was by a pastor in America some where whom I don't know. I loved it! Xxx
  15. WOW!!!!!!!!! I have been sooooo blessed by all of your replies! I thank God for this ministry! It is great to come hear and be inspired by all the children of God! Thank you all and thank you Jesus! John, I was so blessed by your reply that I started crying when I thought of you. You are such a wonderful person. The love of Jesus really shines through you! I'm also blessed each time when I read one of your posts because every time you speak with such wisdom! God has really blessed you with a beautiful soul. I was so blessed and moved by you that I asked God if it is His will that He would use me to be a blessing to you by maybe giving me a dream about you to encourage you. God answered my prayer and this is what I dreamt: I saw a man who was sitting in a chair with plasters over his eyes. Then I heard the words "I once was blind but now I see". That was it. I woke up right after that and got a vision of eyes without any plasters!!! I knew these words was from the song Amazing grace. I hope this speaks to your heart. And I just want to thank God for this dream!! We serve an amazing God!! John, again thank you so much for this very blessed words! You don't know how much you've blessed me! Love in Christ Sirianta
  16. Hey guys, I always try to stay possitive especially in my walk with Christ. Now something that happens constantly with me is that I get hope from God about stuff that I prayed for. A lot of times it looks as if God answered my prayer and I would get so excited about it that I would start crying and start telling people how great God is. I'll start to testify about the goodnes of God to my friends. But then it would turn out that my prayers wasn't really answered. It feels like I would get excited like a child too early. In the end I would feel like a fool, because my testimony to other people is empty. To give you an example: I wrote an article to a christian magazine about how great our God is and situations where God answered a certain prayer of mine. I really felt that God wanted me to write this to give other people hope and tell them that they should always trust in God. I also had a feeling that my story would get published. I knew it was God's will. This was the first time I wrote an article for any magazine and it has been a passion of mine to write for a very long time. I LOVE writing!! And God knows this. Then I received an e-mail telling me that they are going to publish my story and they want my telephone number so that we can start arranging for photos. I was so excited!!!! And couldn't believe this! It was one of my biggest dreams that came true and which God answered. I was also glad because I knew this story would realy minister to a lot of woman. BUT it has been 3 weeks now and I haven't heard anything again. I did reply to their email (twice),but still nothing. This feels again like one of the many times before where I get my hopes up just to be dissapointed in the end. Why would this happen all the time? Each time it looks like a great testimony of how Almighty God is but in the end my testimony is empty, like a lie. What should I tell all my friends who will be waiting to read my story in that magazine. Maybe they're gonna think I was lying. Why would God not let this come to be fullfilled if it is totally for His glorification and my hearts desire to help others who have been through the same issues as I went through? It doesn't make sense. I so much just want to minister to other people, but there is always something that shatters my dreams. Is it the enemy that wants to stop the work of God? But then again God is Almighty! Has anyone experienced this in their life? I really want to stay possitive but sometimes it gets really tough. Love in Christ Sirianta
  17. May God be with the people of NZ in this difficult time. This is so sad
  18. You knowwhat, we all feel that way sometimes. We also have to remember that God knows we're not perfect. And He knows what we are going through. Even Jesus asked God if it is possible that he don't have to drink from the cup before he died for us on the cross. So yes, He knows how we feel when we get discouraged ect. I had a miscarriage once after struggling to fall pregnant. But I wasn't mad at God, 'cause I know stuff like this is not from Him but from the enemy. In my spirit I could feel how sad God was with me because of the miscarriage. We have to praise Him in the storm and try our best, although it is not always easy. But if you do that God is going to bless you soooo much!! Just trust in Him. He knows your hearts desires and so much want to make your dreams come to pass!!! Blessings
  19. Awww John, again thank you soooo much for your kind and encouraging words! The article that I wrote for that Christian magazine was really enspired by the Holy Spirit and I think I got this chance (the article is going to get published) because God knows there is woman out there who needs to read this article. It is a story of hope and telling people that they should never loose their trust in GOD. It's all about faith and God loves it when we trust in Him and will bless anyone who fully trusts Him, because by trusting in God we show Him that we realise how great and powerfull He is. I'm feeling the same way about this book, that it will be inspired by the Holy Spirit. God gave me a gift to write, (I love writing since I was in school) and I want to use this gift to glorify His name and give people hope and tell people to put their trust in God again, 'cause nothing is impossible for Him. We shouldn't measure God against the abilities of man, because He is much GREATER than us and I just want to let people realise how much He loves them!! It's a passion of mine Blessings S
  20. Thanks DS! I know I have to get more background on this 'cause this is my first time, although I love creative writing. Maybe like you say I should join a writers group. Thing is, I really don't have time to really study. I'm working full time and I've got two small kids. Then there is my husband who always complains when I keep myself busy with my creativity and then I'm studying the Word of God too. Inbetween all that, I don't think I will get the time. So maybe, like you've suggested, I should join a writers group. Also this book is not going to be in english (english isn't my home language). I don't have the vocabulary to write in english and my tenses sometimes is all mixed up , and I think I make some spelling mistakes too sometimes without even knowing it. I can better express myself in my homelanguage which is Afrikaans. Thank you so much for this suggestion DS!! Have you got any suggestions of any writers groups? LOVE IN CHRIST S
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