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Posts posted by princessdelia

  1. It hit me today i want to fall in love with Christ b4 i love a mortal man again and have a physical partner/spouse. Christ is so beautiful! He loves so much more than a human husband can! He loves my imperdections, weaknesses. Loves me truly, madly and deeply. I cried out in hurt and pain, He comforted me in my darkest nites when i couldnt see beyond the pain. Lord Christ i thank You as i lay@ ur feet thanking You for being my true man when a mortal man betrayed and did evil to me repeatedly. I love You Lord. Give me the grace to fall deeper in love with You.

  2. No.they told me it was severely damaged& couldnt retrieve anything from it. I tried another avenue closed door. To be honest its been rough in so many ways when those doors closed plus stress from ex and drama from my family, i felt despondent. Infact i tire of life and lose hope. I struggle to dream of the future& have hope. My blood pressure is higher than it ought to be. I'm truly worn out in so many ways. I pray& speak the Word but I'm so weary

  3. Sisters!!! I'm with you! So tired of the judge not nonsense going on among believers. The word says a spiritual man judges all things to know what is right. That's why Christianity has lost its fire4 righteousness. Take back the world4 Christ and nothing but the realness of God

  4. To give more info the files are from a drive i was told was severly damaged and has vital information on it. Handed the drive to God to help me and restore for retrieval of info. God promised his children victory and right now this bad report makes it look like I've lost and God's word is untrue. I've prayed, cried. Couldnt sleep or be happy. So when i had this dream I've got no idea what God wants me to do next

  5. Prayed b4 i went to bed4 God to have mercy& miraculously one way or another. To show that He is standing by His word to give me hope& a future.
    So i slept,in my dream i was handed a dvr that contained most of my files on both sides of it. It wasn't all the files but most of it. I was so grateful& praised God. Now I'm not sure how i received that dvr and from whom but i did see myself transferring the files& praising God

  6. I was with my brother and sister outdoors by my car.I'm not sure what we were doing
    but i was putting away some things into the trunk of the car.i had on a
    long weave and i was wondering if i wanted to keep it on. A young man
    approached me and said he wanted to ask me my name& get to know
    me.he was polite& cultured.so i asked him his& he told me.then
    i looked@ him and asked him to tell me more about himself i.e.what he
    likes who he is. So he did.he said his name-who his family was-his
    father was a politician and that he was in medical
    residency about to finish.he sounded so sincere. I studied his face-
    bushy eyebrows, his eyes- his left eye wasn't working as well as the
    right one and he had a fair complexion.
    I teased him that he had a pleasant appearance but I'm sure there was
    more to him.asked him how long he'd been in the united states he said
    15 yrs. Asked him if he planned to go back home he said he planned to
    go back& forth.
    He asked me if he could talk to me and get to know me better. I said
    yes and gave him my phone# and email addy. I didnt mention having a child
    or being prev married. My sister teased me bout not telling him & i said if its meant
    to be itd be

  7. Dreamt about a woman who had 2 kids who worked hard and her kids followed her to school one day cos they loved their mom so much and missed her so much cos they didnt see much of her.she was surprised to see them@ her school where she worked& lost the attentions of a man who was interested in her cos he didnt know she had kids& had no interest in being with a woman with 2 kids.
    She had 2 kids- a boy& a girl. I was with some women when i met her son he was the mayor or some position of authority in the place where we were. He talked to me politely and respectfully. I was doing lab work and guiding ppl in that capacity. Some women i worked with and i were getting ready to leave. But we were in a room waiting. I was looking for music to listen to. Kept looking4 my nas music- esp the track where he says i want to talk to the mayor. We discussed music and the mayor joined our convo. Somehow he saw how tense& stressed i was.he offered to help me and massaged my back. And he did. He did a good job relaxing me. We spoke a lot and he told me about his mother. Growing up. Found out he was 10 yrs younger than me but he didnt care. He was interested in me as his woman.
    He was very mature4 his age. I complimented him on that.he was 22 but u'd never know due to how he carried himself& spoke. I told him i was 32.
    He said he had been watching and listening to me4 a long time. That he was drawn to me4 a long time.
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