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Posts posted by princessdelia

  1. My sister i feel ur pain! I sincerely do. I desire a man who'd care 4 me and my son, treat us well. I desire a loving home environment with peace and stability, being able to provide4 my son. I've had dreams from God and promises in the word from God about my situation just waiting4 the manifestation of them. As i wait my soul is weary and cast down but as sister Cholette stated all we have is our Father in heaven. So lets keep asking for His strength

  2. I'm tired,i just am. Worn down and tired of life. I fight hard to have hope but I've been deprived over& over of hope. Tired of living like this- the worst part is i was blindsided by the crap that my life is now. I was working4 my church and serving God when my ex was destroying our family's life. I just want to have hope and dream again

  3. I feel weary in spirit and body. I'm sick of my life. I just want to be done with the crap that is life- i cant dream of future happiness or joy anymore. I think about pain and sorrow more than anything else. Just to have something to dream about and look forward to is all i desire instead its constant pain and heartbreak. Today i longed to give up cos i was tired of being hurt. I feel like I'm all alone. My friends have abandoned or betrayed me. I truly am alone. Is God silent to my pain?

  4. I need prayers to avoid confusion and have favor. Earlier this year i was prophesied upon stating I'd meet my future husband this year. Yet another man of God told me an old friend& i would become more than friends. Recently i became reignited an old friendship that had been there dormant for years. He sounded interested b4 but now I'm not sure what's going on. Just when i gave up on us being even friends he came back again. I'm a survivor of a disastrous marriage and the pain i went thru was beyond words- to put it bluntly i was abused in so many ways. I don't want pain or hurt again. I feel like shutting off from men altogether. I've got no idea if he is for real or just playing games. He is a believer too

  5. Christa, resist the enemy and he will flee from u.
    There is no point in staying as a friend to this man- no fellowship between light and darkness. A little flirtation here, seduction of ur spirit and ur life and that of ur little girl is in peril! Mbstudent is correct. God abhors witchcraft seriously! Run from it

  6. Was teaching sunday sch.it was in an auditorium.the kids were unruly,leaving the place to go out.not letting me talk to them.
    I had to go outside to retrieve several of them.i was so frustrated cos i really wanted to help them.
    Finally i began to tell them of my frustration. I said ask venecia(a former student of mine from 8 yrs ago, who still looked as she did when i taught her) about how i love to reach out to u kids and how I'm sincerely interested in u guys. With that i asked them about how their week,how their 1st wk back@ sch was and what kind of math were they doing that semester as they could reach out to me as I'm a math teacher& i could help them.
    The kids were warmer to me after that.
    The feeling of peace i had after that dream like a piece of the puzzle of what I'm to do for God fell into place.

  7. I feel like I'm not supposed to be happy or have hope in my life. My prayers r unanswered. I try to have hope but my hopes get dashed. I get things and they r taken away. Like i got a job and then they couldnt put me in the system for me to have the job. I'm just going thru the motions of life again,no joy. Just despair and pain. Why does God allow me to have hope and let it be taken away? Why do i have dreams and His word saying there is hope but no breakthru yet for me? I'm tired of living like this. I despise that i cant even dream or hope anymore. What kind of life is this?

  8. He is everything I need....
    He is everything to me.....
    Wonderful savior
    I have experienced the so called worldly love....emptiness it is....phony....
    all it did was lead me to the feet of my Savior.
    He fills my life, my heart, I need nothing else....He is everything...I am nothing....
    He calls me His own
    Calls me Princess....when the world rejected me and treated me like nothing....
    I worship at the feet of my Savior
    My everything
    My love
    Please hold me, I hold unto Your promises.

    I am weeping as I type this....do we understand that He is the only one who loves us soooooooooooo much. I am amazed at how deep His love is. I am a testimony to His sincere and deep love. I have laid at His feet in tears, losing my mind and He is soooooooooooooo marvelous soooooo lovely.

    'I love Him.......He has never let me down. He loves me.....He loves me......
    I love You my Father
    Nothing is as beautiful in this world like Him!!!
    Lets stop worshipping false gods.....lets stay at our Papa's feet. He has soooooooo much love to fill our hearts with. I know......I love Him......
    Please love Him....please worship and exalt Him
    He is worthy of all the praise..............
    Just adore Him....
    The angels know of His majesty.....

  9. Sis Cholette, i settled4 the knock off version of the real. What a bad copy it turned out to be. All along the most amazing love was staring me in the eyes! A savior who loves me so much that He delivered me from so much evil! Someday i will share my story& u will marvel@ how great our Lord truly is.
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