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Posts posted by princessdelia

  1. I had a serious dream today.
    I know the Lord was warning and encouraging me.

    It went like this- there was a woman who was a chef offering free food to people. Delectable food and i wondered why. I went to get a plastic container to put the food and the Lord showed me markings on the woman that revealed that she was a witch and evil.
    I didnt cast her food away but had doubts. Then i turned and saw that the first batch of people who ate it had turned into insects,animals and some were still changing. It was gruesome to see.
    I dropped the food and ran. Her servants chased after me.
    I ran because my life depended upon my escape.
    I then ran into an area where it was hard to decide which way to go and get transportation. A mean man who'd been wary about helping me gave me money for transportation. I got help from the villagers and got away from the witch.

  2. I was home when p came to visit.he acted like he was long lost family and said everything that had happened was my fault.he kept repeating that. Shocked i left where he was and talked to a few people trying to comprehend what'd make him say that.
    His mother and step father approached me and told me he was under a grand delusion and refused to deal with reality any longer. That the girl's mother communicates with them now and would be coming back for them. In the dream, i wondered why his family was being helpful when they'd never been that way but were being helpful.
    P came back to visit again and started his our divorce was my fault talk again. He acted chummy to my dad and tried to act like he was a needy person to the rest of the family. My dad took him on a tour of our big mansion and showed him the zoo we had on our grounds- we had a lion, elephant, giraffe- these were the animals i saw in the dream.
    So i asked him what about ur non stop infidelity and how u hurt me? He said it was a sos act on his part that he needed help. So i said but i tried to get u to admit that so that we could work on our marriage but u wouldn't admit u needed help.
    He then said i was the one who needed help not him and i got angry and hit him. I sent our guests who were in the room out and kept hitting him out of anger and frustration.

  3. The 1st one i went to somewhere i don't know if it was church and it was going well. I stripped to my underwear 4 some reason and went about the place.i don't know if people looked@ me weird or not 4 that but during the dream i got robed in royal purple by people. And everyone looked at me afterwards.
    I then went to the store with my son and they were giving free gifts to their customers 4 patronage. When i stepped up to find out mine- they found out that I'd spent alot of money so my free gift was a free scholarship to get a PhD@ a community college. It came with stipulations but it was free.
    The 2nd dream- i went to the church to pray that i used to go to 4 deliverance& prayers about my situation.
    They were having a big program and the pastor whom i used to call& ask to pray with me in real life but since november i don't call or communicate with him due to God's move and direction in my life.
    In the midst of it i told the pastor i needed some brief prayers and he directed someone to take over the service. He then began to talk to me and started by critisizing what i was wearing- made me take off my jewelry. I kept waiting 4 him to start praying. Then he took me to another room in the church.
    In that room he began to tell me how beautiful i was and how he couldnt resist me. He took me out of the room again to a deli and got me treats. Back in the room again afterwards he said he couldnt resist how sweet i looked. That he wanted to have sex with me and kept entreating me. I then gave in and told him he had to help me with my problem. He stated he couldnt today cos he was weak for me.
    I had sex with him in the dream.

  4. Through His abundant mercy and love here I stand at the end of 2009 with His love flowing abundantly into the lives or my son and myself. Abandoned, shunned, treated without mercy by those whom we thought loved and cared about us.
    Robbed of so many things but yet here we are blessed beyond measure!!
    Come and see what the Lord has done, even better, imagine what He shall do for myself and my son in 2010!!!
    A new decade that my son and I shall start in newness of life with Him!
    If I had to do it all over again, I am glad that the pain of 2009 occurred, I am stronger and more dependent on the Lord now because I know now deeply He is my savior, my Lord and my friend.
    As the year winds down, join me to praise His awesome name!
    Join me to sing glory to the King!

  5. I am learning to walk in praise.... and see what the Lord has been doing for me since I started to walk in praise...
    Made it possible that I don't have to deal with a situation that would have led me to be to apart from my baby boy for a couple of days
    Provided money for food in the nick of time
    Opened a door for me to have an interview about a full time position that I hope leads to a job so that I can start working on my future and that of my son.

    Isn't the Lord good to us??????

  6. Wow! I was amazed @ how i began to overflow with gratitude this season. I stand in awe of Jehovah Nissi- the Lord my banner- my strength. The one who keeps pushing my child and i thru this wilderness period into our promisedland. What my son and i have been thru this year is no joke but God's mercy and grace is amazing. Amazing love from our King. He kept my son and i together in the midst of wickedness. He is our salvation. Daily loads us with benefits. We have ppl who love us and care 4 us. The Lord led me to this site in the midst of intense pain. Love the Lord!
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