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Posts posted by princessdelia

  1. I went to visit a dear friend and she lavished a lot of gifts upon me. Rich clothes, expensive hair pieces, food, boxes of gifts. I was overwhelmed at her genorousity. She lived in a lovely home and i lived not too far from her. She said i should rent out my place and live with her so that i won't be alone. I said I'd think about it. I walked back home with my gifts and she drove past me to work, at first i was hurt that she didnt pick me up but then i saw that she was driving to work in a separate direction from where i was going.

  2. Mbstudent, u have a gift! I was given ps 34 that exact verse as a pt of contact 4 God to aid my son and i. And the Lord uses u to remind me about it!! All in the same day! I cried as she read it to me! I wept and encouraged myself in the Lord! No christa twice i was denied restraining order plus judge dismissed support hearing and I'm struggling to care 4 the child! If not for God'a grace we'd be homeless right now. We've been thru hell but God's been caring 4 us. Evil man- if i shared the depths of his evil- u would all agree.

  3. 1st dream
    I was in bed with a man who as the dream progressed i got the sense was my husband in the dream. We were both unclothed and touching each others bodies with great intimacy and adoration. Our words to each other was loving. We began to make love and i remember thinking this is blessed.
    When i woke up i was confused,was it blessed cos we waited until we were married or because we were in God's will?
    2nd dream
    I was with my friends and family- my extended family. Someone had fruits for everyone and i chose one i was unfamilar with. They told me about it and i started to eat it. I spit out a lot of seeds and it seemed like it never stopped. A constant flow of seeds that i expelled.
    3rd dream
    I was with my son and we were in my parents home. They had lots of guests. I was occupied by serving them. It was a huge house with different wings for my siblings, parents and their guests.
    I helped to cook and do chores.
    I saw some guests out the door. Old friends of ours who had a big family. They came in a 14 seater van.
    I went about looking for dish soap for my wing's kitchen as i was out and found a huge gallon of dish soap in another wing.
    Later on i went about with a dear uncle of mine. My son was with us. We travelled to meet up with my parents and siblings. As we travelled in the plane, my uncle told me about how my dad was prospering. He even had a private plane with his company's name wrapped all over it. That was what my dad travelled all about with. We met my parents and my siblings at the airport. An old friend of mine from elementary school met with us and behaved deferentially to us. She cozied up to me and i introduced her warmly to my parents. I saw that her mom had driven her to meet with us so that she could reconnect her ties with us.i told my siblings- wow see how important dad must be that people want to be associated with us.
    We moved around the airport where we were treated with respect.
    We became hungry, especially my son. So we walked from restaurant to restaurant. Gleaming trays of food caught my eyes. My uncle aided me to cross a huge ditch which i was scared to cross because i had heels on.

  4. This morning had a dream where I was married to a king who had lots of women. He didnt have a son. I was his wife and one of the many wives. I had my son that I've in real life from my previous marriage. The king wanted to adopt my son and had said it to me and everyone he knew. He took my son but my son was unhappy with him. He returned my son back to him who was joyous to be back with me.
    This dream has me perplexed. It was vivid and has stayed with me all day.
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