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Posts posted by princessdelia

  1. i was in a huge kitchen with six sinks--- three faucets for the two adjoining sinks by each other. i had so much food to serve people. i had huge kitchen, lots of fridges and freezers. lots of drinks in the fridges to serve people. and i had my family and friends over just partaking of what i had.
    i remember being overwhelmed at how big the kitchen was.

  2. I've been revisiting my pain...my loneliness seems encompassing. I long for someone to share my life with, with the Lord's blessing of course. I re-visit and get filled with pain my mistake of choosing the wrong person to share my life with...instead of waiting for God's leading. Then to add salt to my injury, i just stumbled upon pics of an old classmate who got married to someone i cared about a long time ago. and i was filled with such a deep pain, that could have been me...i thot.
    Lord when will this pain ever end? When will i laugh or smile again?
    I trust that Your plans and future for me is great, Amen.

  3. I am unclear about the vision I received as well as a word that got dropped in my spirit concerning my future and purpose. I am not sure how it ties with my being unemployed/child custody battle and desire to relocate.
    How do I ask for clarity from God? I have asked but I am not sure if its my flesh responding or not.
    God isn't an author of confusion I am aware. So far the themes of my dreams and visions tie together, of course my present circumstances don't match these visions or dreams.
    so here i am......

  4. I applied for a job-the Lord enabled me to perform excellently at all the steps having to do with the job. Still yet, I have heard nothing back from the job. And now my unemployment benefits just finished and I have to reapply for an extension.
    I am my son's sole provider of his needs- everything....almost a year of no $$$ from his father.
    I am a daughter of a King- the King of Glory is His name!
    He promised that He would never leave me nor forsake me.
    He also promised that He would supply all of my needs. I believe Him---His word is my collateral.
    So I am stating all of this to remind myself to be encouraged as I wait upon Him!

  5. It is cleared in Jesus Name!! I trust and believe sis Christa that we serve a living God who won't leave you nor forsake you. He hears your cries and responds (ps 34) Just go meditate upon that Psalm and remember that you already have the victory. As to the money, the Lord has provided all of your needs through Christ Jesus. I am encouraging myself as I encourage you. I am here waiting on either a job opportunity or the extension of my unemployment benefits. I am the sole provider for my son's needs- almost a year in no $$ from his father.
    So we are both daughters of a King, we have the freedom to go to Him and remind Him of His promises to us. Let us do that and encourage ourselves in Him ok.

  6. sis Christa, I almost didn't share it because the enemy tried to get me to believe that i should live in fear and worry still. but i chose to share the testimony, i choose to live in the Lord's victory. Thats why I say with brother TrueFlight, we are dependent on God to see us through!!!!

  7. Wow!! Bro TrueFlight, my heart was encouraged as I read of you praising the Lord in your adversities!!
    Oh Magnify the Lord within me...let us exalt His name together. I will bless the Lord at all times, I will bless the Lord at all times...His praise shall continually be in my mouth!

  8. Praise the Lord!! I went to sign paperwork for custody hearing for my son and the attorney said he included a provision in there for me to get temporary custody of my son but he didn't think i'd get it. Immediately I stated under my breath, Lord You are in control and You will show Yourself here and I will get it even if it isn't the norm because You have promised me victory and I have handed the battle to You.

    I got it!!!
    Praise God!!! So Sis Cholette, I am standing at a place of a victory and trusting in the Lord.
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