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Posts posted by princessdelia

  1. I have 2 hearings in November about situation with ex over son. One is a restraining order due to the things he had done to me over and over during marriage and also a hearing for child and spousal support. He hasn't aided to pay bills or any money in child support in over 10 months. No help with mortgage payments, child's health insurance, child's school tution,clothes, food....nothing at all.
    He told me point blank he shouldn't have to pay or help but the child should live with him so that he doesn't have to give me a cent. After that he proceeded to get CPS to investigate me as part of his strategy to avoid paying support. Was cleared by CPS and had to leave where I was for safety concerns. He broke into my home to get child's documents and his former divorce papers.
    Even recently he stated money is unimportant for the child's well being and said I am not concerned about the child's care.

    Please saints join me to pray for favor in the eyes of the judge, for the Lord to frustrate the plans of my enemy against me and for the Lord to show Himself mighty on our behalf (myself and my son!!!)

  2. Ok I am struggling to recall the details of this dream. infact I forgot about it and it was just stirred within my spirit to share it on this site.

    I was with my son and his father wanted to visit with him. I went to his father's place to supervise visit with my son and his father was putting on a show about being a dutiful and caring father for everyone who was present. My son was distant to him throughout the time they were together. Infact he ran to me and held onto me.
    My ex was with a friend of mine who is married in real life with children. She doesn't even live in the United States. I was shocked that he was with this woman and in the dream I saw that he was trying to use her as he expressed to me in real life that he used me. Over and over he told me that he used me and wanted a divorce.

    I am confused about this dream.
    I'm in the process of separation-leading to divorce and custody battle about our son.

  3. Join us to praise God!! I am calling those things which are not yet manifested as though they were. My God is mighty to save my son and I from the plans of the wicked one. My custody case begins next week. The word says that I am more than a conqueror through Christ who loves me.
    My God reigns forever
    My hope
    My strong deliverer!!!
    He is the everlasting God!!
    The one that I hold unto, He is all that His word says that He is. So join us to thank God for the victory.
    The enemy is already defeated.
    Saints praise the Lord!!
    Begin to state the victory that the Lord has assumed!
    What a mighty God we serve!!!

  4. Yes He did! U should have seen the little boy! Playing and jumping all over the place. Ate so much food, went from vomitting non stop to a fantastic appetitie delivered by our Lord.
    So ladies, I am in love with our Lord! He gave me this wonderful child of promise and cares for him sooo much!

  5. My darling son was sick on Monday last week, I was sick within me cos of reports of swine flu and flu this season to young ones like him. My son is a precious gift from God to me! My sister& i prayed over him as he laid there sick. 3 hours later he rose up from his illness healed and delivered back! I didnt do or say anything special, i just went knocking @ our Father's door! Begging 4 mercy and healing! He heard us!
    I love You Lord

  6. In the dream my son and I were lying down with this man, my future husband and he was embracing both of us. He had soooo much love for us..my son was laughing and was so happy as my future husband played with him. I was looking at him(my future husband) with love and such contentment, he was so attentive and caring to my son. I was thinking as I looked at him, "Lord, You definitely surprised me with this man. He is what I desired within me, everything about him is pleasing and is a wonderful gift!" The love that just surrounded myself, my son and my future husband was immense. The amazing thing was that as I looked at him, I saw his face clearly and he had such a wonderful smile.
    He took care of us in every way, the way a husband was called to care for his family. He even said it as he got up in the dream to get ready for work, the night shift, that he was proud to be caring for myself and my son. I was sooo humbled and touched by the commitment of him.

    I woke up so deeply fulfilled knowing that the Lord has my back and is preparing a man for myself and my son.
    I have dreamed of a man who I thought was my future husband before but I didn't see his face and he was caring and defending me. A man of God told me that that dream represented God caring for me through the turbulence that has been my life the past 11 months plus.

  7. Ok yet another ex dream- desiree is right! Unresolved issues.
    Here is the dream- ex and his biz partner owe my parents a large sum of $ in real life. They've refused to pay it back.in the dream ex,biz partner& partner's wife were together. Calamity was befalling ex biz partner& wife. It was revealed to me in the dream that it was due to their wrongdoing in how they dealt with people with things concerning $. At first they tried to brush off the stuff they had done but as the calamity grew worse they realized they were wrong. Also in the dream i was angry at ex and pushed him and desired to hurt him until i repented. I prayed for ex biz partner and wife. Saw annoiting oil in a blue gallon. It was clearly labelled annoiting oil. Cant remeber what i used it for.

  8. Yes still unresolved issues that I'm taking to the cross daily. I keep asking for grace to forgive the wrong he did during marriage& what he has done since. I even had a dream tonite where i was angry @ him. I'm going to pray to be able to forgive him. And more importantly stop looking back to think of the past.

  9. I am not sure exactly what I dreamt about my ex, either about him trying to talk to me about us getting back together or him having problems in his life. What I do vividly recall is the word I had in my spirit as i lay down still in the dream state--"Your ex husband didn't want you to tell people about your separation so that he could keep coming back and forth into the marriage as he went out and came back into the marriage." So it became strong within me that he had wanted to continue to use and abuse me but the Lord exposed his deeds of darkness and wickedness. That all of the things that he has been doing to me is as a result of his anger and unforgiveness.
    So I seek a prayer and confirmation regarding the dream and words that I had received!

  10. oh D!! I am soooo grateful to God! I remember how we both encouraged ourselves in the Lord and look at how faithful He is. We need to stand together as a body as we have been doing on this site, there is power in agreement as one body for Christ!! Keep praising Him my brothers and sisters, what a mighty God we serve!!!
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