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Posts posted by princessdelia

  1. My first dream was about God making a way financially for me to continue to go to school next semester. I cant remember the details but i was blessed beyond measure. And i had money 4 school. Blessed be the name of the Lord.
    2nd dream- i was with the man i saw b4 in a previous dream. Once again i saw he was my husband and he cared 4 me intensely. I caught glimpses of his face but i couldnt describe him totally. He was making me laugh and i was so happy to be with him. At one point in the dream, he dismissed the people who were with him and locked us both in our private master suite or living room that had a tv for our intimate time. I was laughing and then was moved by his affection and desire for me. I wanted to have a son for him.
    I had peace being with him, a huge sense of gratitude.
    When i woke up, i had the sense I'd meet him soon- not sure what soon means.
    I was perplexed as to why he had people with him- bodyguards? Friends? Employees?
    I remember wondering out loud while he held me why he had shut the door and he said because he wanted me to himself and wanted us to have private times.
    Even as i type this i can still sense how good it was to be held by him and be together. Just like the last dream.

  2. Amen sister Christa. I know how u feel bout Job and how the despair seems crushing. How almost everyone gives up. What a friend we have in Jesus my sister, all of our grief and pain He will bear! Be encouraged! I went to the cops like that about my soon to be ex and God gave me favor. They did something else in regards to him.

  3. I went to get financial aid, they said i don't qualify. I'm retraining so that i can care 4 my son and myself. I'm sole provider of my son's needs and need the training@ school 4 new career. Its important 4 my son and i's future 4 me to continue to go to school. Trusting God to make a way where there seems to be no way. Please join me in agreement to believe 4 the money.
    Thank you.

  4. My brothers and sisters in Christ please join me to pray. I'm having a hard time- trying to make true friends for myself where we are. Please join us to pray that the Lord manifests physically where He showed me taking us to for the next stage of our life. I believe we are in the preparation for that move and stage of our life. Its a lonely time now plus dealing with my mom's sheenaginans. Thank u brothers and sisters. This is my heart's desire.

  5. Ms true flight please say u have nothing to say or u are praying. I'm undergoing a lot in regards to this custody situation and have been thru a lot. I'd appreciate prayers and kindness please. If the situation were reversed, I'd encourage u with prayers and scriptures not what u just wrote there. Even when i was in pain i encouraged my other sister going thru the same situation as myself.

  6. This morning i had a dream/vision where i was given a decree which stated temporary custody of...my son's name was written on the paper is granted. I'm not sure whom it was given to because i didnt see the whole paper. Was it to me or my child's dad? I was having fear until i began to pray and praised God all day. This is a perplexing dream
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