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Linda Irish

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Posts posted by Linda Irish

  1. Thank you ..you both made me cry. When you stand up and do the thing that God would have you do....the enemy wants nothing of it. I have been under attack for a while....it is nothing for the joy of the love of my saviour. All things work together for good for those who love the Lord and are called together for His purpose. Thank you for your encouragement God bless you.

  2. I just want to say....as I was driving today and contimplating all of this the Holy Spirit brought back something that I have been learning in my life and it is about the seeds that we get....and what we do with them.

    we take the word of God and we plant it in our heart and we read that word and believe that word....and then we actually implement that word into our lives we begin to walk the truth of that word into our life...and as we activate, or demonstrate our faith through obedience, actually walking in the ways of God, the fruit begins to grow.

    A tree is known by its fruit. But we dont want to pick the fruit prematurely...clearly the fruit would not be ready, would not be perfect. The fruit needs to be mature and ready for harvest.....

    The timing is important. The fruit is important. so important that when Christ saw a fig tree and the tree was not producing the fruit like it should he destroyed it.

    I use to think that was a bit radical but it is not...

    Watching the miracles of God begin from the seed of truth and faith and watching them blossom and then continue on to a ripe and perfect fruit worthy of harvest.

    That is when you share the miracle that God has done...wait for it. Stay in the Lord and wait on the Lord and when the fruit is ready for the harvest.......then share in all of God's glory...wait for it, it will come.

    That is what came to me as I was driving today. bless you.

  3. I agree Sirianta, and the truth is, the people in the Bible had bad attitudes and messed up just like we do, even the patriarch's we are all hopelessly flawed without the grace of Christ Jesus...Praise God for His kindness and longsuffering toward humanity, thats what I say!!!! Hope you have a great day!!!

  4. The Israelites had already been captured and taken into captivity when this Psalm was written and but still harbored bitterness ~ they were bitter at remembering all the evil that had been done to them and wishing vengence on the ones who had done this against them. What the psalmist was saying basically, "the ones who get to pay you back (dash your babies against the rocks) will be happy to get their revenge" basically.

    "Oh Daughter of Babylon, doomed to destruction, happy is he who repays you for what you have done to us-he who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks." Psalm 137 8-9

    Hope this helps with your friend.

  5. This discussion has been encourageing for me. I know God is allowing me to go through some changes right now...I know I have been mistreated and not understood, judged and judged wrongly. It has been crushing for me. But I also know it truly has been for a season and a reason. I watched a Public Television special tonight about one hundred and fifty women who were trapped in a fire in a clothing factory in New York in the early 1900's... and I thought of those poor girls and their moms and Aunts and sisters all jumping from skyscrapers....and it wasnt there fault. They were mistreated and then I thought about Dreamster and the earthquakes in New Zealand and how those people shouldnt have suffered and this forum really encouraged me to keep walking...one foot in front of the other. Praise God!!!

  6. I agree with Cholette, prayer is the most powerful thing we can do for our children to make it through difficulties and trials.
    Does your daycare/preschool have a place where you can observe unoticed? Even if you cannot be behind a two way mirrior, If you could volunteer half a day to observe as you do other work you might have a better understanding of what is making your daughter uncomfortable.

    I know that sometimes it is something that only you might notice. As an example, my little grandson Kio, is 4 and in his assessment recently, the teacher told my daughter and her husband that they might consider holding him back a year (before going on to Kindergarten) because even though he is advanced in the academics, he chooses not to play with the other kids during recess. He in instead chose regularly to ride one of the bikes at every single play time.
    I have worked with children for years and knowing Kio, I knew that he loves to play with others, the reason that he was choosing to ride the bike was that right now he is living in a home without any sidewalks and a very bumpy yard. His only chance to really have fun riding a bike is at school.
    After I talked to Kio's parents they asked kio to invite some other boys to follow him with their bikes and pretend that they were going places and he did and this game has given the parents and the teacher a better understanding of the situation.
    This is important and I will pray for you daughter as well.

  7. I appreciate your post John, and my husband also advised me to make sure that my address is not online on my web sites.

    two or threee days after this dream my daughter called me with a dream, she didnt know a thing about my dream but she called me to tell me that she dreamed that she was visiting my home one night and intruders broke in. My husband was confronting them as they were stealing from us, my daughter screamed at him, Peter, let them have what ever they want, nothing you have is as important as our life...
    then she remembered that her little children were playing in the back bedroom and she ran in their to protect them, she threw her body overthem...and then she felt the barrel of a gun pointed at her face and she woke up.
    John, I will follow your advice and put this prayer need (protection) on a prayer chain and ask that my brothers and sisters here on Mia's site please continue to keep me in prayer (and my family). I know most of you know that this past year I have completed a book that God told me to write. I have come through, (like you John) great distress and attack. as I completed this 8 year project...but praise God, we know GOD IS FOR US! God has plans for His children, so let us stay in the light!!! Thanks so much John, God bless you brother

  8. My dream of a couple of weeks ago. I walk into my home, I know it is mine but I am unfamiliar with it. It is empty, and I walk over to turn on the tv. Immediately I see myself on the tv and from the angle of the movie, a shudder of fear shoots through me, I can tell that someone is videotaping me from outside my home, through the living room window, from a crack through the curtains, and then I walk in deeper and the movie of me on the screen is from another angle, another window...

    an officer arrives at my door to announce that I am in danger.

  9. Mia Sherwood wrote:

    "Everyone go here and order Linda's new book: www.miasherwood.com
    scroll down."

    "Linda, why don't you post something that we can sticky in the news section.

    You know, we should start a marketplace for things that we want to promote."

    That's exactly what I did Mia!! God has given me a book to write, It's A God Thing...MY SHEEP WILL HEAR MY VOICE, All proceeds from the books sold off Mia's pages here go to suport this ministry in 2011. Yoo hoo!!! happy dance


  10. Mia Sherwood wrote:
    Linda Irish wrote:
    That was excellent Mia...Praise God!!!!

    Everyone go here and order Linda's new book: www.miasherwood.com Scroll down.

    Linda, why don't you post something that we can sticky in the news section.

    You know, we should start a marketplace for things that we want to promote.

    That's exactly what I did Mia!! God has given me a book to write, It's A God Thing...MY SHEEP WILL HEAR MY VOICE, All proceeds from the books sold off Mia's pages here go to suport this ministry in 2011. Yoo hoo!!! happy dance http://lulu.com/product/paperback/its-a-god-thing-my-sheep-will-hear-my-voice-2nd-edition/14456456

    Don’t hand over your power to the enemy.

    How do we hand over power to our enemy? By insisting on our own preconceived ideas. By setting ourselves up all throughout the day to for wins and losses, again and again. By holding others accountable to be judged by our standards. By making provision for sin. We do it to ourselves day after day, month after month and year after year. We own it; it belongs to us, and it is so not from God.

    The enemy keeps us in a whirlwind of struggle, with our minds engaged in our problems instead of entering in to the peace that passes all understanding. How often do we choose to stay wrapped up in our struggles and playing the same game over and over again instead of making the giant leap of faith which is actually to apply the word of God in our lives? Actually to cast our cares on the God who loves and cares for us, and to ignore the tacks in the path that the enemy constantly throws our way. “Greater is He who is in me than he that is in the world….”

    As children of the living God, we are instructed to keep our mind on the higher things (what is good and pure and of good report). Instead of honoring those instructions, we set ourselves up for continual anger throughout the day.

    Many of us walk through each day as if it were a contest, or even worse, as if we are walking through a mine field. “I will be angry if I don’t make that traffic light.” “I will be angry if I get one more bill in the mail…if that car pulls in front of me…if I forgot something at the store… if the line at the bank is long…if I forgot my wallet in the car…if, if, if.”

    Do we forget that we are created in God’s image and that God has given us instructions on how to walk through the day, really? Do we know who we are in Christ Jesus? Jesus was tested in the wilderness for 40 days, and we cannot go through even one day without complaining about insignificant things that happen in this very day that the Lord has made?

    Truly we need to say to ourselves; “This is the day the Lord has made and I will rejoice and be glad in it!” And we need to mean what we say. We need to pray for a passion for God’s heart in us, and the desire to walk in thankfulness for all that Christ has done to give us, His children, good things. For everything good is from God.

    Shall I find fault with my brother, talk about my sister, roll my eyes at my husband (just an example), grumble about the bills?

    God tells us that when we can be faithful in the small things, He will give us charge over the larger things. Walking through the day being angry at every little thing that does not go our way is ruining the quality of our life. It is dangerous for our health and it is a shallow way for an ambassador for Christ Jesus to live, for it is ruining our ability to shine the light of Christ on others.

    How can we shine if we are too busy being ugly? Really!

    As Christians we have an enemy that seeks to destroy us. If the enemy cannot destroy us, he will work very hard to destroy our walk with Christ, and to make sure that we do not draw others to Christ by leading us into this life-choice to continually be angry with the little things that go wrong in our daily life. This should not be.

    We have the power of the living God inside of us. We have the ability to do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Shall we then begin again…to honor God and walk in this light? Shall we make a choice to walk in God’s ways and in His peace? Or will we choose to continue in our own way?

    Life is too short to choose our own way.

    I am listening to the words that God has given to my heart, and I am choosing to begin again. The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases. His mercies never come to an end. They are new every morning. We can do this.

    Let us not make provision for sin.

    For more about author see http://lulu.com/product/paperback/its-a-god-thing-my-sheep-will-hear-my-voice-2nd-edition/14456456

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