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Posts posted by christi85

  1. Ugh, D, I know what u mean!!! There are so many people who are so easily threatened. In other words.... there are many insecure people and because of their insecurity they take everything the wrong way and lash out at anything that they see as a threat to the source they are using to hide that insecurity.

    People had one of two reactions when they encountered Jesus, loved Him, curious, wanted to learn from him or offense and sought to discredit Him. Things haven't changed much... people are afraid of what they do not understand. Your in good company.

    Father, I pray in the mighty name of Jesus for you to heal D's heart from these old wounds. Pour your healing love out into His Spirit from yours dear Jesus. I ask that you would grant D peace in his heart to know that sometimes no matter how much tact we use or how much we attempt to walk in peace with others, some people simply refuse to be overcome with good. Lord, I pray that as we inevitably encounter such people in our journey, we would be reminded that at one time we were wounded in some way too, and that you too encountered this kind of opposition during your jounrey on a regular basis. Father I ask that you would reveal these people to us as we encounter them and that we may be extra sensitive to them, that we would not grow weary in our well doing, that you would soften their hardened hearts and give them a desire to humble themselves before you in the area that your light is exposing to them instead of falling into fear and lashing out. Father, protect us from being hurt by these people, give us supernatural grace with them and grant to us the love you have in your heart for them that we may show that Love to them. Lord I thank you for doing this for us and for healing these hearts, wounded and woundee. Fill us with your love, both the wounded and woundee, In Jesus precious name, I ask and I pray, Amen.

  2. Could you all please lift myself and family up in your prayers.

    Prayer that the Lord would continue to work in the hearts of my parents and that they would yield more to Him and come into a closer relationship with Him. That they would continue to grow in Him. That my dad would get a job and begin to be more financially relatistic and responsible.

    Prayer that the Lord would restore all that was stolen from me & my fiance that we would recover all, financially, educationally, relationally, spiritually, and emotionally. That every hindrance, every stronghold, every plan or attack the enemy has to try and prevent us from walking into all that the Lord has for us to be and do would be defeated, that the door would open to a new season. That He would expose those plans openly in his Light of truth, wherever they may be and whoever may be carrying them out. That He would protect us in every sense of that word as we walk in the restoration/recovery that He gives with grace, a wise and hearing heart, a willing and obedient heart. With boldness, confidence in His love and likeness. That He would help us to see things as He does instead of from the perspective of the past. That we would let go of all that holds us back from walking in the fullness of His presence and His good and perfect will for us. That we would find grace in his sight to transition smoothly and safely from the old and into the new.

    Thanks guys.... it's been a VERY VERY rough last couple of years. Very trying but I believe the season has changed and realllllllllllllllyyyyy need prayer to walk in the light of that. Thank you all so much, you guys have no idea how much your prayers mean to me.

  3. Awh, D, I'm sorry u had to go through that. There aint no hurt like church hurt. :-( It must be very tough to be a pastor, but as a pastor you'd think they would feel an elevated sense of responsibility toward not reacting or acting out of the flesh since their job is be a good shepherd.

    Hinds, that makes so much sense. I've found that to be so true in my life. How Jesus gives us the reality of just how serious the law is. I'm definitely not perfect at keeping it, so thankful for Jesus, but I am eager w/ His help to get better and better at recognizing even the slightest hint of such things because it's just like the mustard seed analogy, but in the negative. If it's not caught early, you will eventually have a big mess on your hands.

    I have dreams like this sometimes about people that have wrongfully persecuted me in the past, people that I reacted to in a godly way despite their hateful actions. It's really tough to love your enemies... sometimes they can really do a number on you. In my dreams these people will show up sometimes and sometimes I think it's a call to pray for them, other times I think it's to examine myself to see if I may be carrying around that hurt in some area, like it's still effecting the way I look at things in some way.
    I'm not easily hurt, but when someone who I love, or was compassionate towards hurts me very badly it has quite a sting. There was this one girl who hurt me really badly. I was so good to her and she betrayed me in a HUGE way. She eventually asked for my forgiveness which I readily gave (I had already forgiven her long b4 she asked) but her actions didn't line up with her apology. Even though I had forgiven her, and wished nothing but the best for her and hoped that the Lord would heal whatever wounds she had inside her that would cause her to hurt me like that... I still had dreams about her over and over again for months. I couldn't figure out why. Then one day, they just stopped. It was like the Lord came and just totally healed whatever it was in me that caused me to kept dreaming about her. It was then that I felt completely healed from what she had done, but I didn't realize that I wasn't totally healed until that moment when I was healed -lol-

  4. I posted a dream I had about a map of GA where I live in the dream symbols section recently. On one of the maps, a red line highlighted the way to where my fiance lives, where I used to live. Since then I have had a few dreams about being back at my apartment.

    Here is one,
    In the first part of the dream I am at a pizza parlor. It has an upstairs. I am seated upstairs with two twin boys they look about 4yrs old. We ordered the pizza awhile ago and it didn't come. Eventually I asked or someone mentioned, that the delay was because the boys mom had stopped the pizza from coming.

    In the second part of the dream. I am watching someone drive a ford explorer. I get the feeling this person represents me. She parks in the parking lot of an apartment complex. It then switches to being in the apartment. It's now me. I was at the apartment alone. It didn't look exactly like my apt in RL but it looked similar. The layout was reversed. A pizza delivery man went to the neighbors house to deliver some pizza but I got the feeling they weren't there. In my dream the neighbors were not "good people" like maybe gang members or into drugs. The pizza man then came to our door and knocked. I did not want to answer. I didn't feel like talking to anyone. So he knocked, not knowing if I was there or not as I watched him through the peep hole. He said he was going to leave the pizza there on my doorstep because the neighbors didn't want to pay for it and he didn't want it to go to waste. I watched as he walked away and drove off. I then opened the door to get the pizza. When I opened the door, a dog ran out (it was my dog that I had growing up that passed away a long time ago... btw my fiance got a dog in r/l since I last saw him) I went and caught the dog and brought it back inside. When I got back inside my fiance is there. We were in the kitchen and the cabinets were different (the cabinet in our apt in r/l suck -lol-) I mentioned how nice they looked, that they were actually real wood now with nice engravings! I opened the fridge looking for some soda to go with the pizza and there was a bunch of beer/wine in the fridge. :-( but I didn't want to approach the topic right then because I had just got back and didn't want to press the issue right then. I then mentioned how nice the place looked and he said something about having hired a maid and some quip. I knew not to talk about it, but in my head I was thinking, uhm yeah, we don't need a maid, we just need to learn how to clean up after ourselves -lol-. We were then on the couch discussing how the apartment would do for now as we talked about our plans to have a family, how the studio could be our babies room until we move into our house. -end

    Today I had a dream where he and I were in a house, it was our house. There was a closet with two matching Christmas plaid baby clothes one for a boy and for a girl. I was holding them up saying how cute they were.

    I have a bunch of dreams that I would kind of like to go over with someone. To get some clarity on... looking at this dream I think the Christmas plaid might tie into a dream I had back in December where my fiance and I were sitting on a pew in a chapel. His mom was on a pew in front of us. there were poinsettias. I had on a wedding dress and he had on a tux. I was kissing his forehead and had a letter in my hand about promises for a new beginning, almost like it was He and I's vows. I looked like I was a couple months pregnant. I was going to mention something about "we would have been married by now, before I was showing, if it weren't for your mom" but thought better of it.

    -fyi, I love his mom and I really want/need her in our life. I've been praying for her and my parents have too. However, she has some very serious mental issues to where she interferes in the lives others in order to manipulate and control them creating havoc, strife and division. I was so busy believing the best in her for years that I was too stupid to see just how bad it was until it was too late and by that time she was completely out of control. I don't really understand it. It's very illogical. I don't want to go into detail but the Lord has told me in no uncertain terms that he and I will have to set some definite boundaries in regards to her until she is willing to get help for her problem. sigh

  5. OooooOOOhhhh, I C! Is there a forehead slapper emotiocon? We could call it the :christi: -lol-

    I'm a little slow sometimes. Yes, so glad your mind is not as cluttered as mine right now and your able to clearly see what God was doing there. haha.

    That is amazing :glory: He prepared the Word before it was needed. He's so good :-)

    Ooooh Diane, that is some interesting insight. I wonder? Do u have to be a member to browse these posts or can just anyone look at them? :-\

  6. YES Mia!!!! That is the exact scripture that stands out to me the most!!!! Especially the "Have I not commanded you?" When I read that it's like the Lord is saying to me, who told you? A friend, yourself? or was it God Almighty, Creator of the universe that told you? Now quit thinking in your own limited natural perspective and hear the truth, hear reality, hear what I have told you, I have declared your victory beforehand... now run along like a good little soldier and know that I am with you, I love you!!!
    :nite: on target
    I'm always reminded of Gideon and Rahab when it comes to things like this. We get so afraid because of how things appear to our natural eyes, meanwhile the enemy is shaking in his boots the whole time hoping we don't figure just how scared he is and how strong we are.

    That's a great prayer Diane! :-) I agree in Jesus name! It's neat to know that as we sleep here in the US there are folks on the other side in prayer and on watch and vice versa. It's a 24hr covering :-) That makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. :hearts:

  7. John, that really rings true with my Spirit as far as the application of that dream. That was sort of the impression I got when I first sought him for it's meaning. When I saw Daph's post I thought I should mention it over here. Thank you for writing it out so plainly! Your good at that! I didn't realize it, but your right... many of us on this forum are/have been going through something right now and are on the verge of breakthroughs. I so agree. I found that very encouraging as well. That he could not have it... it's already been given to us by God and we just need to remember that and not buy into his empty threats.

    I'm sure the Lord will clearly reveal & expose the enemy's plans. When you think about it, it's kind of stupid for the enemy to try and attack a group of prophetic people... really stupid... I don't think He has a chance!

  8. I've been struggling to really understand what this means. The Lord showed it to me over and over again last Nov-dec and as recently as a few weeks ago.

    "From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing, and forceful men lay hold of it."

    I studied it out in it's context and in the other gospels but I still don't really think I get it. I've heard many interpretations of it, read the commentaries. I'm pretty sure I get what the Lord was speaking to me personally, prophetically at the time.

    but I am just wondering how you guys read this scripture as is? What I got tripped up on in peoples interpretation of it was the UNTIL NOW part. People were applying it as though we are to be forceful with our faith, but I don't know if that's right because of the scriptures following it and preceding it. It seemed to me to imply that NOW Jesus is here... because He is referring to John the Baptist, He's complimenting John very highly by saying that among those born of women there is none greater, but that he who is the least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than He.

    Forgive me because it's been awhile since I was pondering this scripture, but what are yall's insights?

  9. I agree with all those prayers, and will keep this forum in my prayers!

    I had a dream on last friday that was about this forum and I was told that it was for two dreamers (I thought) on this forum and I was a little nervous about posting it because I didn't want to post it without getting confirmation. It woke me up out of my sleep. I then jotted down what was said. After getting 2 diff confirmations of the Word spoken in the dream. I finally decided to post it in the "divine revelations section" I didn't post the whole thing because, I didn't want whoever it was for to go into "enemy" overdrive if u know what I mean... but I did post the word that was given.

    Anyway, it was Be strong and of good courage. In the dream I was swinging back up into my room through the bay window as a pastor was teaching on my TV. (Apparently I'm quite the gymnast in my dreams, -lol- I even managed to keep the coffee I had while doing this lil maneuver haha) He was teaching on three particular scriptures but I only remembered what he was teaching about them, he said "so that he might try and tempt their appointed portion. He satan. notice possessive their." He was emphasizing that it was theirs and satan could not have it, but they would have to remember that.

    I've since then had another dream about this forum but I don't remember it in enough detail. I will pay more attention guys. :-\ srry and keep this in my prayers.

  10. Father, I come into agreement with all the prayers sister, and my brothers and sisters have prayed/continue to pray for her. Lord I thank you for lifting her spirits and giving her strength as she follows you to find that Job you've already got for her out there. Lord Jesus, I thank you that you are our provider. Father I ask that you guide her into the new Job that is already out there somewhere waiting for her. Father I ask that you grant her favor in the sight of those who interview her. Jesus I thank you for hearing our prayers and granting our petitions in Jesus mighty name I ask and pray, Amen!!

  11. Father, I agree with the prayers my brothers and sisters have lifted to you on behalf of D ask for their manifestation here on earth as it is in Heaven. You are an on-time God and I thank you for providing D with the Job you've already got out there for him. Father, I pray for the person who will hire him that he will find grace and favor in their sight. Lord I thank you for all that you've done, all that your doing and all that you continue to do in this your Childs life. Thank you so much Father for hearing our prayers and granting us these petitions to the glory of our Lord and savior Christ Jesus, Amen!
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