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Posts posted by christi85

  1. Prayers changing the atmosphere:
    Pastor Eriwin McManous from moasic church was being interviewed by Joyce Meyer on TV today and he shared a story about when he had first became a christian and this girl came up to him and said, "I'm going to go home. I'm going to leave the faith and go back home to my boyfriend." and he was like "Whoa wait a minute is there anything that I can do to make you change your mind and know that God Loves you?" she said, "I want it to snow." and he said, "Ok God is going to make it snow in the next 24hrs." She walked off and started telling everybody. He went back to his dorm room pulled the shades and was like "oh no.. what did I just do?" a friend of his came back to the room and he thought uh oh... his freind said "This girl was out there telling everybody that Erwin told her it was going to snow because God loved her." and he was like oh great... but then his friend was like "Look out the window" and it had snowed...

    that answers that... several of us have had the experience. so... I guess we can go ahead and put a yes, prayers are capable of effecting the atmosphere.

  2. same here Piano! You know I've purposefully keep an eye out for teaching on discernment of spirits to date I've only heard one message that didn't even really get into it much. I wonder if the reason people don't talk about it more is because they want to be careful not to blaspheme the Holy Spirit?

    I really do wish there were more teachings on this though. Like you, I too have prayed for the Lord to remove any spirits that are not from Him just to make sure and to give me discernment but then I got myself into doubting everything and questioning weather or not it was from Him. It caused me a lot of confusion, which is definitely not Him.

    I like this scripture for helping me to discern from James 3
    "19But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere."
    Though it's talking about wisdom and not works of the Holy Spirit, I think it's a good scripture that reflects the sort of wisdom that comes from the Holy Spirit.

    Jesus causes my eyes to well up with tears of joy every time He visits me in a special way and in those times... He usually doesn't say much. A few well chosen words that put everything into perspective and an outpouring of love and peace that cause the world to melt away momentarily. Anywho...

    I agree I will definitely pray about that. "Perhaps He wanted to show you something about prayer" that rung true for me and sounds like a good perspective to start from :-)

  3. See the sunburn part was unfamiliar to me as well. The other stuff wasn't but the sunburn was definitely not normal. Honestly, No I do not think he would make me feel like I was sunburned. I thought that was strange too. I thought maybe it was an allusion to the "fire of God?" but I'm not sure.

    Yes, I was praying about family. I was reflecting about how He understands exactly what I am going through and knows exactly how I feel. That family is incredibly important to Him and how he doesn't want any of his children to be in bondage. That He is bigger than my circumstances. That His love is powerful. That His love always wins.

  4. Let me back track... My church had a new years eve service. The message that night was on Ezekiel 37. Prophesying to the dry bones.

    The night before I had this dream, I prayed for the Lord to show me when I would hear from my fiance again. That's why I thought this was a very strange response to that prayer. The Wednesday AFTER I had this dream, My pastor said he felt led to redo the sermon on dry bones.

    I also prayed about what the DNA strands meant. I was led to look up a painter who my fiance and I both really like and whose paintings the Lord had actually used in our life to point to Himself, but thats a long story. Anyways... so I look it up and it turns out the painter had a painting where he painted a DNA strand using the same colors as in my dream and called the strand by a mixture of his name and his wife's name...

    A few days ago I was watching a program about a couple who had divorced and reconciled, at the end of the program a man spoke about Bones and them carrying the DNA.

    My Pastor has stuck on this whole dry bones thing all month. I go to a big church, so it's not like I had anything to do with it -lol- but anyways... this past Friday we had a guest pastor come speak. Perry stone and he said he felt led to give a sermon he likes to call "reviving the vision" http://www.trinitychapel.org/403395.ihtml in which he said he used more scripture than in any other sermon he's done. Praise GOD because GOD has been using more scripture in my life than I can handle and I've been getting lost trying to follow how it all fits together since God likes to change peoples names alot! I feel like the whole bible is my family photo album at this point... So anyways Perry Stones message was right on... he began talking about Issac not getting married until he was 37 or so and that God had to get Sarah away just to get the boy married... totally right on... he even went on to talk about Jezebel and Elijah... all the way to the Woman at the well (a big one for me) PRAISE GOD... it's crazy it's like he took all things the Lord had been showing me over the past year and a half and put them all together in one sermon.

    He ended the sermon in a singing about bringing the bones back to life. Oh yeah, and there was even some talk about DNA :-)

    I'm still trying to process everything... still no call from my fiance though :-(

  5. I have to be honest with you guys, it's kind of frightening to me at times.

    I love the Lord and I have a heart for the lost. For them to know how great Jesus is. What we believe is pretty unreasonable to the outside world when you think about it. My heart is to be able to tell them about Jesus in a way that gives them a hunger and thirst to get to know Him for themselves. Lets be honest, there are enough churchgoers that go because they've had an 'experience' or because it's a cultural thing and not enough people who have a very real, genuine relationship with Jesus Christ. I honestly believe that Jesus is better than sliced bread, He was the original sliced bread! I think it's the greatest thing that He comes to hang out with us when we accept Him into our lives, thats so amazing to me... and He shows us how we were originally created to live. So awesome and then on top of that he gives us these spiritual gifts to aid us in being his hands and feet to a hurting and dying world. So that we can allow Him to continue His ministry of restoration/redemption/reconciliation/renewal through us to them.

    Now this is where I get a little confused because people can get a little weird about the spiritual gifts. I have this conviction in my heart that it doesn't have to be weird. I mean demon possession, I don't think that will ever look normal -lol- but as far as the believer operating under the anointing... I just have this conviction in my heart that there should be such a presence of supernatural love, acceptance, grace... wisdom. That with the "power" is also... love and a sound-calm-well balanced mind. When I read my bible that's what I see in Jesus. A man who was so awesome, so fully convinced of His father's will to heal, deliver, redeem all people, truthful(w/ grace) so full of love that doing those kind of things came natural to Him. He didn't have to have a parade of harpists following him around. He didn't have to scream and shout at people. He didn't have to pray lengthy prayers in front of people. He just commanded it and it happened. None the less, I realize it takes a lot to get people's attention these days so maybe that's why the Lord chooses to do it the way that He's been doing it these days. My heart longs for the day to come to pass when it just happens because its normal for it to happen for us.

    Like you said, you have heard singing and tried to sing along, -lol- me too :-) but this is weird ya know? Can you imagine telling that to someone without them thinking you are absolutely nuts? or telling them... so uh... I had this dream about you the other day and we were doing exactly what we are doing right now... and uh... it's not dejavu... uhmmm it's Jesus... and he's got your number kid. -lol- The second you say Jesus is alive its a problem. It's all good as long as He was just a man... but the second He is God, alive, well and knows you personally... it suddenly has become a giant pink elephant and your about to get trampled because someone just got convicted of their sin by the Holy Ghost and is not ready to acknowledge that, so you become the scapegoat since they don't understand that the goat left the building 2,000 years ago. :-(
    ...At least back in the day they said "Oh, I see you are a prophet" -lol-

    Anyways I'm just kind of trailing off here so I'll close it out.. haha

    but yeah, your right Gissy, about the asking for forgiveness. I've had to do that before and probably need to do it again. I got the impression in church the next morning after I had that dream that it meant I was not fully surrendering to the power of God because I am scared of where it will take me.

    John, I have so had the exact same thoughts before. Like for instance I live in the metro Atlanta area... and I really have needed some people that are very important to me to get ahold of the idea that their sins have been washed white as snow... blotted out... Jesus says.... "I don't remember" so they will quit living the way they are living.... So here in GA we've had more snow than ever. It snowed on Christmas (which it has never done before) and we just had a "blizzard" two weeks ago. Everything was covered in a pristine white blanket... it was beautiful.
    Last summer the Lord had been showing me a great deal about the Lion of the tribe of Judah, Jesus as the Lion and the church as his Lioness. About Boldness and courage... one evening I was captivated by this beautiful sunset. I was very taken back by just the process of watching it, the Lord was kind of teaching me lessons about my perspective and His work as I watched the sunset unfold. Then I saw a Lion that looked just like the Lion of the tribe of Judah, and across from it a dove. Both were lit up in this beautiful magenta color, but the other clouds had not yet changed color... it was awesome...

    ... but as far as my prayers changing the atmosphere and causing those things to happen, I don't know. In some cases I think it's my prayers that tune me in and wake me up to what He's already done. Like my prayers position me to follow Him and awaken my eyes to where He's going, whether I am there or not. Other times I've thought maybe they do effect the atmosphere. I mean take a look at Elijah with the rain. Actually, now that I am *really* thinking about it.... I do John... I do... I had a dream last summer where there was an ankle deep flood outside my house. There was a tiny little cloud hovering just over the grass. I had no idea about the verse where it described his servant as seeing a cloud the size of a mans hand until recently... anyways after I had that dream... it rained and rained and rained and rained some more... then there was this intense thunder storm and I had been reading about Satan like a lighting bolt... I was in my garage and this bolt of lighting struck a tree right across the street, that was directly across from where I was standing, I rebuked it -lol- and said I'm not scared of you!
    So I really don't know John... that's a great question. If we rephrased it this way, "do you think our prayers have an effect on the atmosphere or that the atmosphere effects our prayers?" I would say, "yes." ;-)

  6. SisterinChrist wrote:
    rofl ROTFL somtimes i walk into a room an the light starts to flicker...
    i thought was the lighting..,but no one cud figure it out! didnt happen to anyone else in my building... an it started aftr my drm also thinking happy dance laugh
    i know it's God... :laughing:

    :jesuschrist: is tooo funny sometimes.. sometimes it happens to all the rooms of my APT..

    It's interesting that you mention that. A few days before that happened the lights began to flicker. They began flickering after I was led by the Lord to pray some pretty intense spiritual warfare prayers. I wasn't sure about the lights flickering. I couldn't tell if it was a good thing or a bad thing that they had begun to flicker. Something about it didn't seem right to me. So after they began to flicker I went outside. When i went outside, the porch light began to flicker also... that really creeped me out and left me feeling uneasy. This went on for three days until the day I touched the light switch and blew out those light bulbs. I am still not sure what the flickering of the lights was all about... but my intuition told me it was not a good thing in my case and my blowing out the light bulbs signified the end of that particular spirits presence.

  7. YAY!!!!!

    I don't know if it's just me but it seems like being happy and having a sense of humor are not common in the church.... but if Jesus didn't make me laugh, I would die.. I would straight up fall over and die. I posted this the other day on my FB, "28 AD, Joey Lawrence visits the unrepentant cities of the Galilee "Woe!"

    So far I got nothing...

  8. That makes a lot of sense John! I will definitely pray about that and speak to my pastor. I have been wondering lately about what my gifting is because He had shown me a strong prophetic anointing but at the same time I have this intense energy that flows through my body as I pray, that just gets stronger and stronger the more I pray. I don't understand what it is for. I know it's the Holy Spirit... but I just don't know what the purpose for having it is. Last Friday I was praying at the service and I felt that energy more intensely than I ever had before. It was so strong that if I could have seen it visually I would equate it to when you put your hands on of those globes that demonstrates electromagnetic energy and all the lighting bolts attract to your hand... it was like that, except thats what I felt coming from the palms of my hands (or to them?) almost like it would shock someone if I touched them. Last year, during one of my praise times at home, I went into my room turned on the light switch and sparks flew from my finger and blew out two light bulbs. It happened another time after that... I'm hoping it wont happen too often because light bulbs aren't cheap -lol- I can deal with 2x a year tho haha

  9. I knew I should have written it down as soon as I awoke but I didn't :-(

    At first it wasn't good. I was at an office building where I worked out at. A display case in the lobby had my fiances last name on a tshirt that said that he was marrying Amy. He worked in this office building for a wedding company (a company that he does work for in RL) This caused me great distress in my dream but it turned out he was marrying me. It was all of the sudden. The company had set the whole thing up and everything was all set to go. I was a little sad about not getting to pick anything out but really happy about getting married. I was in a glass elevator leaving the top floor where the compnay was located and pushed W for wedding. While going to the bottom floor (where the wedding was) I saw my fiance standing in the window of the office building next door holding a sign that said 'remember the wedding invitations' or 'I forgot the wedding invitations' but I remember the word remember being in there (uggghh I wish i'd have written it down)

    I remember standing at the altar under the chuppah, there was a large pool of water behind us. The priest (there was a priest) asking me what my vows were... and I said "well I didn't have time to prepare anything special... but I can't think of a better way to say it than the words of God himself about Love in the 13th book of 1 Corinthians, Oh! and Ephesians 5!"

    My dress was white but there was an opening to the skirt in a V shape showing sapphire blue, with Christmas lights. strung into it -lol- Afterwards my fiance and I were dancing on the water, with the priests. He dipped me and I said "what caused you to remember?" then he told me the memories.

    I then got to have another wedding. (still him) but this time I got to pick out a few decorations, not many though, because it was right after the first one and also pretty quick. Almost like another wedding on our honeymoon I think. It was like in India? I remember selecting some colors for these streamers... but since I don't remember for certain which colors I will leave that out.

    Recently I have noticed God has been calling me by different names in my dreams. Like Jessi, Hannah, Isreal, and I think Amy was Him doing that. So I looked it up to see if it was a hebrew name. Sure enough... Amy had a hebrew root meaning "truth."

    Other than that what are y'alls thoughts?

  10. I had a strange dream this morning unlike any of my others...

    It was from the perspective of observing myself praying while laying down on my bed. (where I normally pray) It was very realistic. Everything was exactly as is in reality. As I was praying I felt waves of energy flowing through my body more and more intensely. It became so strong that it scared me a bit but I choose to keep going. It got more intense. I thought about stopping but decided to press in. Then it quit feeling like waves of energy and had the sensation of a very intense sunburn. I then saw my feet being lifted upward and slowly beginning to be dragged up and off of my bed by a force I could not see. I thought this is too much for me to handle. Then I immediately woke up.

    I don't want to say anything more than that because I'd like to get an unbiased interpretation as you are led. Thanks so much.

  11. A small tunnel just below the surface of the ground. A man crawls on his hands and knees over top of skeletons. He is sad for all the slain, the violence men never seem to learn from. I get the impression that he cannot see because it is dark in the tunnel, but that he knows intuitively. At the end of the tunnel there is a skeleton sitting up, the dirt has molded around it to allow it to sit upright, the man shoves a sword through the jaw of the skeleton. It is the skeleton of an ancient/unknown type of human.

    The man keeps the jawbone, but does not know how it fits together (though only 2 pieces.) The Lord says, watch, the scientists will piece it back together, as I purposed it. The jaw bone has a DNA strand painted on it. One line of the spiral is a light blue the other is a pale yellow. I see an attempt to put it together. The top surface is light blue, the underside is pale yellow. It is upside down and wont fit, there is a notch that will only fit correctly if turned right-side up.

  12. I got the impression that since the car was a toyota celica I should look it up, what the car name means. Wow:
    The name is ultimately derived from the Latin word coelica meaning "heavenly" or "celestial".

    I also think that my friend represents me, where I am going and who I am. That I am not to think of myself based on current circumstances, which are not an accurate representation of my consistent character but a result of a series of highly unfortunate events/actions that occurred within a very short time period in the lives of all those around me. Situations they choose to handle very, very irresponsibly that wound up having a very very negative impact on my life. Events that I know were attacks on my life from the enemy in an effort to destroy me and my faith.

    Maybe the Lord is trying to show me that I ought to see myself like that, instead of seeing myself within my broken down circumstances.

  13. I've been having a hard time interpreting my dreams lately, there's so much going on that I can't focus enough to get a clear read on them.

    Here's what I remember of a dream I had last night. Not sure what this dream means. I had a few others.. but do not remember the details of them enough to post them in a logical format. I think if I could get some clarity on this one, it may unlock the others and bring them more to my remembrence.

    I think my concern about money in this dream reflects how I feel in RL, while not an overwhelming concern or anything it is an issue. Other than that... I'm not to sure what any of it means.

    A friend of mine and I were in the parking lot of a McDonald's. We decided to go on a road trip to Florida. The highway pavement was made of broken shells, a much different consistently than the roads in Georgia (where I live) I said it's a good thing their roads are made of these, I bet that they have far less hydroplane accidents.

    [I believe these broken shells are a reference that the Holy Spirit has used in RL to convey a message about new beginnings to my fiance (who I have not seen or heard from since last June). That one must drop their broken shells, so that they can grab the starfish He is pointing out to them. I got the impression when I woke up that this was a good thing, to be driving over the broken shells.]

    I think we were in my car at this point. We somehow wind up traveling through this river, (instead of by car on the highway) Maybe... waist high, calm water. There are hammocks lining either side for people to stay the night. I mention how Brad (a mutual friend of ours) had told me thats how he does it... (which he does in r/l ... he is a very natury person) but she and I decide we want to stay at a hotel.

    Now we are in her car I think, which in my dream is a toyota cellica (not her car in RL, also she and I don't see each other much in rl) I remember thinking, why did we take two cars? We should have just taken hers,(because in RL my car needs emissions, tag and I'm pretty broke right now) that way we could just split the cost of gas, it takes 50 to fill up my tank (in rl also) though split between the two of us only 25...

    Anyways, We stopped at a gas station in a small town. The attendant was an old man in overalls with a ball cap on. The gas station was very small and we asked if they had a bathroom. He said no. She and I walked away and talked about how we suppose it didn't matter to him because he is a guy and it's much easier but when he needs to go, how does he use the restroom or wash his hands? I guess he goes across the street to some other business? She went around back to pee and was not happy that she could not wash her hands. We were about to get in the car to leave but I remembered I needed to get some scope/green mouthwash. I went up to the window and bought it from the guy. It was 8.50 (not sure about the 50 cents) for a tiny travel size bottle. I thought that was pretty steep for such a tiny bottle.

    We asked the man where a good place to get something to eat was and he started to name all these fancy restaurants on the street where this Gas station was. We got the feeling he was trying to promote the local businesses, which is good, but we just couldn't afford to eat at any of those places. We told him that our hotel was on the street a block behind his, on the river, and asked if there were any places to eat over there. He then began to name a bunch of places, all of them still sort of our of our price range. He talked about this one place that was in the same complex as our hotel, a buffet that was pretty good. I remember thinking that it sounded like the place I wanted to go, but I didn't mention that it was my preference.

    We get in the car to leave. The gas station suddenly has a rush of cars drive through, but not to get gas, to get items from the convenient store (which you could not walk into, it had a delivery system like at the bank, if you were driving through). The man seemed busy. I remember seeing an Indian woman getting scissors and thought what an unusual purchase, who would think to go to a tiny convenient store for that? that a tiny little convenient store would carry full sized metal scissors?

    We drive back to our hotel. It looks like an old strip mall. The paint is mostly an antique green color, and some similar shades of blue/green. Many of the buildings are vacant. The paint is peeling. It's night time. We walk down the sidewalk looking for a place to eat. We pass by a couple of restaurants until we reach the end where the buffet is that the Old man had talked about. I can't remember the name but it started with an S and was a word associated with a foreign culture. (ex: shenanigan, irish). We look in the window and saw a buffet with lots of deserts that look really good. The patrons were all women in wedding gowns. We walked in, still undecided I think... but pretty much convinced we were going to eat there, and she picked up a Delicious looking (cranberry?) muffin from the buffet and said, "mmm smell this!"

    any ideas? :-)

  14. Those are some great insights you guys. In addition to what Peter said, you were in your husbands parents family room...
    I was thinking that maybe this represents our fathers house. Jesus, the husband of the church and that you placing an empty silver oven rack over the fire in the fireplace would represent the altar on which we lay our offerings to God and the warmth we find in his presence.

    Philippians 4:4-6
    4 Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! 5 Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. 6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

    Benny Hinn has been praying for three things to happen before the end of this year with a focus from 2 Samuel 30 where David returns to camp from a long battle and finds that the enemy has burnt the whole place down and taken their families captive. Then the men were angry and bitter with David. David consulted the Lord and asked if he should pursue. The Lord told him to pursue, that he would surely overtake them and without fail recover all.
    1. No More Losses
    2. Recover All
    3. Abundance

    Also, Paul's letter to timothy was the last letter he wrote before being killed and was written as his final instructions to timothy for carrying on his ministry of the Gospel. I imagine those were pretty dark times for them and that Timothy was fearful, grieving and feeling inadequate to carry out such a large task. So Paul writes him to call to his remembrance his strong faith, to encourage him and to urge him to remain faithful to the gifts God has given him, despite all the circumstances.

    So maybe it's a word for those who've been in a season of training for awhile, for people who've experienced great opposition and great loss as a result of the call on their life. People who have a gift from the Lord but have been in a season of such despair that the fire from God within them has grown dim.

    Perhaps the message is to come into his presence again with rejoicing and to warm themselves with his loving and peaceful presence. To know that the "and suddenly" they've been waiting on has been on the way and is very very very near. That the recovery of all that was lost is here and the victory is established and sure. To Be encouraged. Stir up that faith and expectation again! Don't be afraid or intimidated by the looks of things or issues past.... God has already settled it in heaven. Expect the "and suddenly" in your life. The appointed time is here, give thanks to the Lord!!!! Praise Him and Know that through Him you are an overcomer, you have the Spirit of power, the Spirit of Love and the Spirit of peace within you! You've already been equipped with everything you need to receive & do what you've been waiting for and it's manifestation is very, very, very soon!

  15. Dove-Solutions wrote:
    Father God,

    I come into full agreement with all the prayers here and especially with Virtuous prayer. I stand against the enemy in Jesus name and command it to the feet of Jesus, and that the peace, love and joy of this marriage be returned 7 fold. Father we thank you for goodness and mercy toward us and toward this family. Father we thank you that no matter what our circumstances you are right there with us even when we don't see you, you see us and you never let us go. Father I also pray for wisdom for Latoya and ask that you show her what is the right thing to do in this situation. Father remind her that you are her husband like you reminded me in Isaiah 54. Father we give you all the praise glory and honor and we pray this in Jesus name.

    your servant,


    PS: Latoya read Isaiah 54. Whole chapter. The Lord gave me this about 3 years ago. It is awesome.

    I come into agreement with these prayers as well. Thank you father for hearing our prayers, watching over them, performing them and sending your heavenly angels to aid this family as you do your wondrous works :-) In Jesus name I pray and give you praise in advance for everything that your doing!

  16. He has been trying to recover from drug addiction. It could be the Lord showing you all the spirits that try to keep people in bondage to drugs and alcohol, which essentially turn a person into a vessel for enemy work. Watch "not afraid." He has a cross around his neck, breaks out of a dark basement, see's himself in a mirror, examines himself, breaks the mirror, see's and bathes in light, leaps of the edge of a cliff... it appears that he is trying to take a leap of faith. That he is in a place were he needs the Lord to help him pick up the pieces and show him a new way of living that he's never known before.

    I come into agreement will all you guys prayers for his permanent deliverance. That the Lord strengthen him and keep him. That he will dwell in the secret place of the most high! That he will help him stay focused on his goal to be a good father to his children and provide him with the fellowship he needs to help him remain sober. That the Lord will take away all the emotional pain from his life and reveal to him the power of forgiveness. That the Lord would grant to him the peace that surpasses all understanding, that he may know rest... physically, spiritually and emotionally. That though his family rejected him as well as the world.. that he has a heavenly father who loves him, who wants to be the father to him that he never had. That wants to fill his heart, his family and his life with his abiding love.

    A snippet of some of the lyrics from "not afraid"
    "There's a game called circle and I don't know how
    I'm way too up to back down
    But I think I'm still tryna figure this crap out
    Thought I had it mapped out but I guess I didn't
    This f*** black cloud still follow's me around
    But it's time to exercise these demons
    These motherf*** are doing jumping jacks now!

    I'm not afraid to take a stand
    Everybody come take my hand
    We'll walk this road together, through the storm
    Whatever weather, cold or warm
    Just let you know that, you're not alone
    Holla if you feel that you've been down the same road

    And I just can't keep living this way
    So starting today, I'm breaking out of this cage
    I'm standing up, Imma face my demons
    I'm manning up, Imma hold my ground
    I've had enough, now I'm so fed up
    Time to put my life back together right now"

  17. you know it's interesting you mention that. I've had dreams about celebrities many times this year. I thought it was very strange because I don't watch TV and I have no idea what's going on with celebs at all. I don't pay attention to the tabloids ever either. The only way I know about anything is if someone mentions it to me.

    This summer I had a dream that ashton kutcher was cheating on someone. The very next day someone told me "oh looks like ashton kutcher is cheating on demi moore." I said wow... thats crazy I had a dream about that just last night.

    Lindsay Lohan has been in my dreams several times. Shortly thereafter something would happen with her and someone would tell me about it. In my dreams she was curious about seeking the Lord but didn't feel like she could trust anyone in the church. Abuse seemed to be an issue for her. I feel very badly for folks like her and paris hilton and brittney spears. I can imagine it must be very difficult to turn your life around and start over again when everyone labels you for your past. Anyone who's ever been talked about behind their back knows how much that hurts and how difficult it is to overcome such things.

    They are labeled as this one kind of person... but maybe they aren't anymore. Maybe their hearts have changed. Maybe they don't want to be that anymore... yet everyone discourages them and makes fun of them. So it's like not only do they have to "renew their minds" but they have to guard their minds CONSTANTLY from the barrage of their past haunting them. The Lord would never bring their sins up over and over. You know? Like how hard it is to fight the feeling of condemnation, even though you know your forgiven? I can't imagine how difficult it must be for them. I pray that the Lord would place amazing, Spirit led, beautiful people around them with gigantic hearts to be spiritual mothers and fathers to them, who will not betray their confidence. People who know about what they are going through and can show them the way to his safe refuge as they heal.

  18. :-) I had a dream where I had run out of gas and was riding on a motorcycle behind a big white SUV that I was supposed to be driving. I was out of money and didn't know how I would be able to refuel.

    The big white SUV was on a conveyor belt (a symbol God has used several times in my dreams, Conveyor... belt=truth) sort of like when you go to a car wash. There two were pump attendants. One would fill the car with gas as it was pulled along. The next would write down the license plate number of the car to keep track of the cost of fuel and which car it was put into.

    I was following behind this SUV and didn't know the attendants would automatically begin fueling my motorcycle. I was very concerned as to how I would pay for the gas they just put in it.

    You picked up your car much like a valet type system. The SUV had no problem paying and was immediately ready to go. When I handed my ticket to the valet I was very nervous and embarrassed as I explained the situation. The attendant looked at me with a look of understanding and grace. He then went and got another valet.

    The motorcycle I was on had been blocked in by a big red tractor for plowing fields. The two valets pulled up on a red golf cart/go-cart and told me to hop in. I had no idea what was going on. They pulled up to a beautiful inner-courtyard with moss covered stone slabs, green vines, white and pink roses and said here you are. This house & courtyard belonged to the owner of the fueling station.

    When I woke up, I knew that the attendants were angels and the courtyard was representative of the gardens and such described in the song of Solomon. The Lord is amazing...

  19. you were led correctly :-)

    After reading your post I went to the website to read the article you wrote about Virginia tech. It makes a lot of sense why you were led to pray those things. At first, I tried to tell myself that all these supernatural happenings would be normal to any Christian who truly believed, even when it didn't make sense, and made the choice to put EVERYTHING in his hands. I figured, the Lord loves all of us and if it's in that book and He tells us its normal then it ought to be normal in life of every believer.

    However, I know He gives the gifts of the Spirit in certain measures proportionate to His good and perfect will for our lives. The more I try to understand how 'normal' the things that have been happening in my life are, the more I realize they aren't so common place within the body. I suppose this is why I've come under such inexplicable opposition. However, I've also had plenty of help from the Lord to overcome much of what's been happening. I'm just ready to enter into peace in every area (as every area has been under attack all at once) so that I can better understand all of this and hear the Lord as clear as I used to.

  20. In response to the support group comments, happy dance
    -lol- exactly... it's funny I've gotten a little more courage about it recently and have told a few different people about a few things... and their response has been the exact opposite of what I thought it would be. I feel like each time I shared, I heard Him say... "see, I told you it wouldn't be so bad... just trust me..."

    They have been very curious to know more. What stinks about it is that they want answers from me, that I don't have for them.

    I feel like the Lord has given me these dreams as a sign for unbelievers to get closer to him... but it's kind of like they see it more as a neat phenomena rather than invitation from the Lord to get to know this God who cares about them enough to bug me in my dreams on their behalf -lol- j/k I don't see it as bugging... I feel very honored.

    However, I don't think it's unique... I think the Lord would speak to them directly if they would just seek Him diligently with all their hearts. I mean if it were me and someone told me something about myself they couldn't possibly have known. I think I would be a little more apt to take notice, like the woman at the well, but I guess that's why the Lord speaks about signs and wonders frequently being of no importance to people. After all, look at all the amazing things He did right before their eyes... and even his own disciples had difficulty believing him at times... Jesus is so smart :-)

    Mia, thank you so much for your prayers. They mean a lot. It's interesting that you mention Virginia Tech. My friend, Ryan Clark, was the RA who was killed that morning when he went to the defense of the first student who was shot, before the shooter left to go and kill the other students. :-(

    I am grateful that the Lord has folks like you, who have received His gift and allowed themselves to be used by Him for His purposes. Prayers are powerful and I am thankful to have yours :-)

  21. Stumbling upon your site was a confirmation for me.
    The day when I awoke from that particular dream I turned on my TV and the man was talking about how the Lord was showing up in peoples dreams quite frequently in the middle east and these revelations of Him resulted in many of them converting to Christianity.
    That caused me to take notice, "Oh, He's talking to me about dreams again..." So I figured the one I just had was significant and began to write it out. After thinking about it for awhile I googled christian dream interpretation and your site popped up, which was such a blessing in itself because when I had the other dreams and tried to look for help I was not finding anything.
    While reading your article on interpreting dreams, I heard a man on the TV say something about "drops of rain," I saw your emphasis on seeking the Lord first and thought, "Yes!! This is what I'm talking about" :-) then, when I saw you describe how for you it's like receiving "drops of rain" I was like yes... this website is for me. Thank you Lord!
    Mia, could you please pray for me. I know the Lord is doing something with my life. The Lord has shown me that whatever it is, the enemy isn't happy about it at all. It's very strange. I received a very timely word in January that shed some light on why everything was going crazy. I feel such a kinship with Job it's not even funny... at the bottom of the letter it said, "there are many things going on in your life all at once, you are at a place in life where it is critical that you decide whether you will go with the Creator or let your faith go otherwise. GOD HAS BIG PLANS FOR YOU AND SATAN WILL DO ALL THAT HE CAN TO DESTROY THESE PLANS. YOU ARE AT A CRITICAL CROSSROADS IN YOUR LIFE EVERY DECISION IS IMPORTANT." I had just moved there two days prior. No one knew to reach me there, nor could they have sent the letter in time to reach me that day. It came in the mail on the 2nd of January. Which means it would need to have been in the mail prior to the 30th of December, before the upset occurred that resulted in my sudden move. Not only did I not know anyone who would have sent it, no one knew I was there, let alone my situation. The letter was addressed 'to resident,' it was very specific and timely...

    and uhm, then on the 4th of July, in the dream I refereed to regarding num12:6, a gang had stolen my car and began taking it apart like a chop shop... not good. At the end of the dream, Jesus showed up with a glowing sword ready to go to battle for me and take back everything that was stolen from me.

    A few weeks ago, my car made it's first appearance in my dreams since. I was sitting in it on my driveway. An ambulance flew down the road behind my car in the direction of where it had been taken on the dream I had on the 4th. I've been clinging to the Lord and I know he's on the case. It's just been very rough because of how much was taken and how slow everything is going.

    On oct. 28th the Lord gave me 2 samuel 30 3x in the same day and has been speaking that word consistently ever since. Praise God! "David Recovered all, nothing missing..."

    Everything I've been going through has been very spiritual in nature. I am sort of weary of speaking to anyone about it that is not familiar with these sort of things. I can't wait til I "recover all" because the things that have been happening are so amazing... I want to be able to properly articulate my testimony to others.

    Also, I have a question for you... in your experience... what is the significance when a particular scripture shows up in your dreams? For instance last night I had a dream where a man told me he wanted to give me Micah 4:12. I read it this morning and I was like YAY :-) Israel's return from exile!
    11 But now many nations
    are gathered against you.
    They say, “Let her be defiled,
    let our eyes gloat over Zion!”
    12 But they do not know
    the thoughts of the LORD;
    they do not understand his plan,
    that he has gathered them like sheaves to the threshing floor.
    13 “Rise and thresh, Daughter Zion,
    for I will give you horns of iron;
    I will give you hooves of bronze,
    and you will break to pieces many nations.”
    You will devote their ill-gotten gains to the LORD,
    their wealth to the Lord of all the earth.

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