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Everything posted by dawnbrans

  1. Hello I am interested in your love heart shades and love heart headband if they are still available. Thanks:)
  2. FR sent, will send you Luminous Film Camera once accepted
  3. FR sent, will send you Luminous Pet Angel Statue when accepted
  4. Oh okay, sorry I miss understood. I will take heart lolly then Thanks:)
  5. I don't know how to repost your lists to show when I want to grant wishes, so I will just list the people and what wish I am granting:) HaHa_13- Water lily pond Smut- will grant small penguin plushie once fr accepted Obbyz- Biscuit fish Panta- Small penguin plushie Berna Gal- sending you a cc doll Megannator- will grant you a rock fountain once FR accepted Fridsage- will grant you penguin tshirt once FR accepted Chay- Romantic window Tromo3- Meadow Hat Will check and see if there are other wishes I can grant....Thank you HaHa for the frogs and Tromo3 for the rubber duck and marianna for the cake!!!! I love them all:)
  6. My wishlist..... Lots of Yellow Rubber Duckies-Thank you Tweet40,MaMa ShiShi,Sugarpops,Pandy,myladyyawo,TipPy,Berna_Gal Lots of Black Rubber Duckies-Thank you Tromo3, Tweet40,bbfrenz,Sugarpops,myladyyawo,Berna_Gal Lots of Green Frogs-Thank you haha_13, Tweet40,Berna_Gal,TipPy Lion Plushies-Thank you myladyyawo,Tweet40 Daffodil Dress Firecracker Lucky Green Dress A HUGE THANKS to Chay Love Heart Shades Love Heart Headband Love Heart Candles-Thank you Chiaretta,Berna_Gal Royal Sparkling Fruit JuiceThanks to haha_13 Rainbow Poo- Thank you MaMa ShiShi for the rainbow and golden poo!!! Also Thanks to Friz Dreamy DishesThanks to haha_13 OMG PaintingMangoberri Lots of holly Snowman Thank you Obbyz Lots of any cakes-Thank you Fridsade, Marianna_petsociety, Nettybowman, MaMa ShiShi, Chay,magelvl8,Tweet40,Berna_Gal,Joe99 Thank you to all of those who will grant my wishes....Bailey and I are going to try and Grant as many Wishes as we can!!! Happy Holidays Everyone :dancing:
  7. All items received, thank you for the trade. I love them!!! Adding rep :dancing:
  8. all items received thanks for the trade!!!! adding rep :dancing:
  9. Hello, How much for 1 red stocking? Thanks:)
  10. Great, I will accept and send 16x999 for 2 solider bears and 2 swans Thanks:)
  11. Great, I will send you 3x999 for the pear juice and 2 gingerbread Thanks:)
  12. Great, I will send over 3x4999 now Thanks:)
  13. orange juice Half Empty or Half Full
  14. Okay, I'll take 4 chocolate logs and 4 plum pudding. I don't need the rest anymore. We are already friends, so I will send over the 8x999 now Thanks:)
  15. I have cc, how many do you need? I also have 1 sweetheart cup if you still need. Thanks:)
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