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Everything posted by tweets

  1. what if we get the poisonous potion? cen we, like... keep it in that box forever? O___o
  2. tweets


    i am completely shocked! not so far away from where i live, on tuesday, a dog was found under a car. she had all 4 of his paws cut off with an axe. neighbours who live there, haven't noticed anything, as she was hiding under a car. two girls who were on that street saw a dog crawling on a parking lot, abd behind it was a bloody trail. they imidiately called help, and the poor pup was taken to the vet.... ---------------------------------------- it makes me mad that people would do something like this to animals!
  3. tweets

    Oooh excited!

    my movie shold've been on RTS last week (my best friend's dad pulled a few strings) but they couldn't fit it anywhere... i'll upload it on youtube again soon
  4. tweets

    Oooh excited!

    LMAO nice to meat you, pixel lazar
  5. ovo sto sam stavila sam sve ja nasla... osim one lucky cat... to je chiaretta u jednom compu negde postavila
  6. moj panda dobrivoje xDDD i moj bezimeni delfin (izvali kad je wwf xD)
  7. mnogo puta nam se desilo (okej, bar meni) da kad vidimo nesto sto izgleda ko item iz peta, odma pomislimo na to pa, hajde, zajasite na google i nadjite te stvari... jos bojle, nadjite ih i slikajte...
  8. mala nocna muzika? film od kojeg mesec dana ne mozes da spavas xD
  9. friday the 13th, od 1. do 12. dela xD sve sam odgledala....
  10. pa tako sto nije obicna beba.. neki monstrum/mutant/djavo koji jede sve pred sobom... majka joj je nasla mrtvog zeca u kreveticu.. onda beba iskoci kroz prozor i pojede goluba... uzas....
  11. jesi gledao sobu 1408? znaci film jee..... Je li Stigmata puno puno strašan? ije bas nesto strasan.... onako... srednje
  12. i think that update should be done next week... and still really hoping it won't be
  13. i can send more then 3 gifts o one person... to more then one person.... i'll try selling back a lotta bling bling (in offline more, ofc) to see what happnes... edit: sold enough to get 100.000 more coins, and nothing happened...
  14. so it means it will be in boxes just that week? O.o
  15. i can guess te next week's new free gift.. A WOLF PLUSHIE!! i was right! it is the 3 piglets...
  16. just wait till the next week's update.... i've heard they'll put a 3 GIFT PER DAY limit!!!!! O________________O *really hoping they won't*
  17. 2 yellow duck toy 1 Classy Kitty 2 Golden Star Decor 2x3333+1x999
  18. scary movie nije tollko strasan, kolko je smesan.. xD idi pogledaj ''jigsaw's dead'' u ''at the movies''... e, netreba samo hakere, nego i nas, koji smo od cash coin hacka dosli do horor filmova... (ok, nije to tolki off topic, hakeri jesu nasa nocna mora xD)
  19. very nice entry, kiki!! added you to the list and of course you're not late! there are about 10 more days!!
  20. to je nemoguca misija
  21. i love my new badge instead of just saying i'm a LM, it sais what am a a mod of
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