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About Moufisto

  • Birthday 08/10/1992

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  2. Moufisto

    I maek pictures :3

    I wish i could draw like doom ;[
  3. It's mutual. And I didn't leave AITM for another server, I'm already admin on so many others so don't start thinking i had something to gain from this. I left it because I'm sick of the current GM's bullshit, you're all a fucking joke. If GM's ever expelled as a rank, and things turn back to normal.. maybe I'll be back. Excluding Doom and Onion for previous statements. FYI Experts, the GM's don't trust half of you. You ever wonder why you're not OP on SMP? Get a fucking clue. I'm done here. Last post.
  4. No, people. Zhuge finally got something right. It's a first for him.
  5. Alright, you've got me. I'm gone, as you wanted. Start celebrating already. P.S good work noticing i was still GM on forums (y) Zhuge? : D
  6. not sure if i put this up earlier. but i love this and it reminds me of minecraft. And then these old favorites..
  7. Oh. Maybe i posted it in some other topic.. Good lord. where did my post go. It was something about battling/ competing to win your love and sulking that i was rejected from your contest I do wonder where we will find it, if it wasn't deleted... Could have been a dream. I've dreamt of posting something and wondered where did it go. I bet it's in some way outward irrelevant section where no man dares go anymore. Probably ended up in GM's section somehow, despite not being GM LOL
  8. Who keeps deleting my posts? Serious troll.
  9. Oh. Maybe i posted it in some other topic.. Good lord. where did my post go. It was something about battling/ competing to win your love and sulking that i was rejected from your contest I do wonder where we will find it, if it wasn't deleted...
  10. Oh but OF COUUURRRSEE my post was deleted.
  11. was Atlantis, 10 Fishbowl ave destroyed too? :[
  12. Too much detail? I didn't make it anyway XD I've got another drawing to use for this anyway XP at least, it'll be ready soon
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