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Everything posted by DemonicD3

  1. I give up on these, too much effort to keep them active. Too much server competition for advertisement bumps for me to keep up by myself. If anybody wishes to keep them going, feel free the bump or not otherwise just let the topics fade in the wind.
  2. What a good raid, nobody besides snowy got hurt and I got a free TV out of it. Win/Win. Same time next week?
  3. Does that apply to these two? kazkepox - 19 weeks 1 day xunkang - 13 weeks
  4. Lol, basti came back just in time it seems. He must have psychic powers.
  5. I voted 4 weeks, should be enough time for anybody that's on vaca or taking a break from the game to get back (if they did not notify anybody about there dissapearance). If they decide to come back afterwards, well that's another discussion.
  6. DemonicD3

    It's Easter!

    You could always watch a chick flick with your gf, everytime you want to kill yourself you take a drink. Drunkness garanteed.
  7. Meh, not worth replacing.
  8. Wings 3D looks pretty cool but there is no way Paint.net can compete with Photoshop. There is nothing that can compete with photoshop in regards to what it does. Still Paint is good for a free tool.
  9. What's exactly new for the new update, I've never actually noticed anything new or improved in any of there updates.
  10. It's okay zhuge, I'm a hidden ninja. First thing you see is a base just being constructed than you turn around and BAM! You're surrounded by Canuck Commando's.
  11. DemonicD3

    Pupil Griefer

    This is exactly why I follow everybody thats below mason. Most people trust those that are ranked and most are trustworthy but none are trustworth unti'll they have earned the trust. I sometimes even follow some adepts at times just to see what they are up to. Can never know, paid off with NGI.
  12. You forgot the most important mod, Airplanes. Build airplane parts and assemble them. Can even build a attached MG and bullets and have dogfights in MP (if the mod is enabled on there). In SMP can just scout out the landscape/build spots and even shoot at enemy critters at night.
  13. Yes, you must extract the files using winzip or w/e. Use the same winzip or w/e you have to open minecraft.jar and copy and paste or just move the files in there.
  14. Well hes definetly worth a trial, hes a very good builder, a dedicated member. From the time's I've actually talked to him he seems like he has a good attitude. Hes apparently already won over some experts. I believe it was kevin that really wanted to promote him to adept. My votes for giving him a shot.
  15. Yea you lost me at some sort of plot.
  16. That was the name but there was two of them. The 2nd one was only on for a minute or less so hard to remember which one was the one doing stuff. The other guy had a 01 but I think the 09 one was the one that ngi had a beef with. The ACG guy was a world class dick but still did nothing that would provoke a ban besides that one minor incident that he got kicked/warned for.
  17. Well for those that were not here, he was demoted as punishment to mason. He did not take the news well and was getting aggressive and constantly argueing. Finally after a long, long while of listening to him moan about it he was demoted to novice. After more moaning he was banned.
  18. Hello, I've been having some issues with a adept named Ngi. Lately that I've known him I've seem him do stuff a lot that directly messes with players who are trying to build. Some things like admincretes down as they are walking, blocking them, etc. He sais this is in all good fun and in general I may tend to agree if he was doing it to friends or other adepts/experts who know him. However he does it to random novices who doesn't think it's funny. I wrote all that off however except unti'll today which has been the worst case. There was this novice named AGC, he wrote the letters FU religion on novice in which we explained why that was wrong and ngi kicked him for it and wrote that off as a warning. Ever since AGC did no further offenses. However NGI has been blocking his build by standing where he wants to build, hes been freezing him for no reason. He even put down a sphere admincrete on his building/him. Despite many attempts to tell ngi to stop doing this. I've also seen him on staff chat provoking people to abuse there powers to mess with him as well. IMO I'm rather tired of seeing this behavior from a adept, I wouldn't care if he did it in good fun to his friends in the server every now and again who thought it was funny but he does it all the time to anybody. This is a review on his attitude and his ability to remain a adept. Looking for you opinion/vote for possibly consequences for this action.
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