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Everything posted by SirDoom

  1. We might be having some problems with him [2011-12-19 15:16:52] from timtam98: can u please put me on an adept trial [2011-12-19 15:17:07] from timtam98: or just rank me adept please [2011-12-19 15:32:11] to timtam98: not for now, theres about 5 adepts on trial, [2011-12-19 15:32:11] > we'll see about next batch [2011-12-19 15:32:49] from timtam98: can i just be ranked to adept for now! [2011-12-19 17:31:13] from timtam98: in 3 days i will be on the adept trial. [2011-12-19 17:31:21] from timtam98: i hope :S [2011-12-19 17:31:24] to timtam98: who told? [2011-12-19 17:31:48] from timtam98: ph03b3 said hers ends in 3 days Til now he hasnt begged, has behaved good, and been moderating as far as I know. Then I saw this:
  2. how about short rank title followed by worlds name, and leaving the rank part out on private worlds? ie: NOVmain, ADEhuge, PUPpupilotropolis. I've been thinking that possibility to filter spefic rank worlds would be good idea, and this would help with that.
  3. Previously in All in the Mined... Noodle knew he was just temporary help. As he was leaving he said he can be now demoted back to artisan. Since lightning wasnt on, I did the demote. Then Eric thought about giving him a trial, and promoted him to adept again. Later on lightning had demoted noodle to artisan again, probably not noticing eric's adept trial note.
  4. Racetrack begun. Taking design suggestions. Help welcome too. Suggestions containing word "nascar" won't be taken seriously.
  5. Back in 90's even stuff like this was good. But you youngsters with your dubsteps and...
  6. yaaaay cowgiii with stubby wubby feetsiis
  7. This is so beautiful it brings tears into my eyes.
  8. Saw them supporting judas priest once. Drummer threw a stick to my side. That bastard... Still have the stick, and I will take my revenge.
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