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Everything posted by SirDoom

  1. Type : Demotion Name : LaytonvsWright Date : 11.02.2012 (dd.mm.yyyy) Rank : Mason - Novice Reason : /cut applejack in half and added "PLZ" in front of "don't" in john lennon pixel art in main(35). He proclaimed goodbye, "FOREVER!"... Edit: Futher grief discovered, poketrainer sign turned to "grief".
  2. Type : Demotion Name : devin97kk Date : 11.02.2012 (dd.mm.yyyy) Rank : Mason - Rookie Reason : Grief in main(upcoming main35) in lennon pixelart and gold/iron house in front of it.
  3. Something's fishy... I shall be in Eiffel tower figuring this out...
  4. yea but number of contestants is unknown, therefor: (512 512 128) / x = y where x is the number of contestants, and y is the amount of land. Can't be solved without either x or y
  5. SirDoom

    Nicknames :3

    Sugar MattiPatti ph0b0 DarlinMinecraft Voltemort MickyMouse LucyVanPelt His Excellency, the protector of the realm, Lord Afk ha! Also have one for po, but im afraid to face her wrath... And of course the classics, Eeyla the eel and Catherine. Also El Finno and Batman, who haven't been round much. Or we could use asterix names. Doomerix, mattix, ph03b1x..
  6. world access for all, build expert/gm+ with exception for contestants, zoning to ensure fair play. Collect a list of people who are wanting to participate. Whitelisting and zoning after participant list closed.
  7. Monitored? has to be reported? copy spot must be shown on build?
  8. I made a world called Giveaway. Gotta plan how to handle the build rights.
  9. there are no other accounts on same ip. the other's you saw started with "jere". if you just info'd "jere", you get all those as possible results. infoing "jere611" gets to you the correct info.
  10. Ok, I think I see the problem. /j main is very dark and high up at the gateway. It might be hard to notice cause the color, or cant be seen at all at low draw distance. I took the liberty of sticking it to under /help and /rules in front of spawn. Tho it didnt seem to help..
  11. Filtering is good. But who handles the constant "WHRE CAN I BUILD?" inquiries? Over time it gets pretty annoying to be telling how to /j main constantly, especially during rush.
  12. Does this include build related paste, as in mirroring one side and pasting it to the other?
  13. You had different situation, as far as I know. Im not saying he would need to have the exact adept hours, but that he has been artisan for a week now. Watch him for few more days.
  14. Yeah he is, thing is that he just became artisan.
  15. Rampage Small portion of a city with highrise skyscrapers and a monster wreacking havoc in the middle. If someone is willing to do the city, I might provide the monster, if I muster enough motivation.
  16. Yeah I have and have played eons ago. Haven't got any extensions packs and every server seemed to start having add ons so I kinda stopped playing it. Also there was lot of cheaters. It was really cool tho. Unfortunatelly it kinda took attention away from the actual mgs4, which kinda felt annoyingly linear and short.
  17. I thought about starting a post about build ideas you might have but aren't interested in building at the moment. Personally I have a ton, but lack the motivation (maybe skill too) to start working on them. Anyway. [b]Arecibo Message[/b]. Simple pixel art, pretty much just need to copy it pixel by pixel, needs quite alot height so might be good idea to be build on the ground. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arecibo_message Did this once pre-wipe, lack the interest to do again.
  18. Haven't got dirt on him. I'd say yes.
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