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Everything posted by SirDoom

  1. People are dropping like flies these days.
  2. Next time there are new experts being considered. Joined 2 months after server got back up again, already has more hours than me, in otherwords, he has no life. And all of that time he pretty much mods.
  3. Name: DemonicD3 Date: April 4 2012 Rank:Expert to Artisan Reason: As per request.
  4. Too late. If it was mere Rick Astley image and music, or youtube video claiming to be something else, I wouldn't mind, but I severly HATE bul****t that messes around with browser and wastes peoples time and possibly make them lose stuff they are currently working on on the browser (incase only way to get out of it is to terminate browser's process from taskmanager). So please, if you have to troll people on forum, do it in non-destructive way.
  5. Actually I belong to the group who don't know what the "shit" is. I know some bits and pieces but not enough to form any sort of picture.
  6. SirDoom

    I maek pictures :3

    http://www.designshard.com/video-tutorials/space-and-planet-photoshop-tutorials-to-create-amazing-space-scenes/ Have fun. Used to do these by the dozen bit over a year go. I don't really consider it drawing. It's just parametres, pre-made patterns and brushes. I wish I could actually draw.
  7. SirDoom

    I maek pictures :3

    This is one of my earlier works on some other software, I didnt use it for long so I didnt learn it so well, so the picture isnt as good as that other one. Everyone should use mspaint, I think professionals use photoshop just because it's more expensive so it would seem more "professional".
  8. SirDoom

    I maek pictures :3

    I've used this program called "mspaint". I have use it quite long, so Im sure this is artisticly considered better than your scribbles.
  9. Im almost finished. Also vote for eric.
  10. and if that's not enough, I'll take you shopping and we'll get you all a make over so you all become SUBLIME. Maybe then you'll be happy.
  11. Well I planted a few moustaches on my own builds in Anchorhead. My plan was to blame him for them, say he failed, then just /setinfo his promoreason to permadept, and leave him confused why wasnt he demoted. Put it doesnt sound shocking enough.
  12. Lets do something different than "oh dear, you failed the trial, *demote, *promo well look at that, ha ha ha, we certainly got you there sonny!" skit. He's excepting it.
  13. http://earslap.com/projectslab/circuli?q=3331v894v36k21oook8543oo1593312640o02o4o8o9846oo4411k891k0_63k2ko37093501o545o0oo9160o35o3015553o7ooo74k13o8436o02831ko5o2ko1k436oo608134oo18518k068o018_23081711
  14. first, it would need command /jail, it requires coding. secondly, this has been suggested dozens of times, ending up being shot down every single time. so no. bam.Sound of a suggestion getting shot in the back with a remington.
  15. Please refer to Phoebe from now on in all your tranlation needs. thank you.
  16. I have few got ideas for the smp server. They are as follows: 1) If you wish to place an arena in the smp server, then I would like to offer mine, which is located in world rookie4's underworld. 2) If you wish to have a maze in the smp server, I am willing to provide one that I have build. You can locate it near the Arena which I described in point 1). 3) If you wish to meet the builders of these fine builds, for chat or build or what not, please contact me, henry7006. 4) If you would like to create a new place, you can make a place which resembles a shopping mall, where you can do trading. I sincerely hope you like my ideas, and I'm hoping to hear your feedback about them. -Henry7006
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