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Posts posted by lightning_po

  1. I have seen JohnsonTea show some potential for being an Adept. I watched him moderate while drawing today, and he seems to know what he's doing. he has 128h as of this posting and kicked 30 people. I think it would be in our best interest to give him a shot at adept trial.

  2. Sorry I missed our chat, I had to do real life things. I'll be on tonight 6pm-11pm PST. If you're there, I'll see you then. If not, I'll be on like 7AM-ish to 10AM-ish tomorrow. This is fairly upsetting to me, and I really want to get this sorted out.

  3. I didn't, but if you intend to keep saying so, fine. I'll earn it AGAIN. If anything, I've been at expert rank for 2 months, and been extremely helpful to the staff. doesn't that say anything?

    I feel this is an unfair demotion. I feel like I left a chat room on and got demoted for something you said to my idle client while I was having fun with my family.

    The fake server spamming and holidays seem to only add to the confusion.

  4. 18:41Lightning_PoI
    server hopped around a bit untill i found this place originally, like
    aug/sept , played for like 30ish hours and was finally promoed to mason
    when i started pixel art here , but by then (about 42ish hours), nobody was ever on this
    server, so i left. Then after about 30h on apc i was promoed to the
    equivalent of our artisan, working my way up through ranks till all but owner
    18:41Lightning_Pothen at about 237h I quit APC cuz of the staff's immaturity and came back here to find that it was server wiped.
    18:42Lightning_Pothats when I started this time around
    18:42zhugeso you are prewipe
    18:42Lightning_Pothen thats where "you know the rest"

    Added : By "you know the rest" I mean, you can /info

  5. I'm taking full responsibility for this, but my brother may have gotten on irc. I've not been able to connect at all since 20th server spams. Also I've pretty much been out of contact for the last week cuz of family and holidays are more important than a game to me. Can I AT LEAST know what i was supposed to have responded to by yesterday?

  6. I have a bad movie collection because sometimes its fun to laugh at how bad they are.

    A few of my favorite terrible movies are :

    Catwoman (2004)
    horrible acting, not even close to the comic, degrading to women

    Birdemic : Shock & Terror (2008?)
    Right after the bird flu was a big deal, this movie came out. Such a dumb movie, like terrible cgi eagles that explode on impact , bad acting, no real plot. Looks like it only took like $10 to make

    Santa Clause Conquers the martians (1960's)
    I don't even know what to say about this movie, just watch it.

    BattleField Earth (2000)
    Inconsistent plot, and even though it has john travolta, what he says in the movie is just so dumb

    Attack of the Killer Shrews (1960's)
    Another dumb and secretly racist movie (they leave the black guy on a boat in the middle of a hurricane, then when he's getting eaten by shrews and screaming, they close the door saying "Lets shut that door, theres some horrible noise going on out there."

    and if you count short films, in 1992 , some danish guy made a troll film called Gayniggers from Outer Space. Yes its real, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gay_Niggers_From_Outer_Space . Its only 26 minutes long and its so dumb its hard to even get through. The best part is how they make chinese women sound, which is like some woman just squealing loudly into the microphone. black and white to color, looks like it took maybe $15 to make

  7. Still confused. Can someone please come and tell me in plain black and white format that I can easily understand why I was demoted?

    Lots of people want to know, and I'm 100% fine with the reasons being posted here, no matter what they are.

    Just give me a straight answer.

    I had 42h prior to server wipe. As for moderating experience, I was 1
    step below owner at AppleCraft (which isn't saying much, but I did fix
    grief and get about 200h experience as a moderator and APC DOES run fcraft).

    You know the rest of the story.

  8. Ericrb wrote:

    [2011-12-28 13:28:41] Demoted from expert to adept by Lucy 23h50m ago.
    [2011-12-28 13:28:41] Demotion reason: Had a week to respond. -.-

    To what?

    I can't spend Christmas with my family for a week without worrying about a silly internet game?

  9. saven wrote:
    keep the winner of each round in a list or some such thing?then you could have the winners watched by judges or something and when they die they lose a life?

    Such a list would have to be either hand-written by ref, or coded into the game. Even if someone were to manually write out a list, how would you keep track of 10+ people (we had 9 on the first day, so its not an impossible number) on up to 3 different levels? One person would be run ragged even with WOM. Maybe we could utilize /freeze somehow? I don't know.

  10. I have set up a spleef arena, with 3 floors each 65x65 , but with the first floor having a zoned 32x32 area that can be turned into a tournament board, as well as a 9x9 sudden death (that could also be used for memory game?). We tested it for the first time today and it seemed to be a pretty good success.

    It came to my attention that while we have some concrete tournament rules, we have no actual free for all rules. The current idea of free for all is 3 65x65 boards that many people can play on. Once you fall through, thats a life lost, go to next round. thats really as far as we've gotten on rules for free for all.

    Tournament Rules :

    Board Specifications (referee responsible)
    Must use 32x32 center board, the rest of the FFA bedrock and the lower levels zoned (they are all marked).
    Must use Logs for Tournament board untill the final match, in which case, use glass. It makes it harder to play and funner to watch.
    Must create 1 block high wall around edge of tournament board out of bedrock

    1. Contestants get on either corner , and a 5 second /timer is used (or countdown if expert+ not available).

    2. Contestants may build, but nothing more than replacing floor to move. (If they want to spend time fixing large portions of the board 1 block at a time, fine, but its probably not a good strategy.)

    3. Contestants CANNOT USE HACKS on WOM or otherwise.

    4. If a contestant leaves in the middle of the tournament, his match will be put as the last fight of that round of the tournament. If he fails to show by the time the fight is supposed to start, their opponent wins by default, and advances in the tournament.

    5. Spectators must be either on the bedrock surrounding the match or in the stands. NOBODY is allowed to "spectate" from the floor BELOW the spleef floor. (prevents siblings/friends from helping cheaters).

    This is about as many rules as I could think of, If needed, this rules list can be changed.

    I still need help as how the rest of the arena can be utilized.

  11. I personally say no to individual names. the codes might kind of help, but the worlds list looks organized as is imo.

    If you renamed worlds like SanFrancalico or what have you, people would get confused. You must realize the general age of people joining the server. 11ish-16ish

    MAYBE if you did something along the lines of


    or even


    , but even that would look bad. IF YOU COULD FIND A WAY to make original names, but the /worlds list to look organized, (involves alphabetizing and categorizing by rank) I'd support it.

  12. at the time, it was 30 novices, me and smartnoodle7. I promoed him to adept, went on skype, asked kev if he knew any staff online, and he got basti to get on. Its not like i just promoed and left.

    As for demoting after eric's trial, I didn't know anything about it. maybe if something about it were posted instead of just done, we wouldn't have any miscommunication.

  13. As of this posting, has 37.7 hours, Currently Promoted to Artisan. Had earlier promoted to Adept because of the rush and lack of staff. More staff came on eventually, and a few hours later back to Artisan.

    Something was mentioned about him on adept trial?

    Personally I think 50 hours would be the bare minimum for adept, and we're not understaffed or anything like that, we just had one small instance. Given the chance though, he was a pretty decent mod. He's definitely got experience.

  14. This project is such a headache. I'm pulling the plug on it. Those idiots don't deserve a life boat. There is a reason they are on a failing server, and its them.

    21:35APBotalecmacher: po come in
    21:35APBot#Stan: Wanna do the ranking?
    21:35Lightning_PoAITM Lifeboat project has been scrapped
    21:35APBot#Stan: Id
    21:35Lightning_Poenjoy yourselves
    21:35APBotalecmacher: well your ban here is for sure
    21:35APBot#Stan: 876 317 746
    21:35APBotalecmacher: ok
    21:35APBotalecmacher: pass?
    21:35Lightning_Pofine, you guys are dicks anyways
    21:35APBot#Stan: 476jag is pass
    21:36Lightning_PoI stick out a helping hand
    21:36APBotalecmacher: well your server is a dick
    21:36Lightning_Poand you idiots bite it
    21:36APBotalecmacher: helping hand?!!!!
    21:36Lightning_Poyou know it for yourself
    21:36Lightning_Postan dont give a fuck about the server
    21:36StanSo are you
    21:36Lightning_Poits eventual death is imminent
    *** Lightning_Po was kicked by Stan (Good bye)
    !!! You have been kicked from #APC

    ONCE AGAIN, PULLING THE PLUG ON THIS NONSENSE, I only want jaffaminer and he'll be a mason. he was the original transfer that started this mess. If anyone objects this , please speak up.
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