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Everything posted by Chocfishryum

  1. # Woah dont be so personalityist. I cant change who I am D:< So yeah, Me and Volt are gonna roundhouse winkick you @Choc: Like i've heard lost say "a guy does what a guy does" so don't judge . @Lost: And indeed we shall. We will roundhouse harder then Chuck Norris . Pfft pfft, what do you guys even KNOW about a contest? I will dodge the roundhouse kick like a dodge. I will also crush u with my beard which I stole from Abraham Lincoln, gonna be worse bloodbath than the civil wars was. What happened to teamwork man?? I feel unloved
  2. It was that one time. I had one too many and that pig spoke to me and told me to do it. Not my fault. Hey uhhh weird okies then what are you smoking??
  3. You, Mike, and Po all have plots just saying . Also Lost may be a bit of a pedobear but he shall make a awesome partner in a no homo way that is. D: Lost would've been mah partnah IF he had said yes and not been such a pedobear But now there ish mz so ish algud
  4. I'm such a noob.... I clicked on all of the squares !!! It sounded terrible x.x
  5. hah..hah hah hah... this has so never happened to me... >.>
  6. Can somebody please tell me when the SMP minigame starts please?
  7. Actually it ends on the 1st of April... (Ikr dodgy day much!)
  8. Sorry bud, Its my nature to be a pedo :3 And sure Thats what I hinted at xD You chose the wrong person to do this I DON'T CARE!!!!!!!!!!!!! You can't really do anything to me through the interweb anyways so BE MAH PARTNAH !!!!!!!!! (please) Heheh nevermind now lost! I have a partner now (Thanking MattiZWE!) Your loss! You no gets teh holy llama now!
  9. The old days: Vampires would be sneaking in dark alleys, sucking the blood out of there victims and killing people. They were afraid of daylight because they would would burn and explode in it and were cruel and badass. The Twilight days: Vampires are afraid of the daylight because it would show off there glitter in the daylight. They "struggle" to not kill people, they get involved in love triangles with humans and werewolves and are stoopid they keep failing high-school and have to re-take it every year. Yup, vampires sure have changed over the years. That is why there is such thing as.... Blade = Vampire Twilight = Gay Jeez Twilight is about vampires? Yeah right!
  10. Why do you have to be such a pedo Lost?!?!?!?!!? You makes meh sad But tell yah what Lostie Wostie Darky Warky Poo! If you be mah partner... I will stop calling you that and also.... Jeez i can't believe I'm saying this but.... I'll share mah Holy Llama with you... Or I'll give you your own.
  11. D: But i don't noes anybody with smp... except if eeyle has it.... I'm pretty i noes others but i can't remember Ooh I just rememberededed some peoples Those peoples are only 3 peoples i think.... better keep thinksing
  12. I reckon instead of us asking for a partner we should have like a draw or something to choose who our partner is. (It's a crappy idea but it means it's more fair .)
  13. ..... I thought it was about that too....... Also @demon I don't think we want to know what you had in mind....
  14. D: but didn't you see my awesome French? I only learnt that like last week (I actually learned it last year but I only remembered last week XD) Anyways how abouts.......... le trois mars?!?! (please say you know what theat means! (it means the 3rd of March for thoses who don't)) Anyways I dunno Eastern time :/ any possible chance we could make it around 6:30-7:00pm +12 GMT (aka New Zealand time to me ) sorry bout teh inconvenience but i'm 12 what do you expect? Also... I have a feeling i'm kinda forking it up a little.... you know living on the other side of the world and all but you should do it! For me? (You probably won't but it was worth a try .) Also i can count up to 60 in French! (Soixante ish 60 )!
  15. :DD ty for teh compliment eric. I thinks teh competition should end on the....... Première de Mars (1st of March)
  17. forever alone D: (wilson!) that ish me D:
  18. If anybody wants to say anything about llamas... or anything about mah holy llama (kindly given to me by Eirc) then please discuss llamas here with me :3 I doesn't wana be lonerly so somebody should
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