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Everything posted by jennifer11

  1. Thanks heaps, item received and sent, will add a rep for you too
  2. Friend request accepted Shall I send the figurine first?
  3. I know it's been ages, but are you still looking for the happy raccoon? I have a spare if you want it
  4. I have both if you want to trade for them
  5. I can't buy it either I hope they fix it soon!
  6. I have some spares if you would like one?
  7. I'm so happy about this too! I hated having to go through every single page looking for things! I also hope they fix the mystery boxes and the chances of getting not only new things but also 999 items, making them a little more worthwhile, because at the moment they are not, they're just frustrating
  8. Check your pets door ..a little gift from Kasi x OMG OMG OMG thank you soooooooo much! You are absolutely wonderful! Honey is delighted she can't wait to redecorate her room with the new things!
  9. I can't find the pink thread seat at all! I have lost 1000s of coins trying to find it, it's sooo frustrating! Guess I'll just have to give up on mystery boxes, I'm finding it too hard to get the new things now. I'm so sad because I used to LOVE the mystery boxes.
  10. I would like to know if anyone has a spare pink thread seat (from the GMBs) they would be willing to trade. I have spent 1000s of coins trying to find it and no luck whatsoever. Thanks heaps in advance
  11. Blastertoyo: Can you add a rep point for me please?
  12. Blastertoyo: I've sent you a friend request. Accept it, and I'll send you a book of spells free of charge
  13. OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG I FINALLY dug up the magic mermaid dress! Yippee!!!!!!
  14. Here's the deal: If you send me something that is worth at least as much as the book of spells, I'll send you one. Send me a friend request on fb
  15. Thanks. When I wrote that, my ps hadn't updated, but it has now, and I've found the weekly dig item as well! Having trouble with the MBs though, but what else is new?
  16. Are the mystery items, new weekly digging item and new free gifts all supposed to be available now?
  17. Thanks Lucky Strike, I'm hoping my luck will change soon! Either by digging it up or finding someone who has a spare Either will do, I'm not fussy
  18. Hi I have a few spare book of spells if anyone is interested. I have no idea what they are worth so just make an offer, I'm not after much for them.
  19. I've just used 300+ shovels and still can't find the pink mermaid dress!
  20. Ok then that's cool, guess I'll just have to keep digging for that one! Thanks for that
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