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Everything posted by Spooky

  1. i didnt submit earlier cause i couldnt choose really i want to eat them all lol lets say Lin Yao had: Starter: Potato wedges with cheese and bacon Main Meal: steak and chips with salad Pudding: chocolade roulade im going to eat noww
  2. hey kasi could i have the Luminous Skull Candle and the sea diamond
  3. I like it a lot its funny to clobber snakes and feed the chickens (poul poul poul lol)
  4. GALLERY AVATARS *For Agne *For Hem.. * for LuckyStrike *for LuckyStrike SIGNATURES *For Agne *For Hem... *For Hem... *For clothesaddic *For clothesaddic *For clothesaddic My entries for Princess Mia's contest! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. THANKS for Chiaretta for Chiaretta for Chiaretta BUMPS for Chiaretta a quick one for me ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5. ok i have to say this becase im having problems to sleep about it and i believ that i should get it out of my chest. When Lisa wrote to me "and after seeing the way you have spoken to me I can actually understand why they didnt come to you first" I kept reading my first reaction over and over again to understand what may have offended her. Thats my answer "ok, is it from one person only???????or two different members? i believe this is totally unfair , my own avatar really move quickly but i found out how to make it slow now , foxpolys is only glowing not moving at all, i believe thats totally unfair because many members asked for moving avatars and i can make them go slow and i think many members will support me, and believe me i dont want to cause migranes to noone and if someone had that problem with my avatar i would appreciate it if they would tell it to me personally and not report me yes to sum up i would like to propose to rethink before banning the animeted gifs, they exist in avery average forum 1. Members want them 2. I can make them go slow 3. why dont we make a poll that are all my suggestions support me people " in my first sentence i ask how many people reported, to see how big is the problem and then i say ''i believe this is totally unfair " wich is the thing i believe might have offended Lisa, and i want to explain that im reffering to ban all avatars, not that is tottally unfair that im beeing reportrd by members.Then i say my own av is really going like crazy but foxpollys isnt that moving one, and then i analyse my thoughts and suggestions why we shouldnt ban the animated ones.And i say that i would appreciate it if the members told me to slow my avatar . For example Kathy once told me that she wants to shot Spooky with some drug to stop her, but that was only a joke. I totally respect everyone of you, and i dont want you to believe im disrespectful.I would listen to you if you said me that you have problems with my avatar i wouldnt say bad things to you.I would like to apologise to you Lisa if i have offended youas i said in one previous post, and i really mean it i just couldnt figure out what may have offended you and i felt really bad.Thats why im analysing and explaining what i wrote.Maybe my english isnt that good after all. What can i say im really sorry for all this mess and this huge reply but i had to say it to feel a bit better. Hugs
  6. Follow the instructions for the signature you want: Post the number and the tile of the signature you wantFollow the instructions below for each signature you want 1. Petname & motto Needed: A potrait Picture of your Pet from Pet Society, Pet's name, Your motto 2. Shooting in the lake Needed: A potrait Picture of your Pet from Pet Society,Pet's name 3.Items Mania!!! Needed: A potrait Picture of your Pet from Pet Society ( if you want the pet with closed eyes happy mode take it after showering it), Pet's name, the picture of the item 4. Stars Pet Needed: A potrait Picture of your Pet from Pet Society, Pet's name,Your motto 5.Photo From Vacation Needed: A potrait Picture of your Pet from Pet Society ( if you want the pet with closed eyes happy mode take it after showering it), Pet's name or notes,or both 6. Minimal Signature Needed: A potrait Picture of your Pet from Pet Society, Pet's name 7.Customize it! Needed: A potrait Picture of your Pet from Pet Society, Full description of what you want with hd pictures of the items you want 8.into the twilight!Needed: A potrait Picture of your Pet from Pet Society, Petname 9.Loving Huge CakesNeeded: A potrait Picture of your Pet from Pet Society, Petname 10. Party timeNeeded: A potrait Picture of your Pet from Pet Society, Petname Further instructions may be given ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7. Follow the instructions for the avatar you want: Post the number and the tile of the avatar you wantFollow the instructions below for each avatar you want 1.Romantic Ice Sculpture Needed: A potrait Picture of your Pet from Pet Society,The backround colour can be changed to the forum's backround or other colour 2.Marble Statue Print Needed: A potrait Picture of your Pet from Pet Society,The backround colour can be changed to the forum's backround or other colour 3.Marble Statue Print No sharp Needed: A potrait Picture of your Pet from Pet Society,The backround colour can be changed to the forum's backround or other colour 4.Spooky Mirror idole A potrait Picture of you Pet from Pet Society 5.Italian Ice Stand Needed: A potrait Picture of you Pet from Pet Society,The backround colour can be changed to the forum's backround or other colour 6.Customize it!Needed: A potrait Picture of your Pet from Pet Society and a full description of what you want including pictures of items backround and floor you want me to use 7.Summertime Needed: *A potrait Picture of your Pet from Pet Society *Pets name Further instructions may be given ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8. NOW: WIDE OPEN!!! NOTE: TO SEE THE GALLERY WITH MY WORKS GO TO THE THIRD POST REPLY Samples Title, Description and Price 1.Romantic Ice Sculpture Ready for a bad romance? Price:3*999(backround color can be changed to look like the forums backround color)2.Marble Statue Print Be your own hero! Price:3*999(backround color can be changed to look like the forums backround color) 3.Marble Statue Print No sharp Be your own hero! Price: 3*999(backround color can be changed to look like the forums backround color)4.Spooky Mirror idole Haunted Avatar with your pet ghost... Price:4*999 5.Italian Ice Stand Your Pet In the stand! Price:3*999 6.Customize it!Choose the backround and the floor! Price: 5*999 Depends on the order7.Summertime Summer time with your pet. Price: 3*999 8.You know what I'm thinking... Can add any item in the bubble. Price: 3*999 TO ORDER AN AVATAR FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS ON THE FIRST TOPIC REPLY. To see more samples check the Gallery on the third post Samples Title, Description and Price 1. Petname & motto Price: 2*9992. Shooting in the lake Starring: Your Pet! Price: 3*999 3.Items Mania!!! Choose the item you want to have for backround! Price:3*9994. Stars Pet Your Pet in the sky!!! Price:2*999 5.Photo From Vacation A photo of your pet's vacation! Price:6*999 6. Minimal SignatureMinimal siggy with the backround colour you want. Price: 3*999 7.Customize it!Choose everything from backround to items you want. Dimensions: 550x160 Price:4*999 depends on the order 8.into the twilight... For twi-fans Price: 4*999 9. 4*99910. 4*999 TO ORDER A SIGNATURE FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS ON THE SECOND TOPIC REPLY. To see more samples check the Gallery on the third post About Graphics :blackcat: :monster: :mayor: :pinkjello: :squitty: Have you got something in your mind that you want to create? Just give me a description of what you want and i will be glad to help you. Prices may differ from one order to the other.(Animated Graphics are made also) THE PRICES MAY CHANGE TO SEE THE GALLERY SCROLL DOWN TO THE THIRD POST REPLY Rules: *Payment must be sent when you do your order and i accept it. *You should have no Warnings *Psfc Rules
  9. can we please lock this topic so that i can start the shop thread ? thanks
  10. if i offended you im trully sorry, and i dont believe the way i answered to you is offensive, i said that i find it unfair but that i will slow down my avatar ( as i did) because i dont want to cause noone a migrane. I still believe that they should have contacted me for my avi.I tottaly understand that you dont want to lose members and im gratefull that you took into consideration my suggestion not to ban them but make them slower. I believe that in the future you (and everyone else) can inform me for slowing them down or something else. I also understand that you may ban them. I wasnt even thinking to open a shop until some posts before, i will have a non animated section, and an animated one can i write on the animated one that those avatars can not be used here, or that they should be approved by somenone from the staff? thanks
  11. yours i dont have it saved i have to make it from scratch but we still dont know what lisa says about my answer and noone has supported me yet
  12. For example i can make my own pic to move slower like this >>> original pic slower version and i can make it even more slow, i will now change my profile pic with this slower one
  13. I can do the cast iron stove for you , but somebody else requested the Sydney View Window before you and I only had the one ...sorry. sorry i didnt see that did the orb pet decor survied or the Ink Bottle Decor insted pet orb gone too ...but I can do the ink bottle decor for you x thank you soo much
  14. I can do the cast iron stove for you , but somebody else requested the Sydney View Window before you and I only had the one ...sorry. sorry i didnt see that did the orb pet decor survied or the Ink Bottle Decor insted
  15. ok, is it from one person only???????or two different members? i believe this is totally unfair , my own avatar really move quickly but i found out how to make it slow now , foxpolys is only glowing not moving at all, i believe thats totally unfair because many members asked for moving avatars and i can make them go slow and i think many members will support me, and believe me i dont want to cause migranes to noone and if someone had that problem with my avatar i would appreciate it if they would tell it to me personally and not report me yes to sum up i would like to propose to rethink before banning the animeted gifs, they exist in avery average forum 1. Members want them 2. I can make them go slow 3. why dont we make a poll that are all my suggestions support me people
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