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Everything posted by Spooky

  1. Spooky

    Happy Wednesday!!!

    oooh congrats!!!
  2. omg so many temptations : P !!!!
  3. Lazar hun your avatar reminds me of |no hurt feelings| xPink.Pixel.Princessx congrats hun!!!!!
  4. im soo jealous!! i ate some cherries instead! (hahah more healthy though)
  5. Spooky

    Why do I do it??

    Happy Birthday to your daughter honey !!!!!! i wish her all the best, and i also wish you feel better by now
  6. I ve been decorating my visiting room with those cakes, and the thing is they make them look so delicious!!!! i want some cake a.s.a.p (probably i will have to compromise myself with some cherries lol)
  7. this is my entry, there is a wedding crasher, can you find it? Its the little sleepy cat
  8. no problem honey it's the least i can for you
  9. hahahahaha cant believe it : p really if you want me to make you one (noot so quickly moving ) i can hun!!!!
  10. this is the cutest emoticon : p i my opinion
  11. hahahahah are you jealous hun!!!?? cause i can flyy hahahah (just kidding) keep the shot away from me hahah i can make you a moving avatar if you want to just tell me the plot and i will tell what kind of pics i need shy? really i find it a bit mean : P
  12. I have 4 stoves that i want to use only for decorative reasons but my employees tend to leave the ones i want them to work on and use them, is it possible to move them somewhere where my employes dont go (because when you save , adn then open again they might be everywhere .) i think there is no solution ut i thought i should ask
  13. i run to my room to find the tent i still have it
  14. im not gonna buy it its extremely too expensive for its quality
  15. this emoticon here always makes me think twice when i insert it to my answers look for yourselves >>>>>>>>>>>> it doesnt look like its happy!!!!! it looks like it makes fun of the readers it's like it says " hmmm i dont like you very much, but im gonna pretend that i smile) on the other side this little fellow here>>>> is more honest right a huge smile upon its face ( a bit late though)! i think i ll stop using the first one and go for so what do you think, am i beeing crazy or you share my feelings? (
  16. hey that's my first visit here great store could i have the Pink Lunchbox and the Pink Kitchen Scale please ?
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