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Posts posted by Kokonee

  1. Thanks for your notes!
    Just wanted to let you all know that it was a wonderful day!
    I got to see the new Harry Potter film and hang out with my boys (my hubby and my son). And I had birthday cake for breakfast today!

  2. Thank you Everybody!!!!!!
    And here, my day is just getting started! How wonderful to wake up to all these sweet messages!
    You are all the best!
    And Yvette, that is the sweetest art work with Abers and TW & Kokonee!
    Hugs and Kisses to All!

  3. I am looking for 5 new neighbors who play both PS and Happy Pets.

    I think I have all of you on my neighbor list already...if not send me Friend Request! Send me a msg if you have friends who might be interested in Fluffies!

  4. Lucky Strike wrote:
    We have a cat here too that i think it's either persian or angiras running around the streets but i think she must have a home and well.. she simply is free

    That reminds me of a book I saw called, "The cats of Greece"!

  5. Tromo3 wrote:
    What is the diferrence between a competition and a contest?

    I made a mistake, it is a competition not a contest, and wanna know is it a big mistake. Ashamed

    You know, I don't think that there is much difference. If you were involved in some sort of athletic thing, that is a competition and not a contest. With showing art, I have heard of both "Art Competition" and "Art Contest". Competition sounds more sophisticated; adults have art competitions and children have art contests. So, basically, I don't think you need to worry at all!

    Either way; good luck!

  6. lol! I tried a harness on my cat, Aberdeen, once.
    When I set him on the ground, he did the most magnificent leap - kind of a double back flip mid-air! And when he landed, he was completely free of the harness! Never tried it again.

  7. Okay, is anyone else here experiencing this? For me, it happens only in the evening and only with my outdoor pets. I have learned that as soon as the cats' eyeballs turn blue and black, to log off right away, otherwise you get stuck. I thought it was fixed yesterday when I got on in the morning but it happened again in the evening.

  8. IsabelLim105 wrote:
    OOh!! They're so cute!!! I'll go and take a closer look! I like Gilda

    Feel free to add me to your friends list! Send me a Friend request.
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