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Posts posted by Kokonee

  1. Yeah!!!!!!!!!
    I just love Miyazako's films! I have a small Totoro carrying a package of acorns. We've seen: Totoro, Kiki's Delivery Service, Spirited Away, Nasacca...haven't seen Castle in the Sky yet. Just loved them all!

    PS Aren't a bad influence on Tiddly Winks? congratulations

  2. Leah, I will look for your SB request!
    Choose any Fluffy...they are all over the house but rooms 5 and 6 are only Fluffies. Do look around.

    I did get a pink glow rabbit and I think I will breed it with my black shadow rabbit...do you think it will glow black?

  3. Mage lvl8 wrote:

    i really want them but forgot what bait to use... help? D:

    I think the second one might have been from a special biscuit? I'm not sure that I'm remembering rightly.
    I'm thinking that the top one might have been with Christmas food items. I'll check to see if Kokonee has any Christmas bait...she loves fishing anyway!

  4. I am so annoyed by my Internet Browzers!
    I have both Firefox (my preference) and Explorer. So right now, I can't get into Pet Society using Firefox. It just gets stuck loading. But I can't delete posts with Explorer and Happy Pets doesn't work as well with Explorer. What a pain! So, right now I am having to switch back and forth! I think the main problem is with the newest Flash and Firefox. Hope to get an update soon.

    Anyone else having problems with PS and Firefox?

  5. Tiddly Winks wrote:
    Feel better soon. I remember all too well getting the flu last year around this time and annoying Kokonee an extra week. Being sick is no fun.

    Ah now, it wasn't too bad...especially after you shared the virus with me!
    (we just sat around the living room with laptops)

  6. I had a Toshiba which ended up being not so good. The hinges broke just from normal use. I now have a Dell, but I wouldn't recommend this particular model (Vostro) but the other Dells we have/had are good. Zorro can help you research it when you get down to a couple of choices.

  7. Okay, so my trader is full up! My first room is now also full of wonderful kitties to adopt!

    (The pink kitty in the center has light green eyes)
    Just leave me a note regarding which one you want and I will code him/her and put in the trader for you.
    And here is my trader...lots of glitch eyes and some awesome Fluffies!

  8. I would really like to breed a glow cat with a Fluffy....feel free to send a SB request with your glow and any of my fluffies (most are in rooms five and six, but are also throughout)
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