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Everything posted by Toulouse

  1. I'll keep my fingers crossed sweetie! Did you take something for the burning up? Have to send you a PM ; )
  2. I'm glad, how did it go yesterday?
  3. I just won 5000coins to spend! *runs around* will have to take a look lol
  4. okay everyone, I'm off see you later
  5. See you later Frannie! aww Bee, I'm so sorry you're not feeling good
  6. the sun lotion is in the blue box, the teddy in the gold
  7. lol, it's a bottle we got for free along with our pizza order ; ) but it was quite good actually! I haven't been around much with exams at the moment (last one is on Monday, woohoo)
  8. Going to be very glad when it's Monday evening, I'll be going out to have dinner with friends and then I can start thinking about my ski trip and planning the things I want to do and see during our summer trip *puts two bottles of wine in front of bee* cheers hun!
  9. Bee, honey, are you okay? I read your facebook status
  10. Guys don't feel bad : D I am glad to see some people over here!! How are you all doing! (sister kept pouring wine over here)
  11. hey, i have a bottle of wine to share you guys!! (trying to get your attention :p )
  12. See you later Zoonie!! (and enjoy your meal sweetie)
  13. see you frannie! I'll be going too, am finally feeling better, so have to make the best out of that!
  14. lol, frannie, I see the resemblance sorry, was reading a bit about the tennis
  15. Awww I missed you sweetie, have a nice lunch and you could just use normal pancake mixture and add the blueberry's once the batter is in the pan...I haven't tried it myself but that's how my cousin made them yummy! hey sweetie, I think we have different mixture then those thick pancakes, we have something that resembles more to a crepe
  16. I'm back and I just missed Kijo (good luck hon!) made myself some sunny side ups!
  17. okay, I really need to get some food in me, you guys are making it harder for me to resist... especially those blueberry pancakes *drool* need to find a recipe and make some myself one day! wondering what to eat... see you in a bit!
  18. Well, for the departure we make a stop in New York and when we come back, we make a stop in Chicago, but I think we'll be spending most of our times in California First plans we had was that road thing I was talking about and I eventually got my sister so far to make a stop somewhere in Savannah... But all that road trip stuff was a bit too expensive. We'll be doing that when we have a job and earn money
  19. I can't reply to anything else, or think of food - am shopping for a hat! We don't have any such thing as steak in batter here, sounds odd to me, nor, as you know, white gravy, gravy is always brown here, or if it's white, it's a sauce (savoury, such as cheese, onion, bechamel...that kind of thing...oh and fresh parsley sauce that you can have with white fish, salmon or ham) [/cookery lesson from the UK] Glad the tooth isn't any worse BG 8) same with the gravies/sauces over here! Gravy is always brown over here and white sauce is mostly bechamel or cheese Yeah I'm glad, because it was hard for me to concentrate, with that throbbing ache the entire time, still feel like my jaw is twice the size
  20. Lol you guys have to admit, have been looking at locations now, where to find a cracker barrel... nothing much to find in California, or I might be blind offcourse... thought that if I'd be staying there for 3 weeks, we could give it a try
  21. *drool* those pancakes look sooo good!
  22. Hi Zoonie, sorry about your throbbing head! I'm okay, think I'm improving a bit with the wisdom teeth thing (hopefully!)
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