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Everything posted by Toulouse

  1. It is cute isn't it? I also didn't know about the wedding cake, don't use the oven much that's okay hun! uh oh, what did we do? : D
  2. well, with the wedding ; ) morning frannie!
  3. Seems pretty neat, but nothing for me at all you need a hand with something?
  4. OMG no thanks, that's a horrible view : D Even when I look at the filled tubes afterwards, I feel very uncomfortable.
  5. Better to be warned then get a needle without warning in your arm they'd better not try that with me in the future, I think I'll go wild ! Reminds me of my last time when I had to get my blood drawn, that took too long and I was getting far too impatient and right before I was going to ask if he was nearly done, he said he was done, so phew ; ) I try to concentrate on other things, but last time there was nothing to focus on, so I really felt the needle move and whatnot, don't like that
  6. aww, I hate that, that's when they don't get any blood, right I always feel that too, makes me feel... nauseous. Try making a fist and they told me here to drink plenty of water, that might help too.
  7. Keeping my fingers crossed for you! Do you have to get your bloodwork done by the DR you saw, or is it with someone else?
  8. You've got quite a list hun, but they're checking for inflammations and stuff in your blood too, so I guess that's why they're not checking for RA
  9. Photoshop problems? Will be right back!
  10. Do your bloodwork, so that means they have to draw blood, right? At least it's Friday, so you have the weekend off!
  11. I know I should : D And I will, I've got my text right next to me, so I'm multitasking. Still have 2 more days to get everything in my brain, and I know I'll manage. feverish, not so good! you're not feeling any better I think, I read something about being stuck in the bath and having trouble putting on shoes?
  12. Yeah, woke up because there was a lot of noise in the house :rolleyes: and decided to get here a bit earlier, in case we need to discuss a few things for the big day ; ) And because I'm a bit behind on my study schedule too
  13. See you later sweetie, take care! I'll be going too now, try to get some studying done!
  14. Tried to hurry back, but could hardly chew, so it took a bit longer
  15. Aww sweetie!!! When you get home, you get into bed and rest!
  16. BRB sweetie, lunch is ready, but I'll be back in a bit
  17. sorry guys, had to run downstairs to help! See you laters Zoon! Dawn, yup, it's my wisdom teeth finding their way up lol, I have to get them surgically removed, but I'm frightened for the narcose actually you're very welcome Frannie!
  18. 540 Sorry, forgot to drop by here this morning
  19. sometimes I can't make something out of the pictures, than it's really hard, but I was on a roll this week : D
  20. You're very welcome! Aww poor thing, she has my sympathy too then! Me too! For me, it's quite bearable, sometimes it's hard to swallow, but now at this moment, I don't feel much pain, so it comes and it goes I guess.
  21. Well, I have 3 that came out, but one of them, seems like it's pushing the others a bit. I have to get them removed, I know, but too afraid. I have to make an appointment when I get back from my ski trip and get them removed this year, I really don't want them to bother me as they are bothering me now. But I have something to clean my mouth with, it numbs the pain and I take ibuprofen when I really have no other choice than to take it
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