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Everything posted by Toulouse

  1. I think I'm allergic as well to penicillin, so can't forget telling them that : / I'm just not looking forward to have a syringe in my gums and palate, had one right above my two front teeth on the top and that hurt big time... And afraid I am going to feel something when they're cutting them out, I'm only getting numbed locally but soooo looking forward to have them finally removed because they start to bug me
  2. Army, you have to add g] in the end wanted to copy the entire code, but that would show the entire image and adding spaces in between to show you, makes it all go very funny
  3. Oh but then I am not going to tell you how it went, in case it goes bad and in case you need to get that done as well : D WHOOT! She's feeling better *dances around*
  4. ROFL @ "me wife" Fine, same old story over here tbh and counting down BIG time till next week (dental surgery) although I am being a chicken at the same time (confusing huh)
  5. Morning Wifey! How's you today?
  6. Hey sweetie how are you ?? I'm very sorry to hear what you've been through, must have been scary and very hard! I'm fine, just a bit of a headache of sleeping too long and annoyed by group work, but that's just the way it goes.
  7. Gill, I am so sorry : ( And in and out again... Trying to be nice in emailing to the group, but am very direct, so get a lot of answers immediately (which is good!). I'm just annoyed no one else made the effort and took over the leadership. Now I'm the leader (once) again...
  8. Oh no : ( I wondered where you were yesterday, so I figured there was something the matter!
  9. Z! How was your weekend? Hi Army, no you didn't scare me away, I'm just reading in the meantime and marking important things in my textbook.
  10. Toulouse

    I am so happy today!

    Very very cute Lazar!! Absolutely adorable! We also have a lot of bunnies, totally love them!
  11. Wonderful idea! Thank you so much Tweet!
  12. Still here, went downstairs to have some cake and now having a coffee (really starting to get the hang of that, yum!), doing my visits in the meantime, haven't had the chance yet to do them
  13. Laters wifey!! And laters Frannie! Sorry, was working on something : D
  14. Oh Frannie, I just heard the whisper, I was going to say yes; but I thought Zoonie had one
  15. Oh no Blu-Ray, I'm still behind on that!
  16. Did you enjoy it? Oh woohoo, new tv! always exciting!!! I'm fine, thanks, just a bit of a headache and tired because of yesterday eve, went to a friend, got a little late and had to drive home after, so had to be very careful in the dark - they were working on the highway/interstate (don't know if there's a difference) and a LOT of strange people on the road, people walking in the middle of the street (shook me up a bit)
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