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Everything posted by Frannie

  1. Hi marie! long long time since we've been in here at the same time. How are you and all the grandbabies?
  2. hey there Gill! I'm here but trading at the moment.. brb ok?
  3. turning on the lights and preparing a fresh pot of coffee.... will be doing visits and checking back in every so often
  4. done.... and I will try to remember to let everyone else know, as well!
  5. lol ok I will think of Boogs when I light up... gnight for now
  6. I will catch you later. When is yout trip 'back home' scheduled ?
  7. well, dear Bee, I'm going to go have a smoke and finish my coffee, then head back for delicious sleep with Mark not in the bed. I wish I could convince him that twin beds is the way to go. We both would get such a better quality of sleep
  8. a lambs head.... I think.. I didn't linger to see closely, too early for me
  9. ooooooooooo.. Gill.. It's way too early for me to look at that site LOL I just got the shock of my life!
  10. Imagine my suprise when moving to this area.. and there were NO bakeries, save for the grocery store ones. NO poppy seed rolls or bread! the culture shock!
  11. mmm looks so good. Houska was very popular where I used to live.... or at least what they called houska. It had raisins though
  12. my recipe page needs a bit of updating.. Have quite a few new ones that I've tried and have not added. So much easier for me to find something all in one place. And I really hate using the old recipe cards, but I love having them. Especially the hand written ones that others have given me. A bit of history attached to them
  13. looks good Bee! Is that a recipe for Houska?
  14. Remember Bee, that I have the luxury of catching a quick nap in the morning.. and alsmost every afternoon. I just can't sleep straight hours... my body gets too dstiff
  15. I slept until 4 which is fine with me. Means I got 4.5 hours and that's about normal for me. Two days ago I stayed up until 4 and that really messed me up.
  16. Good morning! Another early night last night ... so I get see you two.
  17. well... I'm going to go start cleaning the kitchen so I can make a mess later when I cook... good to talk.. and see you soon
  18. ooops.. make that 36° C Feels Like: 41° C
  19. no I understand exactly. I hurt more when the weather is cold as well. Today seems expecially brutal in FL though.. it is 96 with humidity making it feel 106
  20. BG? are you accustomed to hot muggy weather? For sure you will have it when in FL
  21. did you get to see my comparison of yoga to drinking? I created a facebook photo album for it
  22. or maybe we need to crack open some serace... is that how it's spelled?
  23. but maybe if we all concentrate really really hard she'll drop in right now!
  24. I have not seen wish she got home
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