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Everything posted by Frannie

  1. ok.. I have to go get ready for work (almost typed bed - we know where my head is, eh?) and will try to get back. Snuffles has a little mail
  2. the evil Kijo.... because I love her game
  3. hey! good morning Bogie! glad you're here too!
  4. hey hey Tiph! i guess oyu answered my question! so good to see you.. except that a certain young lady here has blinded me, so I can't really see you!
  5. and was that dramatic enough Kijo, dear?
  6. taps the wall with her red tipped white cane.. sets the dog to her lleft and removes her dark glasses.... Kijo is evil!!!! hello everyone else!
  7. first shock.. then the drama! let me get this straight, please we are to post here still???? but you will respond privately? as far as nieces and nephews go.. the youngest is 20, but lives in BC ,, is way too busy partying with the Olympics to help old auntie Fran.
  8. of all the weeks for me to work 3 days in a row! I will give it my best shot!
  9. oh well.. gonna go stroll around.. be back later
  10. wow she really meant 2 seconds!
  11. I'm here.. but it's been a bit since your post!
  12. wow! thank you so much. Had great fun and learned a few things as well!
  13. those fish are out there in peoples tanks... just gotta look! I wish I could recall where I found mine, I'd share the info with you
  14. Frannie

    C&G Gift Registry

    any idea on what I can send? I waited this week to make my donation, and now I am ready
  15. ok.. going to go get some visits done.. will see you all later
  16. well I registered.. nothing much about food.. might be something helpful though .. we shall see
  17. I like that. Bee! and it's so true. Sometimes all you have time to do is forward something, hoping you catch up later
  18. understood Kijo.. what intriqued me was the fact that they are suggesting an eating plan. I wasn't aware that RA could be affected by food.. but if it's an inflammation thing, I guess it makes sense.. going to register myself. just because I want to see what they have to say
  19. Kijo.. this is for you.. says free registration: http://reachbeyondra.com/?v=GOOG&gclid=CM7YuI6n_p8CFRBM5QodNld9lw#
  20. Gill... did you want me to send corrections to Sharon also? or can you two share?
  21. post away Bee... (can ya'll tell I am hyper?)
  22. I'll show you Amish here, too
  23. well if you get here.. come to OH and I will drive you up to chicago. 6 hour ride.. you will see more corn than you ever thought possible between here and chicago.. but I know that city so well... having spent the first 48 years of my life there!
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