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Everything posted by Frannie

  1. <---waves to IMOM! can the tooth be saved?
  2. oo thanks for the reminder Gill! and I am back, no lingering out there today
  3. be back in a few.. send the St Bernard dog if I'm not back in an hour LOLOL
  4. oo i take that back.. it's 1 right now! going UP to 8 today
  5. brrrrr it's cold out there.. only 8 right now.. shiver.. and to think I am taking my coffee out and having a smoke
  6. we worked really hard on it.. but worked together... was fun!
  7. more than welcome Kijo... for all you do... and woooooohooooooo new scavenger hunt today!
  8. so how's everyone today? We had a great little Superbowl party here last night. Just the three of us and a ton of food. Hubby back to work today and I have a DAY OFF! don't have to work again until wednesday. Peak season is winding down and soon I can make arrangements to head out to AZ for a little bit
  9. isn't it cool how that works?
  10. ok girls.. am going to go get busy! see you all later and....
  11. no tomatoe.. no melted cheese either... just onions, a ton of them, good olive oil, lots of oregano and parm reg on it
  12. yeah I do too... but this one has no sauce...
  13. ta daaaaaa 1000 posts!.. you all have mail....
  14. so we always make those for SuperBowl.. and then I make three pizzas.. one with everything for hubby, one with just cheese for daughter. and then a Sicilian pizza.. no tomatoes.. just onions and garlic and oregano and olive oil on the dough Needless to say we have leftovers, but all freezes well
  15. they are good... and tradition with us! I only make them once a year. My poor Mom would make them every couple weeks.. but she loved to cook and bake way more than I do. But I admit to loving to cook and bake
  16. does anything exciting happen to your rank here when you hit 1000?
  17. Nancyburger recipe.. there's a pic there.. basically like a hot pocket.. but with bread dough not pastry.. http://francine_szekely.tripod.com/beefnancyburgers.html
  18. and nancyburgers .. which are a specialty of the house
  19. who wants to come help make pizzas?
  20. woo hooo ten more posts and I'll hit my 1000!!!!
  21. soo today is pizza day here.. and these special little hot pocket type things Imake. A super Bowl Tradition, but lots of work!
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