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Everything posted by Paige<3

  1. Its exactly what Lazar says , if you want to know more about safe trade referees there is a thread http://www.petsociety.forumotion.com/facebook-trading-f2/safe-trade-referee-t896.htm i just like to take precaution
  2. would you agree to use a safe trade referee? for safety of course since your kind of new to the forum and no rep
  3. I saw your order. I think I forget to reply. sorry! I already make your the pet-in stone but I haven't finish your angel statue. no problem was just checking thanks
  4. sorry gill and tanya , none correct but i will send you over a bmb later for participating
  5. congratulations spitfir3! i will send over a gmb soon
  6. because of minimum participants , a gmb will be rewarded if you only get 1 right
  7. yeh the red flower is a waratah btw is this that the one your talking about?
  8. Hi joey was just wondering if you saw my order? thanks
  9. heee hee!! yipee! i love it. question: is there anyway to add the sparklies to the pot of gold? if not, that is okay. i really love it TONS!! edit: hi hun. clair a bell loves it too but was wondering if the writing could be bigger and the purple a different shade of purple... i might be able to , i have to use another program for animated stuff so the quality might not come out as clear because its been switched through programs sure i can make the writing bigger , can i know what purple she wants? Sorry the size is great I havent chosen a shade but was thinking more bright or maybe a bright outline would make it stand out more rather than black? hehe yeh i knew there would be changes , can i ask a few questions before starting the new one? do u want the font changed at all? do u want the 999s, smaller and/or more of them? do u want the cloud to be filled in with white? do u want the background different as in a picture or colour or leave it transparent ? and one last thing do u prefer the old pot of gold or this one (without the smudge on the side sorry bout that) thanks
  10. 673 , Hi gill sorry making something while posting here
  11. omg zoonie u are so right im so blind!!!!!! should i change mine to the proper number? 677 ( 667)
  12. my favourite ps clothes item is elegant gown , i think my pet suits it she looks adorable with it on lol i would like to see some ripped flowing jeans and a pink hoodie with little hearts all over it
  13. Hi Gaiamaiden, i was wondering if we were allowed to completely change our entry? its just i rushed mine and now that i look at it again the quality and colours are bad.
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