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Everything posted by Fashionista

  1. I wanted to make an order yesterday but my internet connection is weird and I couldn't log in , even today morning!!! so can I please have a Princess Pinky doll? and if you could please have would you like to buy Princess Pinky Doll for 2500 coins? p.s. for what you written on top, you are making me blush!
  2. Cinderellaaaaaaa!!!!!! my favourite!!!!!
  3. I know !!!!! I prefer him more !!!! and as his name says he is more vivid!!!! i love the 4 seasons and specially the spring!!!!!!! Piano I don't like the other versions like the harpichord Viola or Double bass?
  4. in a can? that's weird!!!!! i dunno try to get him out of there!!!! -if he was cute!!!!!! hahahahahahaha what if you had 3 wishes?
  5. that's not fair!!!!!! but since you are making me choose, i'll choose Rockie as a plushie , because he's cute, I love plushies and in contrust with Rocky as a pet , it doesn't break into other pets houses!!!!!!! easter holidays or christmas holidays?
  6. HAHAHAHHAHAHA 1 my pc 2 my mobile 3 my pen 4 my hoodie 5 MY calculator 5 things you want for your pet
  7. I'm Fashionella!!!! I'm a fashion expert, I live in the fashion world and today i'm feeling Fashion addicted!!!!
  8. Fashionista

    Off to school!

    Happy Birthday again to your pet!!!! and hope that you will write A in your tests today!!!!! best of luck!!!!! may the results be the ones you wanted and have a great fresh start with the new year!!!!
  9. Carolyn !!!!!!!!! so nice of you to join us!!!! hope that you will like it here!!!!!!!! there are plently of competitions to join and lots of shops to shop and lots of topics to chat and of course lots of wonderful people that will welcome you in the best way and have new friends!!!! :DDD feel free to express ideas or questions and be certain that they will be noticed!!!!!
  10. Correct!!!! the next person tha will has pet who has birthday today!!!!
  11. Can I make A guess Is it the acient city of Mayas? :happy:
  12. I used to watch It!!!!!!!!1 But then the channel that had the Charmed stopped and and It starts again and stops it's a little annoying to be honest!!! I used to watch it for 5 years!!!my fav is phoebe!!!!
  13. Iim really curious!!!! can't wait to find out more details!!!!
  14. I would love to have a doll of my pet!!!!
  15. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROCKY!!!!!!!! just send your gifts, hope you like them!!!!
  16. i'm daniella, i'm a drummer, i live in Duplin, and today i'm dizzy!
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