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Everything posted by Fashionista

  1. it happened to me also!!!!!!! my posts number is 810!!!!! and my birthday are on 8/10!!!!!! lol!!!!!!!!! well now it is 811 but anyway!!!!
  2. oh! really? didn't know that!!!!!!! i registered on the 25th of december !!!!! on christmas day!!!!!!!
  3. esperia so much!!!!!! i was always wondering about the exact number of dishes required and points earned for the next level!!! and Mangoberri i have to agree with you and say wow!!!!!! that is a massive number of dishes and hours!!!!! :shok:
  4. awwwwwwww!!!!!! And I log out for a while and when I logged in again I saw it and I wanted to know who did it because I really really like it!!!!!!!! I finally did found out!!!!!! very much Mr. Mayor!!!!!!!!! for everything!!!!!! and the admins for their great contribution!!! again!
  5. if you remember about when you created your account ex last january you can look on fb for the history of the wall and for yours only posts and go back untill you find it?! I hope that helps some how!!!! :S
  6. hahahahaha yeah!!! and it wasn't anything from the collections I have seen yesterday!!!!!!!
  7. I didn't sleep well either I was having a nightmare of what to wear!!!!! even in my sleep!!!!! hahahahahahahahahaha the cool thing is that a saw clothes and bags a shoes that I don't own!!!! and the design was good!!!!
  8. i think he edited the 1st post! :Oops:
  9. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwww!!!!!!! didn't know that! I'm sure someone will offer!!!! so, BUMP :DDD
  10. is an american tv serial!!!! love it of course or ?
  11. life is vital value sister!!!! pills
  12. I wouldn't!!!!! I would blackmail him for free cc!!! if you could have a mystery machine a have at ramdom a item of ps?
  13. i'm tania , I'm a tecnician. i live in tokyo and today i'm feeling taller!
  14. what about the red rose bunchX1 2x4999 pink rose bunch 2x4999 elegant rosex2 2x4999each ? are sold? dunno? I hope that someone will give you an offer now that valentines are coming up! Good Luck! i hope that you will find them!
  15. I forgot to add that Chinatown In New York City!!!!! I've been there!!!!!
  16. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!I would say China town!!!!!!!
  17. I was thinking of having a poll with choises but you said a game it's more fun!!! Chinese new year calendar!!!
  18. OOH MY GOOOD HONESTLY!!!!!!!!!! NEITHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ghosts or vampires?
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