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Everything posted by Fashionista

  1. mmmm hard to decide but i would choose jazz! alternative or house?
  2. My Unbelivable sister is cool!!!! olive
  3. oh my!!!! why fairies are good!!!!!!! you meanieeeeee! I would n't eat it!!!!! I would share , besides I 'm not such a big fan of burgers anyway! what if you had a chance to go to imaginery world made out of candy?
  4. I'm Paris,I'm a Pure fashion addict, I live in Paris and today I'm poor!!!!
  5. 1. Johny Depp 2. Brad Pitt 3. Angelina Jolie 4. J. Law 5.Jennifer Aniston 5 of your favourite Tv shows
  6. ouuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!! i'm scared!!!!
  7. I saw it!!!!! I it!!!!!!!!!!!!! it really beautifull!!!!!!!!!
  8. this week is going to be really tough to decide I looooooooveeeeeee every entry I wish everyone could win!!!!!!!! congrats everyone!!!!!
  9. everyone loves a makeover!!!!!!!
  10. I WANT THAT CAKEEEE!!!!!!!! for my 21st birthday also!!!!!!!!!! princess wanna have a bd party with me? everyone are welcome!!!! and yes it would be a great to wear it with a pink silk dress princess like!!!!!
  11. awwwwwwww that is amazing helping other people!!!!
  12. correct!!! i'm guessing the next person ps!!!! too obvious I know
  13. she is so sweet!!!! love the eyes!!!!
  14. hahahaha!!!!!!! i'm ok! :thankyou; still spleeping!!!!! 9590 my post number was 666!!!!!!! :shok:
  15. don't be sad!!!!! have the most amazing time and dress bunny with the ski style so that you match!!!!!
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