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Everything posted by Fashionista

  1. Lazar I'am still waiting for the part 2 In the Forset story and what there is in the left side and the MUMMY ATTACK but I would also love a story about Rocky being mean to poor and sweet Lucky!!!
  2. I visited you very early in the moring at 8:20 something like that and I was like did I visit the correct pet? I was expecting to see spooky stuff!!! but I really loveeeeeeeeeee the drastic makeover!!! can't wait to see it when it is finished!!!
  3. oooooh! BOTH car or bycicle?
  4. 1.pet society 2.restaurant city 3.country story 4.poker rivals 5.word challenge 5 things you want to buy
  5. shoes!!! Bags or accessories?
  6. ooooooooh no i would never do that i would ask hiddeni to change clothes and give me another gift!!! if you could ask hideeni for the next doll what it would be?
  7. earn rare all should eeeeeh?
  8. coins!!! wish i could have some of the blue though for freeeeeeeeee!!!!!! Accounting or Marketing?
  9. 1.roses 2.poppy 3.lillies 4.tulips 5.hyacinths Give me 5 countries
  10. how sweet! i'm jeany,i'm a jeanie,i live in jeanie land, and today might listen to jet?
  11. awwwwwwwww jump!!!!! i wish i could what if you could have a second pet in ps?
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